watching episodes of liberty city

Started by Ethan, November 29, 2011, 01:04


so I was watching a guy play epidoes of liberty city on xfire livestream.. and I thought to my slef.. how funny would it be if we made our own webisodes.. like CVT stories... for example. someone would load a truck from someones house and the mission would be to get it there in one piece with out getting caught by the "cops" 
Mission ideas..
you arrive at SF airport, you have to go meet up with someone. lets say (wolf in bayside) he would then be a contact.. Wolf tells you that you have to deliver a load from bayside to lv landfill and there would be a guy in LV to meet (another contact) he then say you have to steal a car... goes on and on. like a GTA series would...

I think it would fun but somewhat hard to execute.. tell me what you think and if you like/hate or even think it would be possible..
of course we could do it all on someone else server if yall wanted..


real voices maybe instead of text? idk maybe i could record it and send it to someone to edit cause im not that good of an editor :P

┃┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┃┃╰╮╭╯┃(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Fuck Tables.
Its a whale.  Computer Specs[spoiler]
Video card: Asus AMD R9 270 + Gigabyte GeForce GT 620 1 GB (Physx Card)
CPU: AMD FX 6300
Motherboard: Asus M5A97 LE R2.0
HDD: WD 2TB Caviar Black 7200rpm
Case: Zalman Z9 Plus
PSU: Corsair Professional Series HX650 Modular Power Supply
Memory: Amd Radeon Entertainment Series 16GB DDR3 1600 CL9[/spoiler]


you could easily use the chatbox for talking. you dont have to nessacarily use real voices


Could be good, could simply record a Skype conference call :P
IT would be cool to see what we could come up with.
25/8/11 - 4/10/15: 1502 days of continuous staff duty C:-)


I have an suggestion for you'r idea. Maybe if it's a load that some spesial people want (just say the Mafia) they want the load, and then you need some protection. Maybe some patriots, they gonna drive beside the truck, and then "the mafia" is gonna do whatever they can to get the load.
I know it's often in movies, but it's just and suggestion for that :)


Quote from: Tor$veine[Nor] on November 29, 2011, 16:19
I have an suggestion for you'r idea. Maybe if it's a load that some spesial people want (just say the Mafia) they want the load, and then you need some protection. Maybe some patriots, they gonna drive beside the truck, and then "the mafia" is gonna do whatever they can to get the load.
I know it's often in movies, but it's just and suggestion for that :)

nah, I dont think thats something I was thinking about  doing for this.. I think your thinking of the mafia class that people can do on trucking servers.. we dont have that here.. thanks for your idea though.

fucking code crap