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Messages - quent3101

Ban Appeals / quent3101 ban appeal
September 21, 2016, 12:36
Player name:  
Ban ID:  
Time and date of ban: 2016/09/15
Reason of ban: Breaking into accounts
Ban was unfair? Yes
I was banned by: Staff member (Admin or Moderator)

What actually was happening:

but I purposely connect me on trcuking convoy on cvtm account I had set his nickname in the name of the bar because I thought I was on my server I 'm sorry to have violated a rule server I promise you this will not happen again

thank you


I confirm that all above information is true and I am aware that posting false information in ban appeal will result in my ban being extended.
Ban Appeals / yoshi3102 ban appeal
July 24, 2016, 19:32
Player name:  
Ban ID:  
Time and date of ban: 24/07/2016
Reason of ban: hack
Ban was unfair? Yes
I was banned by: Staff member (Admin or Moderator)

What actually was happening:
I created a new on my laptop which is called yoshi3102 to do tests with my lap I was spirited to go with a worm burrito yoshi3101 my account which was in a rt I'm ban while I ride for hack when n is doing nothing DUCOUP yoshi3101 my account is doing c ban also

thank you for your understanding


I confirm that all above information is true and I am aware that posting false information in ban appeal will result in my ban being extended.
Ban Appeals / yoshi3101 ban appeal
November 15, 2014, 19:16
Player name:  
Ban ID:  
Time and date of ban: 14/11/2014
Reason of ban: money hack
Ban was unfair? Yes
I was banned by: Staff member (Admin or Moderator)

What actually was happening:

I was in the toilet


I confirm that all above information is true and I am aware that posting false information in ban appeal will result in my ban being extended.