Player name:
Ban ID:
Time and date of ban: Yesterday
Reason of ban: Farming cop achievement
Ban was unfair? Yes
I was banned by: admin or moderator
What actually was happening:
Nu aveam ce face . M-am gandit sa ma fac thief sa ma alerge politistii . Toti au fost dupa DamirGo . Dupa a venit Andy[RO] cu un sandking si tot intra in mine . Ma aresta asta s-a intamplat de 5-6 ori . Dupa dintr-o data am primit ban cu reasonul --> farming cop achievement.
I did not do. I thought I'd make me run police thief. Everyone was after DamirGo. After came Andy [RO] sandking and all come with me. I apprehend that happened 5-6 times. After suddenly got ban with reason -> farming cop achievement.
I confirm that all above information is true and I am aware that posting false information in ban appeal will result in my ban being extended.
Ban ID:
Time and date of ban: Yesterday
Reason of ban: Farming cop achievement
Ban was unfair? Yes
I was banned by: admin or moderator
What actually was happening:
Nu aveam ce face . M-am gandit sa ma fac thief sa ma alerge politistii . Toti au fost dupa DamirGo . Dupa a venit Andy[RO] cu un sandking si tot intra in mine . Ma aresta asta s-a intamplat de 5-6 ori . Dupa dintr-o data am primit ban cu reasonul --> farming cop achievement.
I did not do. I thought I'd make me run police thief. Everyone was after DamirGo. After came Andy [RO] sandking and all come with me. I apprehend that happened 5-6 times. After suddenly got ban with reason -> farming cop achievement.
I confirm that all above information is true and I am aware that posting false information in ban appeal will result in my ban being extended.