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Pledge of Allegiance

Started by Hobo, March 16, 2012, 01:56


This is for the truckers of the USA

We no longer do this for... fear... of Offending Someone.

My school district is being sued for having the pledge announced over the speakers. It happens once a year on September eleventh or the closest school day for the High school. The Junior High has it announced on the day that starts the week. The elementary schools announce it every day.
Why is the dumbass cowardice (wont give their name) family suing the school district? Because of the phrase "under God". Why the school district that is run by tax payers? Because they're dumbasses.
So please, pray for them, maybe the god that they want to eliminate will help them be less stupid. O:-)



[shadow=black,left]My PC Specs:
-AMD Ryzen 7 2700X
-EVGA RTX 3080
-ASUS Prime X470-Pro Motherboard
-Seagate IronWolf Pro 8TB HDD
-Western Digital Blue 2TB HDD
-ADATA Ultimate SU800 2TB SDD x2
-ADATA Ultimate SU800 1TB SSD x2
-Corsair HX750 Professional PSU
-NZXT H440 white/black case

The Wolf

Man I wish I could by my racist self in this topic so I will try and keep it cool, anyway. I bet the family is muslim or jewish, it's always them it seems like and it really fuckin pisses me off.
Quote from: The_Hobo on September 13, 2012, 03:52
Why do some of you listen to explosive diarrhea?


If I find out who it is I'll just constantly pray infront of them and say God a lot. But I can almost guarantee they aren't white because my school is probably half asian. As a white male on almost the minority. The family has 3 kids in the district. In this case they aren't jewish or muslim because they are atheists. The district never received a complaint, the suit came out of the blue.
Oh, and when the pledge is announced over the speakers you are told that you do not have to participate at all.
They do it for the patriots of the country. Everyone else can leave/be deported in my opinion.

Before stepping into court Monday, legal bills for the School District totaled $10,000.
"I'd prefer to spend it on textbooks," said [Superintendent of the district]
$10,000 of taxpayer money on bullshit



[shadow=black,left]My PC Specs:
-AMD Ryzen 7 2700X
-EVGA RTX 3080
-ASUS Prime X470-Pro Motherboard
-Seagate IronWolf Pro 8TB HDD
-Western Digital Blue 2TB HDD
-ADATA Ultimate SU800 2TB SDD x2
-ADATA Ultimate SU800 1TB SSD x2
-Corsair HX750 Professional PSU
-NZXT H440 white/black case


What the hell is our nation coming to? I swear if I could shove my foot up every haters ass I would do it in a heartbeat, This nation has become great, with god And I cannot stand the communist morons that like to come in and try to take control, Don't Like the pledge? Sit your ass down and don't say it. We have said the pledge like that for years.
If I have offended anyone, deal with it, Its the facts of life.


fucking socialist/communist, this country is starting to be... fucking liberals man. shit like this just pisses me off.

"If you voted for Obama in 2008 to prove you're not a racist, you'll have to vote for someone else in 2012 to prove you're not an idiot."

Republicans in office 2012 please...
Banned for show boating in game /warns like an immature child. Warnings are not cool, and are not to brag about.


haha geckco...Ron Paul 2012!!!

Anyway, yeah I remember this whole debate back when I was in middle school. Completely stupid and it's just a search for attention. If people dont want to say "under God" they dont have to...simple as that.


And people wonder why the US have no fucking money. All these people suing, who do you think pays for it in the end??

The UK isn't much better, these No win No fee leeches, they get their fees from tax payers, and of course, most people will use them against NHS and any other government run Faction. Meaning the taxpayer pick up some heaaaaaavy bills.

The whole idea of suing should be scrapped. Most the time the people who are suing are generally the idiots who made a mistake themselves.....Seriously...there are people who have sued McDonalds for getting "fat".

View my news story :,
Lindsey ~ Sticking up for the little guy -,39070.0.html
Quote[21:11:49] Lindsey_[UK] managed to steal Alpha
[21:11:49] Lindsey_[UK] left the server (exit)
[21:12:17] * ExAdmin Lindsey_[UK] (41) connected: I will report you, count on it
[21:12:22] <krisu> that was good linds :D
Quote from: brane on June 06, 2013, 10:53
Quote from: Lindsey on June 06, 2013, 08:37
Terror, youve been on your last warning for stuff on ct for like a year so I dont feel treatened by you




View my news story :,
Lindsey ~ Sticking up for the little guy -,39070.0.html
Quote[21:11:49] Lindsey_[UK] managed to steal Alpha
[21:11:49] Lindsey_[UK] left the server (exit)
[21:12:17] * ExAdmin Lindsey_[UK] (41) connected: I will report you, count on it
[21:12:22] <krisu> that was good linds :D
Quote from: brane on June 06, 2013, 10:53
Quote from: Lindsey on June 06, 2013, 08:37
Terror, youve been on your last warning for stuff on ct for like a year so I dont feel treatened by you



Quote from: Geckco on March 27, 2012, 02:00
fucking socialist/communist, this country is starting to be... fucking liberals man. shit like this just pisses me off.

"If you voted for Obama in 2008 to prove you're not a racist, you'll have to vote for someone else in 2012 to prove you're not an idiot."

Republicans in office 2012 please...

This quote is amazing.. in fact every country moans about this president. Noone is perfect, each of the candidates has other views about the country / idea's how to expand Your country.. at least it's fucking hilarous.


Quote from: Lindsey on March 27, 2012, 18:24
And people wonder why the US have no fucking money. All these people suing, who do you think pays for it in the end??

The UK isn't much better, these No win No fee leeches, they get their fees from tax payers, and of course, most people will use them against NHS and any other government run Faction. Meaning the taxpayer pick up some heaaaaaavy bills.

The whole idea of suing should be scrapped. Most the time the people who are suing are generally the idiots who made a mistake themselves.....Seriously...there are people who have sued McDonalds for getting "fat".


everyone is sue happy nowadays, You cant really say its just americans, I've been to 4 countries and in each one i have had an idiot threaten to sue me.


Yeah this is a bunch of bullshit. If you have a problem saying the Pledge Of Allegiance then don't say it? Close your ears? Do something. What's wrong with people these days?

QuoteAnd people wonder why the US have no fucking money.

We have no money because we are too busy with our nose in other peoples shit. Getting involved in conflicts and such without properly knowing the situation at hand. But money part has no significant relevance to this topic.......... Lul....

Quote"If you voted for Obama in 2008 to prove you're not a racist, you'll have to vote for someone else in 2012 to prove you're not an idiot."

Republicans in office 2012 please...

You're my new friend. In fact, you're my new best friend.

QuoteMan I wish I could by my racist self in this topic so I will try and keep it cool, anyway. I bet the family is muslim or jewish, it's always them it seems like and it really fuckin pisses me off.

Who cares who they are? They are idiots regardless. I don't see how someone could whine because they don't wanna hear the Pledge Of Allegiance, like it has some sort of harmful affects on the eardrum or something? Complete bullshit.

In my opinion if you don't wanna say the Pledge Of Allegiance, fine, sit your ass down and shutup or turn the iPod up and act like you aren't there for a moment. If you cant do that then go back to whatever country you came from, where -most likely- you'd get beheaded for not honoring your country.

That's my opinion, and I don't care if you like it or not, really.