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Messages - Policie.

Maps / Re: LS Road/Tunnel Work and Detour
July 13, 2016, 22:27
i'm in love :o
Damn nice vid!
Maps / Re: Fort Calhoun
July 12, 2016, 11:30
Why is there a screen where i sended you 69$ to marry me? :o

Btw Nice map (y)

Well, some pics of my old VTC truck.. (Skin made by myself)
Well form now on i'll take pictures of all events that happen while i'm in Game.

Event #1 DTU Convoy.

Well DTU: Dutch Truckers United made convoy, and i was there for 2 pictures, sadly the others are a bit damaged.


Heerlijk om zo het weekend door te brengen 56min aan liedjes :D
Ban Appeals / PoliceH ban appeal
July 10, 2016, 13:46
Player name:  
Ban ID:  
Time and date of ban: 2016-07-10
Reason of ban: Insulting/disrespect
Ban was unfair? No
I was banned by: Staff member (Admin or Moderator)

What actually was happening:
So yeah, its truth i did, and yes i regret it.. but he asked for i for lords sake..

It just snapped, and it won't happen again, i promise..

I just couldn't stand the fact he was working on my nerves, and i snapped, after people telling me to calm down..


I confirm that all above information is true and I am aware that posting false information in ban appeal will result in my ban being extended.
Quote from: farty on July 09, 2016, 22:05
now that you checked who are the actual victims, you claimed these are your friends, this makes 0 fuckign sense, well it might for others, but for me, it means u are a lmeying brat, why you never mentioned they were 2? or and didn't u say officials said 18 dutch died? i see 3, this thing looks so fishy

and even if these people were not only ur friends, but ur actual sister and brother, it does't bother me much since I never said anything about them, my reply that got hidden, sjomp or tyler they have it, please show it to this ***** since I'm not ready to re-type what i typed, I'm done lmao

Alexander and sacha are brother and sister they both died there.. they both are my friends.. i never said and logs can be checked.. that they are my brother and sister.. even that can be confirmed by alot of people.
Are you fcking kidding me?! I copied the log as there form my log.. idk if you can check the timers that i alt tabbet and posted this.. you can see that its less that 3 minutes.. it only takes 2 minutes before my wordpaď starts up.. thats not enough time to edit imo. Also how can i edit a file if i just copied.. but after he was doing your mother jokes i said "your mum fucks good" & "you went in the room after me and you've probally raped and killed her then" .. thats what i said and that should be in the logs.. for christ sake.. multiple people can confirm that .. like sponge.. harald.. BeNi.. Zeding.. Ako.. hubertus.. all these people joined cb 5 to avoid him.. and to calm me te fuck down.. ask them they'll be able to confirm.. and server logs.. are also possible.. to proof this.. so pls carl. Alow an admin to solve this.. because Sjomp withnessed is yesterday also for the 8th time and Chitoge muted him for the millionst time.. because he doesn't stop.. would i put effort in something this silly and fucking retarded to edit it? Like forreal.. he made fucking isis jokes and tries to set me down as liar.. while i got the proof above this..
Also adding to this, since this Bitch keeps on coming only while you guys arent, and then you're tellign me to chil land all he does is keep opening the owunds of my friends in Brussel..

Here is the official article (in dutch so translate):

Also i'll enlight the part of my friends..

I hope i explained enough now.. because if this doesn't stop.. i'll be leaving CT.. and i don't want this at all.. so take action for fuck sake..
Quote from: CarlJohnson on July 09, 2016, 17:08
Filtered Chatlog:
[14:33:43] * The Purple King PoliceH (18) connected: I'm The one and Only Purple Trucker here
[14:33:56] <33292> trucker seriously dont esc lag me
[14:34:00] <PoliceH> ty BeNi & Hii all <3
[14:34:04] <33292> zeding lol
[14:34:09] <Zeding669> lol move 33292
[14:34:14] (CB:5) PoliceH: haii
[14:34:22] <33292> was writin sry
[14:34:35] (CB:5) PoliceH: convoytje doen?
[14:34:48] <33292> thanks
[14:34:50] <PoliceH> any artic convoy? :D
[14:35:08] (CB:5) PoliceH: flip
[14:35:27] <PoliceH> i wantto do do artic, or else i'll go on with fuel xd
[14:35:33] <PoliceH> Dumper is also good
[14:35:37] <PoliceH> 5min ago
[14:35:53] <PoliceH> wb Reap
[14:36:03] <PoliceH> Yeah i completed it 2 days ago hubertush
[14:37:59] (CB:5) PoliceH: ben benieuwd hoe het gaat met mijn scam complain van 2j geleden
[14:38:07] (CB:5) PoliceH: met die homo wietse
[14:38:17] (CB:5) PoliceH: is me nog 1.2mil schuldig
[14:38:28] (CB:5) PoliceH: 31/08/2014 was end date
[14:39:23] (CB:5) PoliceH: Jawel, heb geinformeerd bij SJomp en hij ging met Tyler bespreken
[14:39:50] <33292> someone give me 1k for repairing :(
[14:40:16] <33292> i cant beni
[14:40:23] <PoliceH> sure BeNi
[14:40:29] <PoliceH> i ment Reap
[14:40:31] <33292> my letter "c" is broken i cant wrtie /fixcar
[14:40:59] <PoliceH> ^^^^
[14:40:59] <33292> thats a symbol that looks like it
[14:41:32] (CB:5) PoliceH: okey xd
[14:42:00] (CB:5) PoliceH: hem weer..
[14:42:08] <33292> wb Flack
[14:42:19] (CB:5) PoliceH: hij maakte gisteren ISIS grapjes, terwijl ik iemand in Brussel verloren ben die dag..
[14:42:35] (CB:5) PoliceH: en noemde die me een Secetive bitch enzo..
[14:42:39] <33292> can soemone go apply as an admin, get accept and come help me
[14:42:42] (CB:5) PoliceH: of hoe je het ook typs
[14:42:44] (CB:5) PoliceH: typt
[14:42:56] <PoliceH> Farty, why are you here?!
[14:43:05] (CB:5) PoliceH: Farty = Forgived
[14:43:26] (CB:5) PoliceH: aww, sterkte kerel
[14:43:42] (CB:5) PoliceH: snap ik
[14:44:08] (CB:5) PoliceH: die 2 kinderen uit Lanaken/Maastricht die tot 2 weken erna nog zoek ware
[14:44:12] (CB:5) PoliceH: zegt je dat iets?
[14:44:57] (CB:5) PoliceH: Die 2 kinderen van uit maastricht/lanaken die nog zoek waren nog niet geindentificeerd, ze zoude na New York gaan
[14:45:14] (CB:5) PoliceH: Ja die kende ik beide
[14:45:25] (CB:5) PoliceH: was ff een klap
[14:45:54] (CB:5) PoliceH: en die gast was gistere de hele tijd grapjes over terrorisme & kanker te maken
[14:46:07] (CB:5) PoliceH: je kent me
[14:46:13] (CB:5) PoliceH: denk is goed na wat ik deed
[14:46:39] (CB:5) PoliceH: heb em de les gelezen
[14:46:43] (CB:5) PoliceH: weet i ktoch
[14:47:03] <PoliceH> meep
[14:47:08] (CB:5) PoliceH: Nice
[14:47:15] (CB:5) PoliceH: anderhalf uurtje nog :)
[14:48:07] (CB:5) PoliceH: 2546.6 odo op me RT nu
[14:48:39] * PoliceH Smiles and looks aaway.
[14:49:27] (CB:5) PoliceH: heb je forum account?
[14:49:33] (CB:5) PoliceH: moet ik nu niet heen, miss zometeen wel
[14:49:59] (CB:5) PoliceH: kijk daar is bij DTU nederlandse muziek topic
[14:50:23] <PoliceH> Meep Reaps house @ Milestone County
[14:50:57] (CB:5) PoliceH: okii
[14:51:50] (CB:5) PoliceH: da was snel
[14:52:14] (CB:5) PoliceH: xDz
[14:52:18] (CB:5) PoliceH: bij mij thuis ook xd
[14:53:08] <PoliceH> Smokey?
[14:53:20] <PoliceH> want to lose your badge again?
[14:53:42] <PoliceH> you're car surfing as cop, AKA ideling as cop, Complainable.
[14:53:58] <33292> Police why you gotta be an arsmole to everyone
[14:54:08] (CB:5) PoliceH: yup
[14:54:10] <33292> its ok to me, but smokey is a nice gay
[14:54:22] <PoliceH> alright enjoy the complain then :*
[14:54:56] (CB:5) PoliceH: Yup
[14:55:31] <33292> there is someone in this server like the fat guy in class who always get bullied, he always threats to report to teacher
[14:55:54] <33292> shh dont name names
[14:56:18] <33292> maybe his little brother was bullied at school and he suicided becuz of it
[14:56:24] <33292> then he will say u think bullying is a joke.. etc
[14:56:30] <SmokeyBear> 33292 i can help u,i know a center for authism kids
[14:56:33] <PoliceH> Forgived, Farty or 33292, i'm advicing you to FUCKING stop.. --'
[14:56:42] <33292> Police?
[14:56:45] <33292> sup
[14:56:55] <PoliceH> not joking anymore.
[14:57:03] <PoliceH> no more mr nice guy.
[14:57:13] <33292> Smokey, firstly its called a center for kids with autism, or for autistic kids
[14:57:23] <33292> Secondly, I'm already enrolled in one.
[14:57:24] (CB:5) PoliceH: ja :P
[14:57:28] <33292> Thridly, you can meet my mum
[14:57:52] <33292> but i must be with u and my mum, i dont want u to lock bedroom door
[14:58:06] <PoliceH> wait whut?
[14:58:24] <33292> what
[14:58:35] <33292> why im sick? because i dont want u to be with my mom alone
[14:58:48] <33292> Smokey said he wants to meet my mom in her bedroom
[14:59:06] <33292> Gusur, thats because u almost named that "someone"
[14:59:27] <PoliceH> Gusur, Thats an know SA:MP bug, just restart your game then and its fixed.
[14:59:40] <33292> dont spread false information policeH
[15:00:24] <PoliceH> i'm playing SAMP since 2009.. please. don't tell me if i spread false info or not.
[15:00:36] <33292> i didnt talk to u, I said policeH not PoliceH
[15:00:42] <33292> this game is case sensitive
[15:00:52] <PoliceH> don't fucking care.
[15:01:16] <PoliceH> your mum fuck good you know.
[15:01:22] <SmokeyBear> 33292 its much sick than MasterNL
[15:01:30] <33292> PoliceH
[15:01:38] <33292> Did you just say my dead mom fucks good?
[15:01:44] <33292> Now you are making fun of my dead mom
[15:01:48] <33292> For real?
[15:01:59] <33292> She got fucked hard by policeH and died
[15:02:09] <PoliceH> okay, let me count, you girlfriend, both grandparrents, you dad, your forster dad , and now your mom?!
[15:02:27] <33292> well my mom is not counted, because u fucked her hard and u killed her
[15:02:51] <33292> sick kind of conversation
[15:02:52] <PoliceH> well you went into the room after me so you probally raped and killed her.
[15:03:01] <33292> Your mom ?
[15:03:05] <PoliceH> no yours.
[15:03:06] <33292> nice
[15:03:08] <33292> No urs
[15:03:11] <SmokeyBear> i will make a server for weird kids like 33292 and masterNL
[15:03:13] <33292> mine is dead since 1950
[15:03:32] <PoliceH> jump infornt of a train please.
[15:03:37] <33292> PoliceH is making fun of his own mom, I don't know what kind of person he is
[15:03:50] <33292> meep
[15:03:54] <PoliceH> My mom left me alone, so don't say shit like that.
[15:04:21] <33292> Oh? so now you can make fun of others moms, and say I raped her and shit ,but when we do the opposite
[15:04:22] <PoliceH> you don't know shit of my life, so please.
[15:04:23] <33292> u cry
[15:04:31] <33292> Do you know shit about my life?
[15:04:42] <PoliceH> you're opening your life story in this server.
[15:04:46] <33292> No you dont, and I dont care about ur life, and i dont care if u know about my life
[15:04:52] <33292> I am?
[15:04:54] <33292> Are you sure
[15:05:27] <33292> Im not the guy who brought up his dead cousin from ISIS attacks randomly
[15:05:27] <SmokeyBear> 33292 u should meet MasterNL
[15:05:27] <33292> Smokey
[15:05:28] <33292> MasterNL?
[15:05:42] <33292> Isn't he that odd guy
[15:05:45] <PoliceH> death cousin? i said friend.
[15:05:52] <33292> Death?
[15:05:57] <33292> Please, do you english bro
[15:06:11] <33292> I will complain to the teacher that you have bad gramer
[15:06:14] <PoliceH> don't call me Bro, i'm not your bro.
[15:06:22] <33292> bro in dutch means my shit
[15:06:35] <PoliceH> how do you even know i'm duthc?
[15:06:40] <PoliceH> DUtch*
[15:06:45] <33292> I know
[15:06:57] <PoliceH> Bro = Broer = Brother.
[15:07:37] <33292> PoliceH are you a male or a female
[15:07:42] <PoliceH> a Male.
[15:07:47] <33292> and 19?
[15:07:58] <PoliceH> Harald, you can do it!
[15:07:59] (CB:5) PoliceH: :D
[15:08:27] <PoliceH> Sure we can, TNT post. :P
[15:08:30] <33292> I know one guy in our school who always feels he lived the toughest life
[15:08:35] <33292> he thinks he is hte only one with family problems
[15:08:41] <33292> or hes the first to face depression
[15:08:53] (CB:5) PoliceH: ff negeerfase opzette
[15:08:54] <33292> wwb Sponger
[15:09:00] <PoliceH> Wb sponge my thirt love w3
[15:09:10] * 33292 gives sponge thirty three KGs of popcornw
[15:09:14] <33292> wtf
[15:09:17] <33292> SchubrtU$
[15:09:19] <33292> damn
[15:09:21] <PoliceH> wb ako my fourth love <3
[15:09:25] <33292> wb ako
[15:09:30] <PoliceH> yes.
[15:09:32] <33292> yes
[15:09:44] <33292> guess what sponge
[15:10:18] <33292> PoliceH wanted to meet my mom, and he even joked about raping her to death
[15:10:21] <33292> but when I said "ur mom"? he said u dont know what my mom did to me
[15:10:24] <33292> and she left me as a kid
[15:10:29] <33292> and brought another personal issue Lmao
[15:10:35] <33292> he joked about that
[15:10:37] <33292> about my fucking mom
[15:10:41] <PoliceH> 333292. Want me to place the chatlog online?
[15:10:45] (CB:5) PoliceH: Hey :3
[15:10:51] <33292> PoliceH as u wish
[15:11:08] <SmokeyBear> 33292 ill tell masterNL to meet u
[15:11:10] (CB:5) PoliceH: adding another chatlog in my complain agian agaonst that dick.
[15:11:16] <33292> Smokey why
[15:11:22] (CB:5) PoliceH: hi Ako
[15:11:31] <33292> I will dry anally rape masterNL if hes like me
[15:11:33] <33292> gzzzzzzz
[15:11:52] <33292> np Flack
[15:11:53] (CB:5) PoliceH: Zeding <3
[15:12:01] (CB:5) PoliceH: the love CB
[15:12:07] (CB:5) PoliceH: Indeed.
[15:12:45] (CB:5) PoliceH: he did
[15:12:55] <33292> recorded it
[15:12:56] (CB:5) PoliceH: smokey welcome to the love cb
[15:13:15] (CB:5) PoliceH: Farty isnt welcome here.
[15:13:25] <PoliceH> mee red
[15:13:36] (CB:5) PoliceH: ss <3
[15:13:49] (CB:5) PoliceH: SPonge i'm aswell..
[15:13:55] (CB:5) PoliceH: he makes me mad and depressed.
[15:13:59] (CB:5) PoliceH: Beni <3
[15:14:10] (CB:5) PoliceH: new mainchat :D
[15:14:24] (CB:5) SmokeyBear: 33292 its like master wtf
[15:14:28] (CB:5) PoliceH: Get huberto in here xd
[15:14:46] <33292> im boner cunty can someone pick me up
[15:15:15] (CB:5) PoliceH: welcome to the love CB and main chat <3
[15:15:42] (CB:5) PoliceH: Indeed xd
[15:16:14] (CB:5) PoliceH: indeed xD
[15:16:32] (CB:5) PoliceH: CJ is admin xd
[15:16:50] <33292> haha
[15:16:56] (CB:5) PoliceH: nope
[15:17:07] (CB:5) PoliceH: adding another chalog after this in the complai
[15:17:26] <33292> cops ramming each other nice
[15:18:54] (CB:5) PoliceH: lol shoutbox fight in forum xd
[15:19:00] <33292> lmao
[15:19:07] (CB:5) PoliceH: xD
[15:19:20] (CB:5) BeNi: guys , whu is this 33292 ?
[15:19:21] (CB:5) PoliceH: i did
[15:19:31] (CB:5) PoliceH: Forgived, Farty = 333292
[15:19:38] (CB:5) PoliceH: Yes
[15:19:48] (CB:5) PoliceH: /whois xd
[15:20:02] <33292> 10-200 @ Bone County (police needed)
[15:20:21] (CB:5) The_trucker5[ESP]: 33292 is very heavy... he is annoying silver and me all the time
[15:20:29] (CB:5) PoliceH: xd lol
[15:20:35] (CB:5) PoliceH: fuelll @ Tierra Robada
[15:21:11] (CB:5) PoliceH: he's probaly insulting himself now xd
[15:21:21] (CB:5) PoliceH: ^^^^^
[15:21:42] <33292> haha
[15:21:51] (CB:5) PoliceH: fucking mule towing xd
[15:22:04] (CB:5) PoliceH: Yes xd
[15:23:03] <33292> lyel
[15:23:07] (CB:5) PoliceH: towing is good for score xd
[15:23:22] <33292> 3 cops give up and im in a slow car
[15:23:27] (CB:5) PoliceH: me to xd
[15:23:50] 33292 left the server (exit)
[15:24:08] (CB:5) PoliceH: Haiii <3
[15:24:14] (CB:5) PoliceH: this is the new main chat
[15:24:25] * Trucker Wannabe 33292d (3) connected
[15:24:27] (CB:5) PoliceH: everyone back to cb 19
[15:24:27] 33292d left the server (exit)
[15:24:33] (CB:5) PoliceH: He's back!
[15:24:59] * Trucker Wannabe 33292 (24) connected
[15:25:24] <33292> 10-200 @ Bone County (police needed)
[15:25:45] <33292> PoliceH nice try to illegaly help cops
[15:26:02] <33292> i appplie
[15:26:25] <33292> 10-13 (weather report)
[15:26:50] (CB:5) PoliceH: #PoliceHForMod :D
[15:27:05] (CB:5) PoliceH: No joke i appliead for it
[15:27:09] <33292> dont ram wtf
[15:27:15] 33292 left the server (exit)
[15:27:19] (CB:5) PoliceH: invite D7
[15:27:24] (CB:5) PoliceH: Yes i did xd
[15:27:35] (CB:5) PoliceH: meep towers
[15:27:37] * Trucker Wannabe 33292 (24) connected
[15:27:50] <33292> i didnt leave
[15:27:55] <33292> i crasehd :(
[15:28:13] <PoliceH> "33292 has left the server (exit)"
[15:28:24] <33292> mackDaddy nice name
[15:29:05] <33292> this time i wont exit, i did b4 becuz it was foggy
[15:29:09] <33292> i cant see shit h this shitty
[15:29:10] <33292> pc
[15:29:18] 33292 left the server (exit)
[15:29:40] * Trucker Wannabe 33292 (7) connected
[15:29:41] * can you please ban Farty (33292), we left cb 19 and all joined cb 5 cuz he insults etc us all..
[15:29:53] <33292> wb
[15:30:05] <33292> 4 cops cant catch me this time im 100 sure
[15:30:09] (CB:5) PoliceH: i reported to Rahail already
[15:30:59] <33292> d7 nice CC
[15:31:01] <33292> i hate CC and lag
[15:31:04] <33292> play fairly
[15:31:11] (CB:5) PoliceH: brb, allow me to add another chat log.

You both are pathetic, talking about raping each other's mom and killing them ? You guys are really immature, also in addition to this, this chatlog isn't the real chatlog, iirc right you said "You went after me and maybe you raped and killed her"(refering to his mom here) but its not present in this chatlog (Yes, I was watching the chat over website), not really sure if it was you or him but since its not here I believe it was you. You're trying to frame him here.

Euhm i crashed between thats why its not in the chat log, but Rahail told me to post it, even thought i also made mistakes..
He changed name for the 20th time today.

And this continues.
Another Chatlog, to lazy to sort it, so enjoy.

[14:33:31] {FFFFFF}SA-MP {B9C9BF}0.3.7 {FFFFFF}Started

[14:33:34] Connecting to

[14:33:35] Connected. Joining the game...

[14:33:39] Connected to {B9C9BF}Convoy Trucking

[14:33:39] Hello PoliceH! Please enter your password to login.

[14:33:39] Warning: do not attempt logging-in if this is not your account.

[14:33:41] <Harald1225> haii mister piggy]

[14:33:43] <Gusur> idk where the truck stop, so just start the mission

[14:33:43] Hello PoliceH, welcome back after 16 hours!

[14:33:43] * The Purple King PoliceH (18) connected: {CC00CC} I'm The one and Only Purple Trucker here

[14:33:46] <PreHistoricPiggy> hai

[14:33:46] PreHistoricPiggy left the server (exit)

[14:33:47] <BeNi> wb cop

[14:33:49] <Zeding669> lol

[14:33:51] <Andro> sry

[14:33:51] <Schubertu$> meep gei

[14:33:56] <SilverStar> wb police

[14:33:56] <33292> trucker seriously dont esc lag me

[14:34:00] <PoliceH> ty BeNi & Hii all <3

[14:34:00] krisu left the server (exit)

[14:34:04] <33292> zeding lol

[14:34:09] * CB channel set to 5. There is 1 more players on this channel:

[14:34:09] * Harald1225

[14:34:09] <Zeding669> lol move 33292

[14:34:13] <Schubertu$> hi polishejter

[14:34:14] (CB:5) PoliceH: haii

[14:34:15] (CB:5) Harald1225: het leeeeft xD

[14:34:22] <33292> was writin sry

[14:34:22] Zeding669 delivered fuel to Sandus Island gas station

[14:34:29] <Zeding669> np

[14:34:29] R3AP left the server (Timed out)

[14:34:33] Harald1225 finished towing Admiral to garage

[14:34:35] (CB:5) PoliceH: convoytje doen?

[14:34:42] (CB:5) Harald1225: ben druk met tow

[14:34:43] <Zeding669> i forgive cheetah

[14:34:48] * I am not a Slut but a Pig PreHistoricPiggy (1) connected

[14:34:48] <Schubertu$> kaboom @ Valle Ocultado, Tierra Robada

[14:34:48] <33292> thanks

[14:34:50] <PoliceH> any artic convoy? :D

[14:35:02] (CB:5) Harald1225: en weer op mijn dak

[14:35:05] Put your money in bank to get interest. You can lodge your money in bank by going to nearby store (S) and choosing the ATM option.

[14:35:06] <Gusur> come to milestone

[14:35:07] The_trucker5[ESP] delivered weapons from Indus Dock to Sandus Ammu-nation.

[14:35:08] <SilverStar> van convoy

[14:35:08] (CB:5) PoliceH: flip

[14:35:12] SilverStar delivered weapons from Indus Dock to Sandus Ammu-nation.

[14:35:14] (CB:5) Harald1225: fix ken ook

[14:35:25] <Nikola[CRO]> dumper convoy

[14:35:27] <PoliceH> i wantto do do artic, or else i'll go on with fuel xd

[14:35:29] <Schubertu$> Alveen, finished van? ;d

[14:35:30] <Zeding669> lol police when did ya login?

[14:35:33] <PoliceH> Dumper is also good

[14:35:34] <Tastynub> we're in milestone

[14:35:35] <BeNi> sorry bru xD

[14:35:37] <PoliceH> 5min ago

[14:35:38] <Harald1225> auts beni xD

[14:35:42] <Zeding669> wb then

[14:35:44] * powered by volvo R3AP (8) connected: {e300e6}I'm a simple guy. I see boobs, I press Like!

[14:35:48] <PreHistoricPiggy> wb gei

[14:35:49] <Schubertu$> lel gz

[14:35:53] <PoliceH> wb Reap

[14:35:55] <NightWolf> milestone county

[14:35:58] <Schubertu$> b33p

[14:35:58] <R3AP> now i'm wanted, dumbass cop

[14:36:00] <BeNi> beep

[14:36:03] <PoliceH> Yeah i completed it 2 days ago hubertush

[14:36:06] <PreHistoricPiggy> reap touch my boobies!

[14:36:16] <Nikola[CRO]> omfg

[14:36:17] Trailer detached

[14:36:18] <Zeding669> man titis

[14:36:20] Wrong command. Type /cmds for full list of commands

[14:36:21] <Andro> sorry

[14:36:21] <PreHistoricPiggy> xD

[14:36:23] Your Petrol tanker has been restored to last parking

[14:36:23] Vehicle is in use

[14:36:23] Your Cement truck has been restored to last parking

[14:36:23] Your Burrito has been restored to last parking

[14:36:23] Your Artic trailer 1 has been restored to last parking

[14:36:23] Your Cop car LV has been restored to last parking

[14:37:34] <R3AP> 1 player with 20k fines, what does the cop do? weighs me

[14:37:34] <Nikola[CRO]> Did you see that?

[14:37:34] <Nikola[CRO]> xD

[14:37:34] <Schubertu$> xDD

[14:37:34] Schubertu$ finished towing Picador to garage

[14:37:34] <PreHistoricPiggy> Aoeka :D

[14:37:34] <The_trucker5[ESP]> xdd

[14:37:34] <Gusur> why me lol

[14:37:34] Harald1225 finished towing Stallion to garage

[14:37:34] <NightWolf> you're probably better in directions lol

[14:37:34] New to server and need help? Visit help section for full list of commands, tips and tricks!

[14:37:34] <Gusur> not really

[14:37:34] <NightWolf> we just started  again

[14:37:34] <Nikola[CRO]> R/ xD

[14:37:34] <NightWolf> so we dont know all XD

[14:37:34] <NightWolf> alright

[14:37:34] <Gusur> oh i see

[14:37:34] <Gusur> ok then

[14:37:34] SilverStar delivered bottled gas from Indus Fuel Refinery to Sandus Engineering.

[14:37:34] <PreHistoricPiggy> w/q

[14:37:34] Schubertu$ finished towing Regina to garage

[14:37:35] PreHistoricPiggy left the server (exit)

[14:37:35] The_trucker5[ESP] delivered bottled gas from Indus Fuel Refinery to Sandus Engineering.

[14:37:35] * Rookie Trucker TastyDE (17) connected

[14:37:35] <Harald1225> 10-13 damn fog (weather report)

[14:37:48] Jonsku left the server (exit)

[14:37:52] Harald1225 finished towing Sentinel to garage

[14:37:57] <SilverStar> :DD

[14:37:59] (CB:5) PoliceH: ben benieuwd hoe het gaat met mijn scam complain van 2j geleden

[14:38:07] <Zeding669> andro?

[14:38:07] (CB:5) PoliceH: met die homo wietse

[14:38:09] <Schubertu$> 10-7  (off air)

[14:38:10] <Andro> ?

[14:38:13] (CB:5) Harald1225: ow?

[14:38:14] <Nikola[CRO]> Beni your lagg :D

[14:38:17] (CB:5) PoliceH: is me nog 1.2mil schuldig

[14:38:18] <Zeding669> dont fine me please i have no money now

[14:38:18] BeNi delivered fuel to Ridgecrest gas station

[14:38:21] (CB:5) Harald1225: lol

[14:38:26] <Andro> ok

[14:38:28] <BeNi> i love it do it you too :D

[14:38:28] (CB:5) PoliceH: 31/08/2014 was end date

[14:38:39] Nikola[CRO] delivered dirt from LV Construction Site to Milestone Junkyard.

[14:38:48] If your car is broken or flipped over, type /assistance to fix it in no time

[14:38:57] Trailer detached

[14:38:57] Trailer parked correctly!

[14:39:06] (CB:5) Harald1225: jij en ik weten de uitkomst wel denk ik: niks aang edaan

[14:39:11] Your Petrol tanker has been restored to last parking

[14:39:11] Vehicle is in use

[14:39:11] Your Cement truck has been restored to last parking

[14:39:11] Your Burrito has been restored to last parking

[14:39:11] Your Artic trailer 1 has been restored to last parking

[14:39:11] Your Cop car LV has been restored to last parking

[14:39:23] (CB:5) PoliceH: Jawel, heb geinformeerd bij SJomp en hij ging met Tyler bespreken

[14:39:25] Your Petrol tanker has been restored to last parking

[14:39:25] Vehicle is in use

[14:39:25] Your Cement truck has been restored to last parking

[14:39:25] Your Burrito has been restored to last parking

[14:39:25] Your Artic trailer 1 has been restored to last parking

[14:39:25] Your Cop car LV has been restored to last parking

[14:39:29] Load fuel from K.A.C.C. Military Fuels

[14:39:29] <Nikola[CRO]> Zed you lie you have money for fines :D

[14:39:37] The_trucker5[ESP] delivered shop supplies from Sandus Factory to Angel Pine Shopping.

[14:39:38] SilverStar delivered shop supplies from Sandus Factory to Angel Pine Shopping.

[14:39:39] <Zeding669> now i do

[14:39:44] <Nikola[CRO]> xD

[14:39:50] <33292> someone give me 1k for repairing :(

[14:40:05] <The_trucker5[ESP]> 10-7 food (off air)

[14:40:09] <R3AP> can someone reclass to cop to arrest me?

[14:40:09] <BeNi> use /w dude

[14:40:12] Harald1225 finished towing Sadler Damaged to garage

[14:40:16] <33292> i cant beni

[14:40:19] <Nikola[CRO]> 33293 /fixcar

[14:40:22] <Andro> stay wanted reap

[14:40:23] <PoliceH> sure BeNi

[14:40:29] <PoliceH> i ment Reap

[14:40:29] <NightWolf> sorry niko

[14:40:30] <R3AP> i am

[14:40:31] <33292> my letter "c" is broken i cant wrtie /fixcar

[14:40:34] <NightWolf> my bad

[14:40:38] Obey the speed limits on the roads. 50 in cities/towns, 90 on outside roads and 130 on motorways (50/80/100 for trucks)

[14:40:44] BeNi delivered fuel to Milestone County gas station

[14:40:47] <Nikola[CRO]> You think i am stupid?

[14:40:53] <NightWolf> you just typed the letter 'c' how is it broken?

[14:40:59] <PoliceH> ^^^^

[14:40:59] <33292> thats a symbol that looks like it

[14:41:02] Deliver fuel to 4 gas stations

[14:41:05] Insurance on your Road train has been renewed. You are charged $3,500

[14:41:10] <Nikola[CRO]> sure

[14:41:11] * King Of The Road GeldRo (1) connected: {00FF00}Hello I'm Bil@. I'm Back xD

[14:41:17] SilverStar delivered supplies from Angel Pine Warehouse to Sandus Royal Casino.

[14:41:18] <Zeding669> meep bikers

[14:41:24] (CB:5) Harald1225: let nii op hem hij is een of andere mongool

[14:41:32] (CB:5) PoliceH: okey xd

[14:41:33] * Transport Tycoon Cristache1 (5) connected

[14:41:40] (CB:5) Harald1225: ik weenie of je hem ken... farty

[14:41:42] <Zeding669> 2 bikers being chased by police lol @ Milestone County

[14:41:42] * Trucker Wannabe Flack (19) connected

[14:41:44] Gusur delivered equipment from Redstone Warehouse to Milestone Expressway Truck Depot.

[14:42:00] NightWolf delivered equipment from Redstone Warehouse to Milestone Expressway Truck Depot.

[14:42:00] (CB:5) PoliceH: hem weer..

[14:42:03] Tastynub delivered equipment from Redstone Warehouse to Milestone Expressway Truck Depot.

[14:42:08] (CB:5) Harald1225: van de morgen ook al

[14:42:08] <33292> wb Flack

[14:42:08] <SilverStar> bye

[14:42:09] {FFFFFF}There is an artic trailer convoy going from {AA3333}Milestone County{FFFFFF} to Las Venturas. Type {AA3333}/convoy 4{FFFFFF} to join!

[14:42:14] <SilverStar> wb

[14:42:18] Harald1225 finished towing Sentinel to garage

[14:42:19] (CB:5) PoliceH: hij maakte gisteren ISIS grapjes, terwijl ik iemand in Brussel verloren ben die dag..

[14:42:28] (CB:5) Harald1225: jij nii alleen kerel

[14:42:28] If you're unsure about speedlimits for your vehicle, type /speedlimits

[14:42:30] Zeding669 delivered fuel to Milestone County gas station

[14:42:35] (CB:5) PoliceH: en noemde die me een Secetive bitch enzo..

[14:42:39] <33292> can soemone go apply as an admin, get accept and come help me

[14:42:42] (CB:5) PoliceH: of hoe je het ook typs

[14:42:44] (CB:5) PoliceH: typt

[14:42:51] (CB:5) Harald1225: ik ben toen mijn toenmalige schoonouders kwijt geraakt

[14:42:54] SilverStar delivered supplies from Indus Warehouse to Sandus Gas Station.

[14:42:55] <Nikola[CRO]> why?

[14:42:56] <PoliceH> Farty, why are you here?!

[14:43:00] <Gusur> slow

[14:43:05] (CB:5) PoliceH: Farty = Forgived

[14:43:07] <NightWolf> nnicee

[14:43:18] <Gusur> lol

[14:43:26] (CB:5) PoliceH: aww, sterkte kerel

[14:43:30] * Co President SmokeyBear (20) connected: {FFFFFF}Powered by Klaus Iohannis

[14:43:38] (CB:5) Harald1225: jha twas effe kut

[14:43:42] (CB:5) PoliceH: snap ik

[14:44:00] (CB:5) Harald1225: ik heb nogsteeds contact met da meiske ze is hier bijna iedere week, en ze woont nou bij haar tante in huis

[14:44:08] (CB:5) PoliceH: die 2 kinderen uit Lanaken/Maastricht die tot 2 weken erna nog zoek ware

[14:44:12] (CB:5) PoliceH: zegt je dat iets?

[14:44:19] WARNING: This server has a very strict policy regarding hacks; all cheaters will be banned!

[14:44:21] * Most Valued Trucker Formarr (21) connected: {FF0000}This{00FF00} is {0000FF}a{800080} Welcome Message

[14:44:24] <Nikola[CRO]> wv x2

[14:44:27] <Nikola[CRO]> wb

[14:44:28] SilverStar delivered bottled gas from Indus Fuel Refinery to Sandus Engineering.

[14:44:31] (CB:5) Harald1225: kom me zo effe nii te boven drijven help me effe herinneren

[14:44:56] Harald1225 finished towing Premier to garage

[14:44:57] (CB:5) PoliceH: Die 2 kinderen van uit maastricht/lanaken die nog zoek waren nog niet geindentificeerd, ze zoude na New York gaan

[14:44:59] <Zeding669> 10-7  (off air)

[14:45:01] Nikola[CRO] delivered industrial waste from Havenport Shipyard to Milestone Junkyard.

[14:45:08] (CB:5) Harald1225: owja die jha

[14:45:14] (CB:5) PoliceH: Ja die kende ik beide

[14:45:20] (CB:5) Harald1225: aii

[14:45:22] BeNi delivered fuel to Dutchmen Keys gas station

[14:45:24] <NightWolf> ohly

[14:45:25] (CB:5) PoliceH: was ff een klap

[14:45:34] (CB:5) Harald1225: snap ik

[14:45:54] (CB:5) PoliceH: en die gast was gistere de hele tijd grapjes over terrorisme & kanker te maken

[14:45:59] Harald1225 finished towing Glendale Damaged to garage

[14:46:04] SilverStar delivered supplies from Indus Warehouse to Sandus Corporate Offices.

[14:46:06] Officer Formarr jailed R3AP for 1 minutes

[14:46:07] (CB:5) PoliceH: je kent me

[14:46:07] <R3AP> ty

[14:46:11] Buy insurance for your vehicles in shop to preserve them in case of accident and get free /assistance

[14:46:13] (CB:5) PoliceH: denk is goed na wat ik deed

[14:46:14] (CB:5) Harald1225: jammer genoeg wel :p

[14:46:14] R3AP bailed out of jail!

[14:46:25] Speedtrap caught you speeding! You will be fined $600 for your reckless driving. You have $600 in fines to pay

[14:46:26] lucy_ left the server (Timed out)

[14:46:34] (CB:5) Harald1225: gein he maat

[14:46:39] (CB:5) PoliceH: heb em de les gelezen

[14:46:43] (CB:5) PoliceH: weet i ktoch

[14:46:52] <Nikola[CRO]> meep

[14:46:56] <Nikola[CRO]> convoy

[14:46:57] <Gusur> meep

[14:46:59] TastyDE delivered fuel to Red County gas station

[14:47:03] <PoliceH> meep

[14:47:04] (CB:5) Harald1225: 408/500 :D

[14:47:05] <BeNi> meep

[14:47:08] (CB:5) PoliceH: Nice

[14:47:08] <Tastynub> meep meep

[14:47:13] * club de viky lucy_ (10) connected

[14:47:15] (CB:5) PoliceH: anderhalf uurtje nog :)

[14:47:25] Harald1225 finished towing Windsor to garage

[14:47:27] Officer Andro asked you to pay $600 for your tickets. You have 30 sec to /pay your tickets

[14:47:28] <NightWolf> meep trucjk

[14:47:31] You paid $600 fine to officer Andro

[14:47:32] <Gusur> ey police quick here

[14:47:40] <Andro> 10-4

[14:47:41] Stop your truck to unload fuel

[14:47:46] Go to the next destination.

[14:47:47] Refilling tank...

[14:47:55] Fueling finished

[14:47:57] You paid $72 for fuel

[14:48:01] <GeldRo> sry mate

[14:48:02] You can type /7 to go AFK and /8 when you are back. More about ten codes in /codes

[14:48:07] SilverStar delivered supplies from Indus Warehouse to Sandus Royal Casino.

[14:48:07] (CB:5) PoliceH: 2546.6 odo op me RT nu

[14:48:15] <Gusur> slow

[14:48:25] * Harald1225 taps diesel of policeH his trailer >:)

[14:48:39] * PoliceH Smiles and looks aaway.

[14:48:45] <NightWolf> meep

[14:48:50] <GeldRo> meep

[14:48:51] Speedtrap caught you speeding! You will be fined $1,050 for your reckless driving. You have $1,050 in fines to pay

[14:48:55] Formarr completed flight from San Fierro to Las Venturas with Shamal

[14:48:56] <Harald1225> free fuel!! xD

[14:49:00] Stop your truck to unload fuel

[14:49:03] Assistance will arrive in 15 mins. Stay where you are!

[14:49:05] Go to the next destination.

[14:49:06] lucy_ left the server (exit)

[14:49:06] viky left the server (exit)

[14:49:19] Your insurance covered repair cost

[14:49:23] (CB:5) Harald1225: reate 2 bij el que

[14:49:25] BeNi delivered fuel to Tierra Robada gas station

[14:49:27] (CB:5) PoliceH: heb je forum account?

[14:49:31] (CB:5) Harald1225: si

[14:49:33] (CB:5) PoliceH: moet ik nu niet heen, miss zometeen wel

[14:49:47] Harald1225 finished towing Tampa to garage

[14:49:53] Drive only on right-hand side of the road and do not exceed speed limits, same driving rules apply as in real life

[14:49:59] (CB:5) PoliceH: kijk daar is bij DTU nederlandse muziek topic

[14:50:20] SilverStar delivered bottled gas from Indus Fuel Refinery to Sandus Engineering.

[14:50:23] <PoliceH> Meep Reaps house @ Milestone County

[14:50:48] <BeNi> 10-7  (off air)

[14:50:51] (CB:5) Harald1225: effe de blaas leeg maken brb

[14:50:57] (CB:5) PoliceH: okii

[14:51:03] <Gusur> is it correct?

[14:51:25] Formarr completed flight from Las Venturas to Los Santos with Shamal

[14:51:35] <The_trucker5[ESP]> 10-8  (on air)

[14:51:40] Gusur delivered mixed goods from Milestone Dock to Blackfield truck depot.

[14:51:41] Speedtrap caught you speeding! You will be fined $600 for your reckless driving. You have $1,650 in fines to pay

[14:51:43] You should always follow the /rules. More explicit rules can be found on

[14:51:44] Tastynub delivered mixed goods from Milestone Dock to Blackfield truck depot.

[14:51:45] (CB:5) Harald1225: zoow

[14:51:49] SilverStar delivered supplies from Sandus Factory to Indus Warehouse.

[14:51:50] (CB:5) PoliceH: da was snel

[14:51:59] <Gusur> sry for sudden brake

[14:52:00] NightWolf delivered mixed goods from Milestone Dock to Blackfield truck depot.

[14:52:04] <Tastynub> npnp

[14:52:06] R3AP delivered money from Bank of Bone County to Sandus Bank.

[14:52:07] {FFFFFF}There is an artic trailer convoy going from {AA3333}Las Venturas{FFFFFF} to Red County. Type {AA3333}/convoy 4{FFFFFF} to join!

[14:52:09] (CB:5) Harald1225: plee zit naast mijn kamer xD

[14:52:14] (CB:5) PoliceH: xDz

[14:52:18] (CB:5) PoliceH: bij mij thuis ook xd

[14:52:25] <NightWolf> gas station btw

[14:52:27] <Gusur> where shall we refuel?

[14:52:27] (CB:5) Harald1225: acdc aan heerlijk

[14:52:31] Harald1225 finished towing Sentinel to garage

[14:52:48] <BeNi> 10-8  (on air)

[14:52:49] <The_trucker5[ESP]> 10-13  (weather report)

[14:52:51] <NightWolf> somehwere neear

[14:52:58] <Gusur> ok we'll meet at airpot

[14:53:02] Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-328.png

[14:53:02] (CB:5) Harald1225: goffer kan shubie nii weg towen xD

[14:53:03] Andro delivered export goods from Washington Beach Warehouse to Los Santos Railways.

[14:53:08] <PoliceH> Smokey?

[14:53:13] <SmokeyBear> busy

[14:53:20] <PoliceH> want to lose your badge again?

[14:53:23] Harald1225 finished towing Sentinel to garage

[14:53:25] <SmokeyBear> again?

[14:53:34] See a cheater? /report him to admins. Don't ever report in game chat!

[14:53:42] <PoliceH> you're car surfing as cop, AKA ideling as cop, Complainable.

[14:53:52] <NightWolf> need to find a gas

[14:53:58] <33292> Police why you gotta be an arsmole to everyone

[14:54:00] (CB:5) Harald1225: jij moet altijd wat te zeiken hebben ey xD

[14:54:04] Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-329.png

[14:54:04] <SilverStar> sry

[14:54:08] (CB:5) PoliceH: yup

[14:54:08] The_trucker5[ESP] delivered machines from Sandus Engineering to Indus Fuel Refinery.

[14:54:10] SilverStar delivered machines from Sandus Engineering to Indus Fuel Refinery.

[14:54:10] <33292> its ok to me, but smokey is a nice gay

[14:54:11] <The_trucker5[ESP]> np :)

[14:54:18] Harald1225 finished towing Mule to garage

[14:54:19] <SmokeyBear> i lost my police car sir,im going to get one

[14:54:22] <PoliceH> alright enjoy the complain then :*

[14:54:35] (CB:5) Harald1225: jup dat is forgived kun je gelijkzien

[14:54:41] <NightWolf> gas

[14:54:42] <NightWolf> wait there

[14:54:43] TastyDE delivered fuel to Milestone County gas station

[14:54:44] Formarr completed flight from Los Santos to Narwick with Shamal

[14:54:45] <Gusur> why there

[14:54:47] <NightWolf> gas

[14:54:51] <Gusur> we got gas on the right too

[14:54:56] ** SmokeyBear(20): wanna report me?

[14:54:56] (CB:5) PoliceH: Yup

[14:55:06] <NightWolf> long time ago XD

[14:55:11] <Gusur> ahahaha

[14:55:15] >> SmokeyBear(20): Actually only 3392, he's a dick that made me depressed yesterday

[14:55:16] Nikola[CRO] delivered barley from Milestone Warehousing to Fallen Tree Logistics.

[14:55:18] SilverStar delivered food from Indus Dock to Sandus Shop Corner.

[14:55:19] The_trucker5[ESP] delivered food from Indus Dock to Sandus Shop Corner.

[14:55:20] BeNi delivered fuel to Red County gas station

[14:55:24] Visit Shops to purchase items, licenses, drinks, car insurance, or sell your vehicles (S icon on map)

[14:55:28] >> SmokeyBear(20): but you're involved.. in the screen..

[14:55:31] <33292> there is someone in this server like the fat guy in class who always get bullied, he always threats to report to teacher

[14:55:32] ** SmokeyBear(20): who is thoose idiot?

[14:55:33] Harald1225 finished towing Washington to garage

[14:55:44] <Gusur> i'm sure know who he is

[14:55:45] >> SmokeyBear(20): its Fraty, aka Forgived

[14:55:48] TastyDE delivered fuel to Dutchmen Keys gas station

[14:55:52] ** SmokeyBear(20): lol

[14:55:54] <33292> shh dont name names

[14:55:54] <R3AP> xD

[14:56:10] <Harald1225> pls do say his name xD

[14:56:18] <Gusur> u know him too harald

[14:56:18] <33292> maybe his little brother was bullied at school and he suicided becuz of it

[14:56:24] <33292> then he will say u think bullying is a joke.. etc

[14:56:28] <BeNi> my tzruuuck

[14:56:29] <Gusur> 10-20 Bone County

[14:56:30] <SmokeyBear> 33292 i can help u,i know a center for authism kids

[14:56:33] <PoliceH> Forgived, Farty or 33292, i'm advicing you to FUCKING stop.. --'

[14:56:37] <Gusur> waiting otw to blueberry

[14:56:42] <33292> Police?

[14:56:44] <Gusur> see on my left?

[14:56:45] <33292> sup

[14:56:47] R3AP delivered earnings from Sandus Ammu-nation to Bank of Bone County.

[14:56:50] <NightWolf> yea

[14:56:51] <Gusur> there's gas

[14:56:52] <NightWolf> hehehe

[14:56:55] <PoliceH> not joking anymore.

[14:56:55] SilverStar delivered supplies from Indus Warehouse to Sandus Corporate Offices.

[14:56:57] <SmokeyBear> can i meet ur mom

[14:57:03] <PoliceH> no more mr nice guy.

[14:57:03] <SmokeyBear> date*

[14:57:08] The_trucker5[ESP] delivered supplies from Indus Warehouse to Sandus Corporate Offices.

[14:57:10] Insurance on your Petrol tanker has been renewed. You are charged $900

[14:57:13] <33292> Smokey, firstly its called a center for kids with autism, or for autistic kids

[14:57:14] Head to a used vehicle dealer to find often-cheaper vehicles to purchase, use /gps to find the dealers!

[14:57:15] R3AP left the server (exit)

[14:57:16] (CB:5) Harald1225: was je dat al dan wel? XD

[14:57:19] Harald1225 finished towing Sadler to garage

[14:57:23] <33292> Secondly, I'm already enrolled in one.

[14:57:24] (CB:5) PoliceH: ja :P

[14:57:27] Gusur left the server (Timed out)

[14:57:27] <SmokeyBear> u already in there?

[14:57:28] <33292> Thridly, you can meet my mum

[14:57:37] <SmokeyBear> lol

[14:57:45] Stop your truck to unload fuel

[14:57:52] <33292> but i must be with u and my mum, i dont want u to lock bedroom door

[14:57:53] Assistance will arrive in 15 mins. Stay where you are!

[14:57:55] Go to the next destination.

[14:57:56] Refilling tank...

[14:58:01] Fueling finished

[14:58:06] <PoliceH> wait whut?

[14:58:08] You paid $52 for fuel

[14:58:09] Your insurance covered repair cost

[14:58:10] <Andro> xD

[14:58:14] <SmokeyBear> omfg ur really sick

[14:58:23] * Respected Trucker Gusur (4) connected: {800080}Federal {A52A2A}Parcel {FFA500}Express

[14:58:24] <33292> what

[14:58:31] <Tastynub> wb

[14:58:33] <NightWolf> wb Gusur

[14:58:35] <Gusur> what happened?

[14:58:35] <33292> why im sick? because i dont want u to be with my mom alone

[14:58:38] <NightWolf> idk

[14:58:44] Cristache1 delivered food from Blueberry Acres to Vice Hospital.

[14:58:47] <Gusur> i suddenly disconnected and banned

[14:58:48] <33292> Smokey said he wants to meet my mom in her bedroom

[14:58:53] <NightWolf> whatT??

[14:58:57] Andro delivered machines from LS Dock Warehouse to Shipyard.

[14:59:00] <Gusur> but then i can join again

[14:59:03] San Andreas Police Department is now hiring! Log on to to pass the test and receive your police badge today!

[14:59:05] <NightWolf> wow

[14:59:06] <33292> Gusur, thats because u almost named that "someone"

[14:59:10] <Cristache1> fixcar

[14:59:19] <NightWolf> wtf

[14:59:23] Tastynub delivered mixed goods from Las Venturas Airport to Blueberry Industrial Estate.

[14:59:24] <NightWolf> that is weird tho

[14:59:27] <PoliceH> Gusur, Thats an know SA:MP bug, just restart your game then and its fixed.

[14:59:33] <Gusur> yea just restarted

[14:59:40] <33292> dont spread false information policeH

[14:59:42] NightWolf delivered mixed goods from Las Venturas Airport to Blueberry Industrial Estate.

[14:59:46] Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-330.png

[14:59:47] ** SmokeyBear(20): u can report only with chat pic?without me?

[14:59:52] SilverStar delivered machines from Sandus Engineering to Quarry.

[14:59:54] Cristache1 left the server (exit)

[14:59:55] >> SmokeyBear(20): dw i will.

[14:59:57] The_trucker5[ESP] delivered machines from Sandus Engineering to Quarry.

[15:00:12] ** SmokeyBear(20): ty,anyway now im playing for fun

[15:00:16] (CB:5) Harald1225: heb effe in de shoutbox gevraagd of er een admin ken komme

[15:00:24] <Nikola[CRO]> meep

[15:00:24] <PoliceH> i'm playing SAMP since 2009.. please. don't tell me if i spread false info or not.

[15:00:27] <Andro> meep

[15:00:27] *** $20,000 received from SmokeyBear: ty mate:D

[15:00:29] Nikola[CRO] delivered grain from Hilltop Farm to Dr Flour Bakery.

[15:00:29] * Transport Tycoon Cristache1 (5) connected

[15:00:30] Harald1225 finished towing Utility van to garage

[15:00:35] >> SmokeyBear(20): <3

[15:00:36] <33292> i didnt talk to u, I said policeH not PoliceH

[15:00:42] <Gusur> meep

[15:00:42] <33292> this game is case sensitive

[15:00:52] <PoliceH> don't fucking care.

[15:00:52] Want to stay in touch with your convoy mates? Add them to /contacts.

[15:01:15] Harald1225 finished towing Sentinel to garage

[15:01:16] <PoliceH> your mum fuck good you know.

[15:01:22] <SmokeyBear> 33292 its much sick than MasterNL

[15:01:24] {FFFFFF}There is an artic trailer convoy going from {AA3333}Red County{FFFFFF} to Milestone County. Type {AA3333}/convoy 4{FFFFFF} to join!

[15:01:28] <Schubertu$> 10-8  (on air)

[15:01:30] <33292> PoliceH

[15:01:31] <Gusur> damn

[15:01:38] <33292> Did you just say my dead mom fucks good?

[15:01:43] <SmokeyBear> lol

[15:01:44] <33292> Now you are making fun of my dead mom

[15:01:48] <33292> For real?

[15:01:52] ** Gusur(4): hi

[15:01:52] <SmokeyBear> how they dead?

[15:01:58] BeNi delivered fuel to Eyre Island gas station

[15:01:59] <33292> She got fucked hard by policeH and died

[15:02:05] <SmokeyBear> oo

[15:02:06] ** Gusur(4): he's the one you just reported

[15:02:09] <The_trucker5[ESP]> ty bro

[15:02:09] <PoliceH> okay, let me count, you girlfriend, both grandparrents, you dad, your forster dad , and now your mom?!

[15:02:14] <SilverStar> yw

[15:02:18] >> Gusur(4): i know

[15:02:23] Schubertu$ finished towing Huntley to garage

[15:02:27] <33292> well my mom is not counted, because u fucked her hard and u killed her

[15:02:41] <Gusur> what kind of conversation is that

[15:02:42] Spamming or advertising in chat is not allowed

[15:02:47] <SmokeyBear> sick

[15:02:51] <33292> sick kind of conversation

[15:02:52] <PoliceH> well you went into the room after me so you probally raped and killed her.

[15:03:01] <33292> Your mom ?

[15:03:02] <TastyDE> 10-7  (off air)

[15:03:05] <PoliceH> no yours.

[15:03:06] <33292> nice

[15:03:08] <33292> No urs

[15:03:11] <SmokeyBear> i will make a server for weird kids like 33292 and masterNL

[15:03:13] <33292> mine is dead since 1950

[15:03:32] <PoliceH> jump infornt of a train please.

[15:03:33] SilverStar delivered supplies from Angel Pine Warehouse to Sandus Royal Casino.

[15:03:37] <33292> PoliceH is making fun of his own mom, I don't know what kind of person he is

[15:03:38] Stop your truck to unload fuel

[15:03:43] Assistance will arrive in 15 mins. Stay where you are!

[15:03:43] You get $5378 bonus for own vehicle/trailer

[15:03:43] Mission complete. You get $32,266

[15:03:44] The_trucker5[ESP] delivered supplies from Angel Pine Warehouse to Sandus Royal Casino.

[15:03:45] <NightWolf> meep trucker

[15:03:50] <33292> meep

[15:03:54] <PoliceH> My mom left me alone, so don't say shit like that.

[15:03:58] <Andro> meep

[15:03:59] Your insurance covered repair cost

[15:04:01] Load fuel from Refinery

[15:04:08] Andro delivered mixed goods from San Fierro Dock to The Valley Warehouse.

[15:04:11] <Schubertu$> uh

[15:04:19] <Schubertu$> can't u just ignore each other?

[15:04:21] <33292> Oh? so now you can make fun of others moms, and say I raped her and shit ,but when we do the opposite

[15:04:22] <PoliceH> you don't know shit of my life, so please.

[15:04:23] <33292> u cry

[15:04:31] <33292> Do you know shit about my life?

[15:04:32] Security reminder: don't give your password to anyone and don't use the same password in other servers.

[15:04:42] <PoliceH> you're opening your life story in this server.

[15:04:42] Schubertu$ finished towing Windsor to garage

[15:04:45] Formarr left the server (exit)

[15:04:45] <Schubertu$> sorry xD

[15:04:46] <33292> No you dont, and I dont care about ur life, and i dont care if u  know about my life

[15:04:50] <Harald1225> np xD

[15:04:52] <33292> I am?

[15:04:54] Assistance will arrive in 15 mins. Stay where you are!

[15:04:54] <33292> Are you sure

[15:05:27] Nikola[CRO] delivered industrial waste from Shipyard to Landfill.

[15:05:27] * Comprometido JeeH LucaS_DiniZ (10) connected: {00ff00}/Apply RedBull {00fa9a}Transport 17/17 :D

[15:05:27] Your insurance covered repair cost

[15:05:27] <33292> Im not the guy who brought up his dead cousin from ISIS attacks randomly

[15:05:27] TastyDE delivered fuel to Milestone County gas station

[15:05:27] <SmokeyBear> 33292 u should meet MasterNL

[15:05:27] <33292> Smokey

[15:05:28] <33292> MasterNL?

[15:05:35] Schubertu$ finished towing Sentinel to garage

[15:05:35] SilverStar delivered supplies from Sandus Factory to Angel Pine Shopping.

[15:05:37] <Schubertu$> aka ivor

[15:05:38] <SmokeyBear> yes

[15:05:42] <33292> Isn't he that odd guy

[15:05:45] The_trucker5[ESP] delivered supplies from Sandus Factory to Angel Pine Shopping.

[15:05:45] <PoliceH> death cousin? i said friend.

[15:05:52] <33292> Death?

[15:05:57] <33292> Please, do you english bro

[15:06:11] <33292> I will complain to the teacher that you have bad gramer

[15:06:14] <PoliceH> don't call me Bro, i'm not your bro.

[15:06:22] <33292> bro in dutch means my shit

[15:06:23] Remember: Driving on train tracks is not allowed

[15:06:35] <PoliceH> how do you even know i'm duthc?

[15:06:39] <Harald1225> well no...

[15:06:40] <PoliceH> DUtch*

[15:06:41] <Schubertu$> u 1st harald

[15:06:43] Harald1225 finished towing Stafford to garage

[15:06:43] <Schubertu$> :D

[15:06:45] <33292> I know

[15:06:46] <NightWolf> hyahah

[15:06:47] Schubertu$ finished towing Glendale Damaged to garage

[15:06:50] * Trucker Of The Year GabrielR (11) connected

[15:06:53] <Gusur> care

[15:06:53] <SmokeyBear> ty

[15:06:56] <NightWolf> iknow

[15:06:57] <PoliceH> Bro = Broer = Brother.

[15:07:01] <TastyDE> NP :)

[15:07:02] <Gusur> lol

[15:07:09] <Schubertu$> woops

[15:07:11] <Harald1225> oh shit xD

[15:07:13] Schubertu$ finished towing Banshee to garage

[15:07:20] SilverStar delivered casino games from Angel Pine Warehouse to Sandus Royal Casino.

[15:07:22] Speedtrap caught you speeding! You will be fined $150 for your reckless driving. You have $1,800 in fines to pay

[15:07:33] <SilverStar> Need fuel

[15:07:33] The_trucker5[ESP] delivered casino games from Angel Pine Warehouse to Sandus Royal Casino.

[15:07:33] <The_trucker5[ESP]> +1

[15:07:37] <33292> PoliceH are you a male or a female

[15:07:42] <PoliceH> a Male.

[15:07:47] <Schubertu$> 82 left harald, gogo :D

[15:07:47] <33292> and 19?

[15:07:48] <NightWolf> meep truckj

[15:07:51] (CB:5) Harald1225: :D

[15:07:53] <Harald1225> :D

[15:07:58] <PoliceH> Harald, you can do it!

[15:07:59] (CB:5) PoliceH: :D

[15:08:06] <Zeding669> just do it!

[15:08:10] Harald1225 finished towing Regina to garage

[15:08:14] Use /email command to save your email address. This will help you recover in case you lose your password.

[15:08:17] <Zeding669> nothing is impossible

[15:08:18] <Schubertu$> Yes you can!

[15:08:27] <Harald1225> my nos went empty again xD

[15:08:27] <PoliceH> Sure we can, TNT post. :P

[15:08:30] <33292> I know one guy in our school who always feels he lived the toughest life

[15:08:32] <SilverStar> can you get of my car i cant see

[15:08:35] <33292> he thinks he is hte only one with family problems

[15:08:37] TastyDE delivered fuel to Tierra Robada gas station

[15:08:41] <33292> or hes the first to face depression

[15:08:43] Deliver fuel to 5 gas stations

[15:08:45] * Most Valued Trucker Spongegar (8) connected: When you send a dick pic to your gf and she send dick pick too

[15:08:46] Schubertu$ finished towing Tampa to garage

[15:08:47] <TastyDE> 10-7  (off air)

[15:08:48] <Nikola[CRO]> beep

[15:08:52] <Schubertu$> wb Spongee

[15:08:53] (CB:5) PoliceH: ff negeerfase opzette

[15:08:54] <Harald1225> spongebob!! WB :D

[15:08:54] <33292> wwb Sponger

[15:08:57] <The_trucker5[ESP]> wb

[15:08:58] Andro delivered equipment from Blueberry Industries to Construction Site.

[15:08:59] * Most Valued Trucker ako (21) connected

[15:09:00] <PoliceH> Wb sponge my thirt love w3

[15:09:02] <SilverStar> wb

[15:09:03] <Zeding669> wb spongerspongegar

[15:09:04] Nikola[CRO] delivered barley from Leafy Hollow Farm to Sandus Brewery.

[15:09:04] <Harald1225> akooo :D

[15:09:08] <ako> Thanks!

[15:09:09] <Spongegar> ty all xD

[15:09:10] * Schubertu$ gives Sponge bottle of soda

[15:09:10] * 33292 gives sponge thirty three KGs of popcornw

[15:09:11] <Spongegar> wb ako :D

[15:09:14] <33292> wtf

[15:09:17] <33292> SchubrtU$

[15:09:17] BeNi delivered fuel to Las Venturas gas station

[15:09:19] <33292> damn

[15:09:21] <PoliceH> wb ako my fourth love <3

[15:09:24] Harald1225 finished towing Admiral to garage

[15:09:25] <33292> wb ako

[15:09:25] <Spongegar> is this farty again?

[15:09:30] <SmokeyBear> yeap

[15:09:30] <PoliceH> yes.

[15:09:32] <33292> yes

[15:09:39] <Zeding669> da

[15:09:40] <Tastynub> y

[15:09:43] <Spongegar> @.@

[15:09:44] <33292> guess what sponge

[15:09:45] <Gusur> k

[15:09:54] <NightWolf> meepo flack

[15:09:55] <Spongegar> what?

[15:09:56] Insurance on your Cement truck has been renewed. You are charged $1,750

[15:09:59] <Nikola[CRO]> 10-7 afk 10 mins atleast (off air)

[15:10:01] * A tu maldita edad iRedDawn (22) connected

[15:10:03] Schubertu$ finished towing Yosemite to garage

[15:10:18] Do you know what Cruise Control is, or how to get to Wet County? If not, type /help to find out!

[15:10:18] <Spongegar> ako dont wait for me xD

[15:10:18] <Schubertu$> hola iRed

[15:10:18] <Spongegar> go finish it lel

[15:10:18] <33292> PoliceH wanted to meet my mom, and he even joked about raping her to death

[15:10:18] Zeding669 delivered fuel to Las Venturas gas station

[15:10:18] <iRedDawn> hello

[15:10:19] <Gusur> night

[15:10:21] <33292> but when I said "ur mom"? he said u dont know what my mom did to me

[15:10:22] Gusur delivered equipment from The Valley Warehouse to Milestone Expressway Truck Depot.

[15:10:22] <NightWolf> ?

[15:10:22] <Gusur> join geldo

[15:10:24] <33292> and she left me as a kid

[15:10:29] <33292> and brought another personal issue Lmao

[15:10:30] <Spongegar> rape is not a good joke

[15:10:32] <Gusur> i want to leave

[15:10:35] <33292> he joked about that

[15:10:35] * Spongegar joined CB channel 5

[15:10:36] NightWolf delivered equipment from The Valley Warehouse to Milestone Expressway Truck Depot.

[15:10:36] <NightWolf> Geldo?

[15:10:37] <33292> about my fucking mom

[15:10:39] (CB:5) Spongegar: hey

[15:10:39] Harald1225 finished towing Glendale Damaged to garage

[15:10:39] <NightWolf> thos e ghuys

[15:10:40] <GeldRo> ?

[15:10:41] <PoliceH> 333292. Want me to place the chatlog online?

[15:10:42] (CB:5) Harald1225: haii :D

[15:10:44] <GeldRo> pass 1234

[15:10:45] (CB:5) PoliceH: Hey :3

[15:10:47] <Gusur> geldro

[15:10:50] Tastynub delivered equipment from The Valley Warehouse to Milestone Expressway Truck Depot.

[15:10:51] SilverStar delivered shop supplies from Sandus Factory to Angel Pine Shopping.

[15:10:51] <33292> PoliceH as u wish

[15:10:54] The_trucker5[ESP] delivered shop supplies from Sandus Factory to Angel Pine Shopping.

[15:10:55] Schubertu$ finished towing Regina to garage

[15:11:01] <NightWolf> Geldro

[15:11:02] <NightWolf> password?

[15:11:02] * ako joined CB channel 5

[15:11:02] <Gusur> see ya guys

[15:11:05] <Zeding669> i cant understand anything

[15:11:07] <Tastynub> bye o/

[15:11:08] <SmokeyBear> 33292 ill tell masterNL to meet u

[15:11:09] <NightWolf> he has password on it

[15:11:10] (CB:5) PoliceH: adding another chatlog in my complain agian agaonst that dick.

[15:11:13] <GeldRo> 1234

[15:11:13] <Gusur> he said 1234

[15:11:14] <NightWolf> bb Gusur :)

[15:11:15] (CB:5) Spongegar: xD

[15:11:16] GeldRo delivered supplies from Blackfield truck depot to Milestone Warehousing.

[15:11:16] <33292> Smokey why

[15:11:17] <NightWolf> kk thanks

[15:11:17] <Gusur> bb

[15:11:22] (CB:5) PoliceH: hi Ako

[15:11:24] Cristache1 transported package from Emerald Isle Hotel to Sandus Corporate Offices by helicopter.

[15:11:27] LucaS_DiniZ delivered machines from Spinybed Warehousing to Flint County farm.

[15:11:27] <SmokeyBear> is exactly like u

[15:11:28] (CB:5) ako: Hi

[15:11:29] Harald1225 finished towing Glendale Damaged to garage

[15:11:30] Flack delivered supplies from Blackfield truck depot to Milestone Warehousing.

[15:11:30] * Flack advanced to Rookie Trucker!

[15:11:31] <33292> I will dry anally rape masterNL if hes like me

[15:11:33] <33292> gzzzzzzz

[15:11:38] <GeldRo> gz bro

[15:11:41] (CB:5) ako: sponge, i just have to do one /w

[15:11:44] (CB:5) Harald1225: whe dont have to use the main chat like this lol xD

[15:11:44] <Gusur> gz

[15:11:47] * Zeding669 joined CB channel 5

[15:11:48] <GeldRo>  /20?

[15:11:48] <NightWolf> gxzzz

[15:11:49] <Flack> Thank you all bros

[15:11:51] (CB:5) Spongegar: go, finish it . dont wait me xD

[15:11:52] <33292> np Flack

[15:11:53] (CB:5) PoliceH: Zeding <3

[15:11:54] (CB:5) Spongegar: hey zed

[15:11:55] (CB:5) Zeding669: cb of love

[15:11:57] Make sure to set your timezone in /preferences. The /time command will show your local time :)

[15:11:58] (CB:5) Zeding669: hey

[15:12:01] (CB:5) PoliceH: the love CB

[15:12:02] (CB:5) Spongegar: that annoying 12 y/o kid

[15:12:06] Schubertu$ finished towing Glendale Damaged to garage

[15:12:06] <Gusur> milestone

[15:12:07] (CB:5) PoliceH: Indeed.

[15:12:07] (CB:5) Harald1225: hi master eater xD

[15:12:11] <Gusur> we just meet at bridge

[15:12:12] (CB:5) ako: sponge, did u read my pm?

[15:12:15] >> Gusur(4): come incb 5

[15:12:18] (CB:5) Spongegar: in forums? xDw

[15:12:18] >> Gusur(4): not you

[15:12:19] <ako> sorry

[15:12:19] Harald1225 finished towing Landstalker to garage

[15:12:20] >> Gusur(4): wrong id

[15:12:22] ** Gusur(4): haha

[15:12:22] (CB:5) ako: no, here

[15:12:26] (CB:5) Spongegar: yep :D

[15:12:27] <BeNi> nothing happened

[15:12:29] >> SmokeyBear(20): join cb 5

[15:12:34] SilverStar delivered tools from Angel Pine Warehouse to Sandus Construction.

[15:12:40] (CB:5) Spongegar: who joked about rape? D:

[15:12:41] The_trucker5[ESP] delivered tools from Angel Pine Warehouse to Sandus Construction.

[15:12:44] {FFFFFF}There is an artic trailer convoy going from {AA3333}Milestone County{FFFFFF} to Wet County. Type {AA3333}/convoy 1{FFFFFF} to join!

[15:12:44] BeNi delivered fuel to Tierra Robada gas station

[15:12:45] (CB:5) PoliceH: he did

[15:12:45] Trailer can't be saved here. Make sure it's within parking range and inside parking limits.

[15:12:45] Vehicle can't be saved here. Make sure it's within parking range and inside parking limits.

[15:12:45] You have 90 seconds to collect your load or mission will be failed

[15:12:47] <ako> in case , and i was standing ther! np

[15:12:49] * SmokeyBear joined CB channel 5

[15:12:52] Schubertu$ finished towing Huntley to garage

[15:12:52] (CB:5) SmokeyBear: hey

[15:12:55] <33292> recorded it

[15:12:56] (CB:5) Harald1225: hii smokes :D

[15:12:56] (CB:5) Zeding669: yo bear

[15:12:56] (CB:5) PoliceH: smokey welcome to the love cb

[15:12:59] <The_trucker5[ESP]> :D

[15:12:59] (CB:5) Spongegar: lool this became main chat xD

[15:13:03] <SilverStar> :)

[15:13:03] (CB:5) Zeding669: xD

[15:13:07] Spongegar finished towing Sentinel to garage

[15:13:14] (CB:5) Zeding669: bear u were banned?

[15:13:15] (CB:5) PoliceH: Farty isnt welcome here.

[15:13:17] Schubertu$ finished towing Remington to garage

[15:13:22] (CB:5) Spongegar: at first i was entertained by your frights yesterday

[15:13:25] <PoliceH> mee red

[15:13:26] (CB:5) Spongegar: now im pissed

[15:13:29] <iRedDawn> meeep

[15:13:31] * SilverStar joined CB channel 5

[15:13:33] (CB:5) Spongegar: wtf ako xD

[15:13:35] (CB:5) ako: :P

[15:13:36] (CB:5) PoliceH: ss <3

[15:13:36] <Schubertu$> tow convoy @ Tierra Robada

[15:13:36] Zeding669 delivered fuel to Tierra Robada gas station

[15:13:38] (CB:5) Spongegar: why are you ramming me?!

[15:13:38] (CB:5) SmokeyBear: yes i was banned

[15:13:41] (CB:5) Zeding669: lol ss welcoem to love cb

[15:13:44] Cristache1 left the server (exit)

[15:13:45] * Most Valued Trucker ActrosMP4 (23) connected: #LKW

[15:13:46] (CB:5) SilverStar: hi all :D

[15:13:49] (CB:5) PoliceH: SPonge i'm aswell..

[15:13:49] <Flack> sorry

[15:13:49] Type /events to see list of current and upcoming events!

[15:13:50] <NightWolf> help

[15:13:51] (CB:5) Zeding669: why?

[15:13:51] (CB:5) ako: thats what i said what we will do after ach

[15:13:53] (CB:5) Spongegar: hi :D

[15:13:55] (CB:5) PoliceH: he makes me mad and depressed.

[15:13:55] * BeNi joined CB channel 5

[15:13:55] Schubertu$ finished towing Buffalo to garage

[15:13:59] (CB:5) PoliceH: Beni <3

[15:13:59] <NightWolf> ...

[15:13:59] (CB:5) SmokeyBear: hi

[15:14:01] (CB:5) BeNi: yoo guys :)

[15:14:04] <ako> hello schubi!

[15:14:05] <NightWolf> waiat

[15:14:06] <NightWolf> i get one

[15:14:08] (CB:5) Zeding669: yep this is the main chat now

[15:14:09] (CB:5) Harald1225: beniiii! <3

[15:14:10] <Schubertu$> hey ako!

[15:14:10] (CB:5) PoliceH: new mainchat :D

[15:14:15] (CB:5) Spongegar: ohh ok ako :D i m still not finished. everyone left farty in main xb xD

[15:14:16] <Flack> ok,sorry man

[15:14:20] <NightWolf> what did you do?

[15:14:20] * Transport Tycoon Cristache1 (5) connected

[15:14:23] <NightWolf> go on map?

[15:14:24] (CB:5) SmokeyBear: 33292 its like master wtf

[15:14:26] (CB:5) BeNi: xD

[15:14:28] <Tastynub> that looked amazing

[15:14:28] Harald1225 finished towing Walton to garage

[15:14:28] (CB:5) PoliceH: Get huberto in here xd

[15:14:33] (CB:5) Spongegar: yeah.. its now annoying

[15:14:36] BeNi delivered fuel to Milestone County gas station

[15:14:39] <Flack> no,i take a screenshoot

[15:14:42] (CB:5) ako: finish it sponge, till that i try to find a place for THAT

[15:14:43] (CB:5) BeNi: oh really where is hube ?

[15:14:43] (CB:5) ako: 10-7  (off air)

[15:14:43] Officer Gusur asked you to pay $1,800 for your tickets. You have 30 sec to /pay your tickets

[15:14:44] You need to be stopped to use this command

[15:14:45] Stop your truck to unload fuel

[15:14:46] <33292> im boner cunty can someone pick me up

[15:14:48] You paid $1,800 fine to officer Gusur

[15:14:48] <Flack> screenshot*

[15:14:48] Go to the next destination.

[15:14:50] <NightWolf> well dont take a screenshot while driving then XD

[15:14:51] <Gusur> ty

[15:14:56] (CB:5) Spongegar: he is noisy than cesar chatting in shoutbox

[15:14:57] * Respected Trucker brianking (24) connected

[15:14:57] >> Schubertu$(7): join cb 5 new main chat

[15:14:59] (CB:5) Spongegar: xD

[15:14:59] * The_trucker5[ESP] joined CB channel 5

[15:15:02] (CB:5) Harald1225: 424/500 tow :D

[15:15:04] <Flack> ok :))

[15:15:05] (CB:5) Zeding669: yo tow

[15:15:06] <NightWolf> haha

[15:15:07] Schubertu$ finished towing Glendale Damaged to garage

[15:15:08] (CB:5) BeNi: gz :D

[15:15:09] (CB:5) Spongegar: welcome trucker xD

[15:15:09] <GeldRo> it's ok man

[15:15:09] (CB:5) SmokeyBear: gz

[15:15:09] LucaS_DiniZ delivered explosives from RS Haul to Ammu-Nation.

[15:15:09] * Schubertu$ joined CB channel 5

[15:15:12] (CB:5) The_trucker5[ESP]: dwXD

[15:15:14] (CB:5) BeNi: hubee

[15:15:14] (CB:5) Zeding669: yep main caht

[15:15:15] (CB:5) The_trucker5[ESP]: xd*

[15:15:15] (CB:5) PoliceH: welcome to the love CB and main chat <3

[15:15:16] (CB:5) SmokeyBear: welcome schu

[15:15:19] (CB:5) Spongegar: lol everyone joined D

[15:15:19] (CB:5) Schubertu$: eyye

[15:15:27] (CB:5) Zeding669: honk honk

[15:15:28] (CB:5) BeNi: beep

[15:15:34] Andro delivered mixed goods from Las Venturas Airport to Fallen Tree Logistics.

[15:15:35] Zeding669 delivered fuel to Milestone County gas station

[15:15:36] The_trucker5[ESP] delivered supplies from Sandus Factory to Angel Pine Shopping.

[15:15:36] (CB:5) BeNi: fuk wrong way x

[15:15:37] (CB:5) Zeding669: we left farty alone xDDD

[15:15:38] (CB:5) ako: 10-8  (on air)

[15:15:38] (CB:5) BeNi: xd

[15:15:38] SilverStar delivered supplies from Sandus Factory to Angel Pine Shopping.

[15:15:41] <NightWolf> dont feel abad Flack

[15:15:41] <Tastynub> i ned fuel

[15:15:42] (CB:5) SilverStar: lol :D

[15:15:42] (CB:5) PoliceH: Indeed xd

[15:15:43] Type /mapinfo to see list of currently loaded maps

[15:15:43] <NightWolf> it happens :D

[15:15:45] (CB:5) Spongegar: farty will be confused why no one is chatting xD

[15:15:48] (CB:5) Zeding669: yea xD

[15:15:50] (CB:5) Harald1225: xDD

[15:15:51] (CB:5) ako: the color of a cb is not good !

[15:15:52] <Flack>  :D :

[15:15:55] <GeldRo> let's go

[15:15:56] <NightWolf> leggo

[15:16:07] (CB:5) Zeding669: lol i need to extand my chatlog now lol

[15:16:12] * GeldRo joined CB channel 5

[15:16:13] (CB:5) Zeding669: btw is cj banned?

[15:16:13] <Andro> 10-7  (off air)

[15:16:14] (CB:5) PoliceH: indeed xD

[15:16:16] * Flack joined CB channel 5

[15:16:17] (CB:5) Spongegar: admins cant ban him?

[15:16:18] (CB:5) Schubertu$: waaat

[15:16:19] (CB:5) GeldRo: hi

[15:16:23] <NightWolf> fuel stop

[15:16:24] Stop your truck to unload fuel

[15:16:26] (CB:5) Spongegar: hello welcome :D

[15:16:26] (CB:5) SmokeyBear: hey geld

[15:16:26] (CB:5) Flack: hello

[15:16:27] (CB:5) ako: cj, ? banned? XD

[15:16:27] <NightWolf> wait for t asty

[15:16:29] Go to the next destination.

[15:16:30] Harald1225 finished towing Remington to garage

[15:16:32] (CB:5) PoliceH: CJ is admin xd

[15:16:37] (CB:5) Zeding669: yea xD

[15:16:38] Spongegar finished towing Landstalker to garage

[15:16:40] iRedDawn delivered pipes from Linden Side to Refinery.

[15:16:45] (CB:5) Zeding669: did he log in last night?

[15:16:47] (CB:5) BeNi: nabmin *

[15:16:49] (CB:5) ako: y do u think that?

[15:16:50] <33292> haha

[15:16:51] (CB:5) Spongegar: farty still didn't banned or warned? -_-

[15:16:52] <GeldRo> ok

[15:16:56] (CB:5) PoliceH: nope

[15:16:58] (CB:5) Schubertu$: piicuur xD

[15:17:05] <Spongegar> sighs*

[15:17:06] Harald1225 finished towing Stafford to garage

[15:17:07] (CB:5) PoliceH: adding another chalog after this in the complai

[15:17:08] (CB:5) BeNi: :3

[15:17:25] (CB:5) GeldRo: hei beni

[15:17:26] <33292> cops ramming each other nice

[15:17:27] The_trucker5[ESP] delivered casino games from Angel Pine Warehouse to Sandus Royal Casino.

[15:17:29] SilverStar delivered casino games from Angel Pine Warehouse to Sandus Royal Casino.

[15:18:01] (CB:5) BeNi: hey

[15:18:01] <SmokeyBear> yeah so?

[15:18:01] Please respect other players and server staff. Insulting will be punished by ban.

[15:18:01] (CB:5) Harald1225: 10-7  (off air)

[15:18:01] (CB:5) GeldRo: how are you?

[15:18:01] (CB:5) BeNi: im fine thx , and how about you ?

[15:18:01] Spongegar finished towing Washington to garage

[15:18:01] Schubertu$ finished towing Glendale Damaged to garage

[15:18:01] (CB:5) Spongegar: meep schubert

[15:18:01] (CB:5) Schubertu$: b33p

[15:18:19] (CB:5) GeldRo: all nice and beautifull

[15:18:19] (CB:5) BeNi: that's good :D

[15:18:19] (CB:5) Spongegar: yeah .. peacefull cb

[15:18:19] (CB:5) GeldRo: yup :D

[15:18:46] Cristache1 managed to steal Mesa

[15:18:46] GabrielR delivered supplies from Las Venturas Airport to Little Havana Mall.

[15:18:46] (CB:5) ako: 27 more SPONGE, gogogogogogo

[15:18:46] (CB:5) BeNi: im comiiing @ Tierra Robada

[15:18:46] Schubertu$ finished towing Glendale Damaged to garage

[15:18:46] (CB:5) Zeding669: 27 of?

[15:18:46] (CB:5) Spongegar: xD go finish it already ako. dont wait me lel

[15:18:46] (CB:5) ako: his tow ach

[15:18:46] (CB:5) Schubertu$: meeep

[15:18:50] (CB:5) BeNi: beeep

[15:18:52] SilverStar delivered supplies from Indus Warehouse to Sandus Royal Casino.

[15:18:54] (CB:5) PoliceH: lol shoutbox fight in forum xd

[15:18:56] The_trucker5[ESP] delivered supplies from Indus Warehouse to Sandus Royal Casino.

[15:18:57] (CB:5) Zeding669: oh some one is going to be a wrecker

[15:19:00] <33292> lmao

[15:19:03] (CB:5) Spongegar: yeah i can hear the notification xD

[15:19:07] (CB:5) PoliceH: xD

[15:19:08] (CB:5) ako: 10-7  (off air)

[15:19:17] (CB:5) Spongegar: but someone said he is forgived??

[15:19:20] (CB:5) BeNi: guys , whu is this 33292 ?

[15:19:21] (CB:5) PoliceH: i did

[15:19:23] Spongegar finished towing Windsor to garage

[15:19:26] (CB:5) BeNi: who *

[15:19:28] Put your money in bank to get interest. You can lodge your money in bank by going to nearby store (S) and choosing the ATM option.

[15:19:30] (CB:5) Zeding669: im sure he is

[15:19:31] (CB:5) PoliceH: Forgived, Farty = 333292

[15:19:33] (CB:5) Spongegar: forgived and farty are same guy?

[15:19:37] (CB:5) Zeding669: yes

[15:19:38] (CB:5) PoliceH: Yes

[15:19:40] (CB:5) Spongegar: ohhh how did you know? xD

[15:19:45] (CB:5) Harald1225: 10-8  (on air)

[15:19:47] (CB:5) Zeding669: he was asking us for a name

[15:19:48] (CB:5) PoliceH:  /whois xd

[15:19:51] (CB:5) BeNi: oh i dont know these names

[15:19:53] The_trucker5[ESP] delivered supplies from Sandus Factory to Indus Warehouse.

[15:19:54] SilverStar delivered supplies from Sandus Factory to Indus Warehouse.

[15:20:00] (CB:5) SilverStar: he asked me for loan

[15:20:01] (CB:5) Spongegar: beni they are rookies xD

[15:20:02] <33292> 10-200 @ Bone County (police needed)

[15:20:03] LucaS_DiniZ delivered mixed goods from LS Dock Warehouse to Solarin Industries.

[15:20:09] (CB:5) BeNi: ohh

[15:20:21] (CB:5) The_trucker5[ESP]: 33292 is very heavy... he is annoying silver and me all the time

[15:20:21] (CB:5) Spongegar: he asked me for 5k xD

[15:20:21] Harald1225 finished towing Glendale Damaged to garage

[15:20:21] (CB:5) Spongegar: fucking ambulance towing bug

[15:20:21] (CB:5) Schubertu$: xD

[15:20:21] Schubertu$ finished towing Banshee to garage

[15:20:21] BeNi finished towing Burrito to garage

[15:20:21] (CB:5) SilverStar: same 5k

[15:20:27] (CB:5) Harald1225: you pushged me lol? xD

[15:20:29] (CB:5) PoliceH: xd lol

[15:20:35] (CB:5) PoliceH: fuelll @ Tierra Robada

[15:20:37] (CB:5) Zeding669: everyone hates that ambulance

[15:20:38] Stop your truck to unload fuel

[15:20:43] (CB:5) Spongegar: yeah -_-w

[15:20:44] Go to the next destination.

[15:20:45] (CB:5) Harald1225: thx shubie :D

[15:20:46] TastyDE left the server (Timed out)

[15:20:47] Refilling tank...

[15:20:47] (CB:5) Schubertu$: np :D

[15:20:56] Refilling tank...

[15:20:57] iRedDawn delivered equipment from Washington Beach Warehouse to Shipyard.

[15:20:57] Fueling finished

[15:20:58] You paid $92 for fuel

[15:21:09] (CB:5) Spongegar: i know how to stop forgived xD

[15:21:11] (CB:5) PoliceH: he's probaly insulting himself now xd

[15:21:14] Zeding669 delivered fuel to Wet County truckstop gas station

[15:21:16] BeNi finished towing Tornado to garage

[15:21:17] (CB:5) Zeding669: by not talking to him

[15:21:18] The_trucker5[ESP] delivered supplies from Indus Warehouse to Sandus Gas Station.

[15:21:19] (CB:5) BeNi: lol hube xD

[15:21:20] New to server and need help? Visit help section for full list of commands, tips and tricks!

[15:21:20] Schubertu$ finished towing Windsor to garage

[15:21:21] (CB:5) PoliceH: ^^^^^

[15:21:22] (CB:5) Zeding669: he is a troller

[15:21:24] SilverStar delivered supplies from Indus Warehouse to Sandus Gas Station.

[15:21:28] (CB:5) The_trucker5[ESP]: ty for the convoy! see you later

[15:21:33] (CB:5) Zeding669: yw

[15:21:35] (CB:5) Spongegar: don't entertain him :D

[15:21:37] (CB:5) Harald1225: damn ice got a mule...

[15:21:42] <33292> haha

[15:21:44] (CB:5) Zeding669: fuck that mule

[15:21:49] (CB:5) Spongegar: xD mule

[15:21:49] (CB:5) Zeding669: flips like a bitch

[15:21:51] (CB:5) PoliceH: fucking mule towing xd

[15:21:55] (CB:5) ako: 10-8  (on air)

[15:22:01] (CB:5) ako: everyone in cb5?

[15:22:02] Spongegar finished towing Regina to garage

[15:22:04] (CB:5) PoliceH: Yes xd

[15:22:07] (CB:5) BeNi: almost

[15:22:11] BeNi finished towing Regina to garage

[15:22:13] The_trucker5[ESP] left the server (exit)

[15:22:16] (CB:5) Zeding669: expect farry

[15:22:24] (CB:5) Spongegar: wtf everyone is doing tow? xD

[15:22:25] * CB channel set to 5. There is 10 more players on this channel:

[15:22:25] * GeldRo, Harald1225, Schubertu$, Spongegar, BeNi, Zeding669, SilverStar, Flack, SmokeyBear, ako

[15:22:50] (CB:5) Harald1225: xD

[15:22:50] (CB:5) ako: now i am gonna suggest a colorchange_cb in forum, (sometimes later)

[15:22:50] Harald1225 finished towing Mule to garage

[15:22:50] (CB:5) ako: how many TOWERS?

[15:22:53] (CB:5) Harald1225: hai ako xD

[15:22:54] (CB:5) Spongegar: dunno xD cant count

[15:22:57] Speedtrap caught you speeding! You will be fined $450 for your reckless driving. You have $450 in fines to pay

[15:23:00] (CB:5) BeNi: xD

[15:23:03] <33292> lyel

[15:23:06] (CB:5) ako: hi Harald!

[15:23:07] (CB:5) PoliceH: towing is good for score xd

[15:23:10] (CB:5) Spongegar: not lower than 5

[15:23:12] * Professional Trucker Rahail (2) connected

[15:23:12] Stop your truck to unload fuel

[15:23:13] If your car is broken or flipped over, type /assistance to fix it in no time

[15:23:14] (CB:5) Spongegar: yes

[15:23:14] Spongegar finished towing Blista Compact to garage

[15:23:21] (CB:5) Spongegar: wb raha

[15:23:22] (CB:5) Zeding669: wb rahaila

[15:23:22] Go to the next destination.

[15:23:22] (CB:5) Spongegar: raha is here!

[15:23:22] <ako> wb Rahail

[15:23:22] <33292> 3 cops give up and im in a slow car

[15:23:22] <Zeding669> wb rahaila

[15:23:22] <Harald1225> tuuuuut

[15:23:22] LucaS_DiniZ delivered building materials from Blueberry Constructions to Glen Park Construction.

[15:23:22] (CB:5) BeNi: yep , i want 10k score

[15:23:23] Refilling tank...

[15:23:24] Harald1225 finished towing Picador to garage

[15:23:25] Fueling finished

[15:23:25] (CB:5) Spongegar: raha*

[15:23:27] (CB:5) PoliceH: me to xd

[15:23:27] Schubertu$ finished towing Picador to garage

[15:23:32] You paid $16 for fuel

[15:23:33] BeNi finished towing Tornado to garage

[15:23:33] (CB:5) ako: invite rahail to cb5

[15:23:34] * King Of The Road Nado (17) connected: {FF0000}insert which car you own here...

[15:23:36] (CB:5) ako: 10-7  (off air)

[15:23:44] Player is not spawned yet.

[15:23:47] (CB:5) Schubertu$: that much towtrucks in one place looks awesome XD

[15:23:47] <Rahail> thanks

[15:23:48] (CB:5) ako: invite Nado to cb5

[15:23:50] 33292 left the server (exit)

[15:23:51] (CB:5) ako: 10-7  (off air)

[15:23:55] Officer brianking asked you to pay $450 for your tickets. You have 30 sec to /pay your tickets

[15:23:55] (CB:5) BeNi: yep :D

[15:23:57] >> Nado(17): /cb 5 = new main chat

[15:23:59] You paid $450 fine to officer brianking

[15:24:00] (CB:5) Harald1225: he leeeeeeeft

[15:24:00] (CB:5) Spongegar: but too much bug in towing

[15:24:02] (CB:5) Spongegar: he left xD

[15:24:04] * Nado joined CB channel 5

[15:24:06] BeNi finished towing Landstalker to garage

[15:24:06] (CB:5) Nado: wat

[15:24:07] (CB:5) Spongegar: freeeedoooom

[15:24:08] (CB:5) PoliceH: Haiii <3

[15:24:14] (CB:5) PoliceH: this is the new main chat

[15:24:14] (CB:5) SilverStar: finaaaly

[15:24:18] brianking left the server (exit)

[15:24:18] (CB:5) ako: lets revert back to cb19

[15:24:18] (CB:5) Schubertu$: hi naboobo

[15:24:19] (CB:5) Spongegar: xD

[15:24:21] * ako left CB channel 5

[15:24:25] * Trucker Wannabe 33292d (3) connected

[15:24:27] (CB:5) PoliceH: everyone back to cb 19

[15:24:27] 33292d left the server (exit)

[15:24:31] Spongegar finished towing Sentinel to garage

[15:24:32] (CB:5) Spongegar: xD

[15:24:33] (CB:5) PoliceH: He's back!

[15:24:33] GeldRo delivered mixed goods from Havenport Warehouse to Packing Factory.

[15:24:34] (CB:5) Harald1225: stay here

[15:24:34] Assistance will arrive in 15 mins. Stay where you are!

[15:24:35] Schubertu$ finished towing Banshee to garage

[15:24:35] (CB:5) SilverStar: he came bak :@

[15:24:36] (CB:5) Zeding669: omg i fucking missed the god damn ferry

[15:24:59] Flack delivered mixed goods from Havenport Warehouse to Packing Factory.

[15:24:59] * Rookie Trucker Berka (3) connected

[15:24:59] (CB:5) Spongegar: then he left xD

[15:24:59] <ako> 10-7 brb (off air)

[15:24:59] Your insurance covered repair cost

[15:24:59] (CB:5) SilverStar: xDD

[15:24:59] NightWolf delivered mixed goods from Havenport Warehouse to Packing Factory.

[15:24:59] (CB:5) Zeding669: fucking ferrys...

[15:24:59] * Trucker Wannabe 33292 (24) connected

[15:24:59] (CB:5) SilverStar: again

[15:25:01] * ako joined CB channel 5

[15:25:01] (CB:5) Nado: is that guy a hacker?

[15:25:01] Harald1225 finished towing Glendale Damaged to garage

[15:25:03] Tastynub delivered mixed goods from Havenport Warehouse to Packing Factory.

[15:25:07] Obey the speed limits on the roads. 50 in cities/towns, 90 on outside roads and 130 on motorways (50/80/100 for trucks)

[15:25:09] (CB:5) Spongegar: no just another villain

[15:25:09] (CB:5) SmokeyBear: no

[15:25:10] (CB:5) Harald1225: he is nado it is forgived

[15:25:10] (CB:5) SilverStar: he think the chat bugs

[15:25:11] <NightWolf> Geldro

[15:25:14] <NightWolf> is that your clan?

[15:25:16] (CB:5) ako: fk, he keeps coming back XD,

[15:25:16] ActrosMP4 delivered clothes from Linden Side to Angel Pine Shopping.

[15:25:23] <Flack> no

[15:25:24] (CB:5) ako: 10-7 off air for real now (off air)

[15:25:24] <33292> 10-200 @ Bone County (police needed)

[15:25:45] <Flack> his clan is Moldova Style

[15:25:45] SilverStar delivered weapons from Indus Dock to Sandus Ammu-nation.

[15:25:45] <NightWolf> Tasty and i want to join hehe

[15:25:45] <33292> PoliceH nice try to illegaly help cops

[15:25:45] (CB:5) Nado: ah bye all

[15:25:45] Spongegar finished towing Washington to garage

[15:25:45] (CB:5) Schubertu$: bb

[15:25:45] (CB:5) Nado: i'm too lazy to play[

[15:25:45] (CB:5) Spongegar: bb

[15:25:45] (CB:5) Zeding669: bb

[15:25:45] Nado left the server (exit)

[15:25:46] (CB:5) SilverStar: bb

[15:25:46] BeNi finished towing Washington to garage

[15:25:51] <Flack>  /apply Moldova Style

[15:25:51] Rahail left the server (Timed out)

[15:25:55] Schubertu$ finished towing Glendale Damaged to garage

[15:25:55] <Andro> 10-8  (on air)

[15:25:56] (CB:5) Spongegar: no

[15:26:00] (CB:5) Spongegar: that guy

[15:26:00] (CB:5) BeNi: :O the modmaster left :/

[15:26:02] <33292> i appplie

[15:26:03] (CB:5) Spongegar: did advertise?

[15:26:06] {FFFFFF}There is an artic trailer convoy going from {AA3333}Wet County{FFFFFF} to Las Venturas. Type {AA3333}/convoy 1{FFFFFF} to join!

[15:26:15] (CB:5) Spongegar: farty is advertising too xD

[15:26:22] (CB:5) Harald1225: for aq ban xD

[15:26:25] <33292> 10-13  (weather report)

[15:26:26] Assistance will arrive in 15 mins. Stay where you are!

[15:26:26] * Professional Trucker Rahail (2) connected

[15:26:27] <Nikola[CRO]> 10-8  (on air)

[15:26:32] (CB:5) Spongegar: report to raha!

[15:26:42] <Berka> 10-8  (on air)

[15:26:42] Spongegar finished towing Sadler to garage

[15:26:42] Harald1225 finished towing Remington to garage

[15:26:42] BeNi finished towing Perennial to garage

[15:26:42] Your insurance covered repair cost

[15:26:50] (CB:5) PoliceH: #PoliceHForMod :D

[15:26:55] * Trucker MackDaddyV (25) connected

[15:26:56] (CB:5) Zeding669: no

[15:26:56] (CB:5) Spongegar: xD lel

[15:26:56] Officer Gusur jailed Cristache1 for 8 minutes

[15:27:01] If you're unsure about speedlimits for your vehicle, type /speedlimits

[15:27:02] (CB:5) Spongegar: nuuu!

[15:27:05] (CB:5) PoliceH: No joke i appliead for it

[15:27:06] (CB:5) Zeding669: no nabs in mod

[15:27:06] (CB:5) Harald1225: 431/500 :D

[15:27:07] (CB:5) Zeding669: xD

[15:27:09] <33292> dont ram wtf

[15:27:10] <Gusur> sorry buddy, just doing my job

[15:27:11] * Transport Tycoon D7R7N7 (17) connected: Don't drink and Drive!!! Smoke weed and Fly!!!

[15:27:15] 33292 left the server (exit)

[15:27:18] SilverStar delivered supplies from Indus Warehouse to Sandus Corporate Offices.

[15:27:18] (CB:5) Spongegar: did you read the requirements thread for being mod?

[15:27:19] (CB:5) PoliceH: invite D7

[15:27:20] BeNi finished towing Sentinel to garage

[15:27:21] <Gusur> report lol

[15:27:24] (CB:5) PoliceH: Yes i did xd

[15:27:29] <Gusur> exit to avoid arrest

[15:27:29] (CB:5) Spongegar: invite d7

[15:27:32] <NightWolf> haha

[15:27:34] (CB:5) BeNi: sorry xD

[15:27:34] (CB:5) Harald1225: meep

[15:27:35] (CB:5) PoliceH: meep towers

[15:27:37] <Andro> wb d7

[15:27:37] * Trucker Wannabe 33292 (24) connected

[15:27:44] <Rahail> he can leave

[15:27:46] <SmokeyBear> welcome out

[15:27:49] <GeldRo> wait

[15:27:50] (CB:5) Spongegar: did you noticed?

[15:27:50] <33292> i didnt leave

[15:27:51] Schubertu$ finished towing Sentinel to garage

[15:27:55] <33292> i crasehd :(

[15:27:55] BeNi finished towing Buffalo to garage

[15:28:03] (CB:5) Zeding669: rofl

[15:28:03] <MackDaddyV> WTF

[15:28:10] <Rahail> crash is "time out" not "rxit"

[15:28:13] <PoliceH>  "33292 has left the server (exit)"

[15:28:13] <Rahail> exit*

[15:28:17] <NightWolf> Geldro

[15:28:24] <33292> mackDaddy nice name

[15:28:24] <SmokeyBear> is just a kid...

[15:28:26] Spongegar finished towing Washington to garage

[15:28:27] <NightWolf> can you park your own truck and trailer somewhere?

[15:28:31] Schubertu$ finished towing Stafford to garage

[15:28:33] <Rahail> yes

[15:28:34] (CB:5) BeNi: 10-50 @ Tierra Robada (crash)

[15:28:36] (CB:5) Spongegar: 10-7 pee (off air)

[15:28:37] <NightWolf> without having an house?

[15:28:37] <GeldRo> yes

[15:28:38] <Rahail> public or club base

[15:28:40] <Rahail> no

[15:28:46] <GeldRo> no

[15:28:47] LucaS_DiniZ delivered mixed goods from Los Santos Railways to Blackfield truck depot.

[15:28:50] <NightWolf> you need a house first or?

[15:28:51] (CB:5) Schubertu$: well, c'ya in few mins

[15:28:52] Schubertu$ left the server (exit)

[15:28:54] WARNING: This server has a very strict policy regarding hacks; all cheaters will be banned!

[15:28:59] Harald1225 finished towing Admiral to garage

[15:29:05] <33292> this time i wont exit, i did b4 becuz it was foggy

[15:29:05] (CB:5) ako: 10-8  (on air)

[15:29:09] <33292> i cant see shit h this shitty

[15:29:10] <33292> pc

[15:29:12] (CB:5) Spongegar: bb

[15:29:18] 33292 left the server (exit)

[15:29:27] Harald1225 finished towing Windsor to garage

[15:29:33] (CB:5) Harald1225: 2 min he is back

[15:29:34] SilverStar delivered weapons from Indus Dock to Sandus Ammu-nation.

[15:29:36] <D7R7N7> Hey all guys

[15:29:40] * Trucker Wannabe 33292 (7) connected

[15:29:41] <ActrosMP4> hi

[15:29:41] * Your message has been sent to admins. Thank you.

[15:29:41] * can you please ban Farty (33292), we left cb 19 and all joined cb 5 cuz he insults etc us all..

[15:29:44] (CB:5) BeNi: hube or that nab ?

[15:29:47] <SmokeyBear> hey

[15:29:52] (CB:5) Harald1225: the nab

[15:29:53] <33292> wb

[15:29:54] BeNi finished towing Sentinel to garage

[15:29:55] (CB:5) BeNi: oh

[15:30:05] Message from admin: {FFFFFF}report in forum

[15:30:05] <33292> 4 cops cant catch me this time im 100 sure

[15:30:09] (CB:5) PoliceH: i reported to Rahail already

[15:30:09] (CB:5) ako: 10-7 esc (off air)

[15:30:16] * Your message has been sent to admins. Thank you.

[15:30:16] * if you can see there is one already..

[15:30:21] (CB:5) Spongegar: 10-8  (on air)

[15:30:25] (CB:5) ako: 10-8  (on air)

[15:30:28] <Nikola[CRO]> dont be so sure

[15:30:30] <SmokeyBear> ur master brother?

[15:30:30] * GeldRo left CB channel 5

[15:30:37] <GeldRo> Need fuel

[15:30:39] <NightWolf> kk

[15:30:39] * Flack left CB channel 5

[15:30:46] Buy insurance for your vehicles in shop to preserve them in case of accident and get free /assistance

[15:30:47] <LucaS_DiniZ> lol

[15:30:47] Message from admin: {FFFFFF}you can reply in same report

[15:30:59] <33292> d7 nice CC

[15:30:59] (CB:5) Spongegar: faking mule in top of the hill!

[15:31:00] Harald1225 finished towing Mule to garage

[15:31:00] Nikola[CRO] delivered industrial waste from Indus Fuel Refinery to Landfill.

[15:31:00] >> Gusur(4): i'll add another chatlog then.

[15:31:01] <33292> i hate CC and lag

[15:31:02] GeldRo left the server (Timed out)

[15:31:04] <33292> play fairly

[15:31:07] BeNi finished towing Huntley to garage

[15:31:10] (CB:5) ako: sory andru

[15:31:11] (CB:5) PoliceH: brb, allow me to add another chat log.

[15:31:12] <SmokeyBear> lol

He namechanged and made new account named: 333292