Universal Trucking Drag Race Event

Started by mrtrlt, January 09, 2012, 16:43


Universal Trucking New Years Drag Racing Event

Hey Guys, Universal Trucking is getting back into it's events again!

This event won't be huge as I will be still jet lagged from my holiday. For now it will be happening on the 20th of January but it could be subject to change as i havn't thought that far ahead yet.

It will be taking place at verdant meadows as per usual.


There will be these classes as follows:

Sports Cars:
These include all fast cars in the game except infernuses and hotrings.

Off Roading Cars:
This class includes all off road looking vehicles.

Normal Cars:
This will probably end up being the strictest class. You will have to bypass all normal classed cars before they can participate because they might be too fast / too slow etc..

If you have any questions on if your car is appropriate just ask.

If you can think of any other classes that don't have to do with industrial vehicles - feel free to suggest them and I or any other staff that want to be involved can think about it.


If you would like to be staff for a number of things such as race mashall or heli staff ect just post here and I will accept it.


If you have any other questions just ask

This is another event brought to you by Universal Trucking

Copyright Universal Trucking ©
