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Off Topic / Re: LOL
September 13, 2012, 16:59
Good things God managed to kill this Apple product before it started to lay eggs.
Off Topic / Re: asians.....
September 12, 2012, 21:33
This song is awesome, and the music video makes it even more epic :D

It's funny how it's got like 150 million views now.. When I watched it the first time it didn't even have 1 million!
Mod Showroom / Re: ProdanJost.'s showroom
September 11, 2012, 22:37
Dude, what's up with that antenna shit on the back? Are these some kind of gigantic remote controlled toy cars?

And also, like Rubber says, those wheels on the X5 is just not right.. and that width, it just gets ugly..

Now I'm just sounding negative about everything, but the mods are great, believe me :)
Why not make it like when you go on a player's profile on the website, it shows their house?

Just like when you go on your own profile, you can see your own house. Why not make this option for all players, so when you enter someones profile, you can press "House" on the right tab, and it will show the house information!
Wow, you did a skin and some .mat files on it?
You are posting like you did the whole truck yourself, when you maybe did like 5% on it..
+1 for this, especially being able to search a player's name, and it will show what house they have.
Off Topic / Re: Dauym Aussie got fucking skills!
September 09, 2012, 20:23
Fuck, I couldn't help but smile like a huge sun the whole video.. I love it, I fucking love it!

I seriously got goosebumps..
General Talk / Re: Whats everyones people hates?
September 08, 2012, 20:11
Quote from: kukimaki on September 08, 2012, 17:57
My part:
- players who hurry -> cause accidents (like that 1 minute earlier arrival would count...)
- The goddamn MAPPING (of WC)! Sorry everybody who took part in designing it, no offence, I know you are great at what you are doing, but my point is that most of the newly added maps are so confusing, badly navigable and easy-to-get-lost as if the purpose hadn't been to make a realistic and NICE mapping, but to create a maze where you have to find the way to get where you want to. This isn't as good and realistic as it could be, neither as nicely edited as it could be with a little bit more pacience and thinking. But, as Sandus Key shows, I see the improvement; that and WC are two different dimensions.

+1 to those points, especially about Vice City Island being a big maze of an industrial area. Sorry Ethan, its not badly mapped, but its badly designed, in my opinion.
Off Topic / Re: My new toy
September 07, 2012, 20:17
I've done 80kmh on a jetski.. Does that mean it probably had over 100hp? :o nice
General Talk / Re: Whats everyones people hates?
September 07, 2012, 18:03
Players ramming the shit out of you, and then calling YOU an asshole rammer dickhead, and so on..
Maps / Re: New County for CVT [Teaser]
September 07, 2012, 06:09
Wow, that farm is sexy as hell! small and cute, i like it!
Mod Showroom / Re: Linguritza's Garage & Mods
September 04, 2012, 22:58
I would might pay for the Audi, but you said you didnt have it anymore, so.. :/
Mod Showroom / Re: Linguritza's Garage & Mods
September 04, 2012, 22:15
It's nice, but on that first texture, the tire texture doesn't look very good. It's even shining..

And, why tell us what its best replace is, when you're not even sharing it :p
Mod Showroom / Re: Linguritza's Garage & Mods
September 04, 2012, 18:41
Jesus christ, dat Audi :o me wantz