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Messages - BeastyBill88

Quote from: Wizzer on June 02, 2015, 22:13
Quote from: BeastyBill88 on June 02, 2015, 21:57
Quote from: Wizzer on June 02, 2015, 18:41
Quote from: Maxim Jones on June 01, 2015, 06:30
Maud is just super!  8)
Is it possible to add additional strobes?
If possible, explain how to do it, please.
The creator of this mod (nyolc8) has quited from this game. It will be no longer updated :c

Man and I was looking forward to his new copcarla mod lol. Shame to see him go :(
And even without saying goodbye :-\

I know :/ he just upped and disappeared like a fart in the wind... Maybe he is just taking a break from it all or did he post/say that he was quitting?
Quote from: Wizzer on June 02, 2015, 18:41
Quote from: Maxim Jones on June 01, 2015, 06:30
Maud is just super!  8)
Is it possible to add additional strobes?
If possible, explain how to do it, please.
The creator of this mod (nyolc8) has quited from this game. It will be no longer updated :c

Man and I was looking forward to his new copcarla mod lol. Shame to see him go :(
Street are you the guy who was asking for my vehicle.ini on my YT video? because my lights won't fit on your cars anyway. You don't need to restart the game you just Alt+Tab>change coordinates>save them>go back ingame>re-enable the lights to see where they are. Its not difficult, it just takes a while to set them up properly.
Great progress Nyolc8 :D

Wasn't the main purpose of having the lights on other vehicles just meant for the emergency vehicles? Which you have done nearly.

Oooh other features eh? ;) Will you be releasing your new cop car/taxi with the next version of this mod?
Yeah I am using 0.3.7 RC2 or what ever the newest version is.
Oh yes! That looks brilliant. Well you don't need multiple light patterns for other vehicles just a simply flash one which you have done is good enough. Looks so good :D
Quote from: Hakan on March 25, 2015, 21:22
Quote from: BeastyBill88 on March 25, 2015, 19:28
Did you also import and replace the Roadtrain txd with the Tanker txd file?

Beastybill how can i do that?

You do it the same way you replaced the Roadtrain.dff Just replace the Roadtrain.txd with Petro.txd and it should fix the textures.
Quote from: Hakan on March 25, 2015, 21:22
Quote from: BeastyBill88 on March 25, 2015, 19:28
Did you also import and replace the Roadtrain txd with the Tanker txd file?

Beastybill how can i do that?

You do it the same way you replaced the Roadtrain.dff Just replace the Roadtrain.txd with Petro.txd and it should fix the textures.
Nice :D ah well if you can't load SP then just for SAMP will be alright at least we will get to see it on other vehicles :D

Nice one! Will the lights be on all the time or only when the siren is turned on? So parked vehicles won't have the lights on. Or something like that lol.
Excellent progress :) does it cause much lag with all of the lights? I think when its all working complete it will definitely be a replacement for ELM/ELS.

Also if you plan to make it work on AI vehicles, would you be able to find out what causes it to crash on the SP loading bar? As this would be amazing to use in SP with SAPD:FR.
Did you also import and replace the Roadtrain txd with the Tanker txd file?
Quote from: nyolc8 on March 25, 2015, 14:17

- only start thread for car which is in the vehicles.ini and also have default siren turned off, and not driven by player, and not empty.

So is could eventually might work on AI vehicles? If only the script worked in SP aswell :D
Well I'll let you work it out. As I don't really know lol.
Well at least you have tried though :D it would be cool to see the lights on other vehicles nearby. But I'm content with having it on my vehicle only. Plus I think have an extra script or 2 for each vehicle will add up... I mean I'm already on 21 scripts when I run SAMP and 17 of them are for the lights ;) haha.
Great progress! But wouldn't using the variables give you strange bugs like it did before? But anyway 1 step at a time :)