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Messages - Sean_Towers

Heres a few more

This one shows Dr. Hax on his road trip with a lawn mower.

Hax showing me his mapping skills.

Screenshots and Videos / My Old Screenies/Photos
November 03, 2012, 06:25
Hey CVT! I have some old photos that I had from when I was on the server a long time ago..  Enjoy a trip down memory lane.

The picture above shows when my car got stuck underwater D:

and a message from a server admin (Idk who)

"from admin: try to keep the language down and dont use rapist"\

Leave all your comments and questions here if you have them!
Off Topic / Re: Hurricane Sandy
October 29, 2012, 04:38
Sometimes, I wished that I lived in an area where Hurricanes hit but other times I think "OH HELL NAW, I AIN'T GONNA LAST." lol.