Converting from need for speed, forza, or GTA 4 ?

Started by Rubber, October 13, 2012, 02:14


Just wondering if anyone has any information on how to convert a mod for one of the 3 games in the title to GTA SA.


there's site that math recommended to me that has all cars from forza in .z3d(zmodeler archive), i don't remeber the name, but you can ask matheus


I have that website, but I primarily want to know how to take the files directly from the games and convert them to gta sa. I'm also most interested in gta4 to gta sa because I found a mod that I like and want to convert it.


Keep on trucking!


You can see on Youtube some videos explaining how you do it.



Best cars are mostly for gta4,can i get that pm too please?