Limo Mission

Started by ngula, April 15, 2013, 23:11


When you start a mission like chauffeur the game write in the main chat where is the pick up point in yellow. Ones you have loaded, in main chat there is a GREEN write that show you the destination. I suggest to change the color for the first write, the one that show you the Pick Up Point, and make it green like the second write because if written in yellow it's difficult to find when there are a lot of people unloading or completing their missions! What do you think about? Thank you!


even if i have about finished this achieve (499/500) i think that this is a good idea!


+1, struggling to find it myself sometimes.. I need to see which area the house is in.


Big +1 for this...I always confuse that with the chat messages


I will make limo last but still +1