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Messages - Snorlax

Report Players / mlwu10 (insulting)
April 20, 2014, 16:28
Player reported:
Rule broken: insulting
Date and time: 20.04.2013 17:16:35



[17:16:23] mlwu10 has been issued a ticket.

[17:16:23] <mlwu10> no vchasr

[17:16:24] <[NL]Ralph> I wanted to ask you something: Don't jail me. I couldn't afford my payments because i hadn't it in my hand

[17:16:26] mlwu10 paid his fines to you. You get $600

[17:16:34] * Lithuanian Transport Tycoon Paulius.[LTU] (25) connected: {F1F906}LIT{0AF906}HUA{F90606}NIA{FDFCFC}!!!

[17:16:35] <mlwu10> fuck you lonkaw
We need that truck parking!

It would be awesome for people who have house there.
General Talk / Re: Donations thread
January 21, 2012, 17:35
This is for my friend

In-game name: Petruner
Amount donated: €2.00
Mod Showroom / Detailed MAP + Labels
January 21, 2012, 17:11
New Map with Labels


Easy way
#Download and install San Andreas Mod Installer 1.1(
and run the SAMI script in this pack.

Hard way
#Substitute the file fronten2.txd(GTA San Andreasmodelsfronten2.txd) by the
one in this package.
#Using IMGTool 2.0(you can find it by clicking here or by using the search button),open the file
gta3.img(GTA San Andreasmodelsgta3.img),find some files called radar00.txd,
radar01.txd,radar02.txd...radar143.txd(they are 144 files),select and delete
them.Then add(Ctrl+A) the radar files in this package and rebuild the
archive(Commands-Rebuild archive).

#Map by Ian Albert
#Description and Instruction Made By Ian Albert
#Conversion of the map by BaygoN
#SAMI script by simoncampbell
#Labels of the map by Hiltz (11/2/11)
General Talk / Re: Donations thread
January 21, 2012, 10:55
This is for my friend

In-game name: Opel_Astra_GSI
Amount donated: €2.00