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Messages - Blackhawk

Quote from: mick88 on October 08, 2012, 14:37
Quote from: Squirrel on October 04, 2012, 23:41
When /bank command shows "Payment of interests in 0 days" I think it should be a more detailed countdown. So "Payment of interests in 24 hours(23 hours, 22 hours etc.)" like insurance and players will know exactly when they have to lodge their money to bank balance if they want more interest.
Anyway after payment why it starts from 29 days to 0 days? It looks bad :D Why not from 30 days to 1 day(or 24 hours)?  :)

So you think that if you lodge your money in account right before interest is added, you will get more money? Wrong, you get interest from average amount held in your account in the last 30 in game days, so adding even 1 mil right before adding interst will make small or no difference.

I don't think it's necesary to show exactly how many hours until interest is added as it doesn't require you to take any action like insurance does. You will get that money eventually and you will be notified when that happens.

I know, but I lodge my all money to bank balance always before payment. Of course it's a small amount what I get from that, but it's not nothing :)
Those small amounts will make a bigger amount later. I hope you can understand me.
It's not problem if you don't want to change this thing, it was a little suggestion.

Quote from: TheSandman on October 08, 2012, 10:44
Quote from: Squirrel on October 08, 2012, 10:41
Quote from: Shane0 on October 08, 2012, 02:35
No just have patience and wait -1.
How does your comment connect to my suggestion?
He is stating, that one in game day is 24 real life minutes. If the /bank command says you have 0 days left until insurance, you have to wait 24 minutes, is that really alot?

I know that 1 ingame hour is 1 minute. :ukiddn:
And I know if it says 0 days, then i have to wait 24 minutes, I'm not stupid... I said just that it looks bad, "0 days".
Now after payment it starts from "29 days" so it says "Payment of interests in 29 28 27...2 1 0 days."
So my suggestion is /bank command should shows "Payment of interests in 30 29 28 27...4 3 2 days", and when "1 days" is next, then shows 24 hours like at insurance. And if you use /bank for example after 3 minutes, it will say "Payment of interests in 21 hours"
So I don't want to subtract 24 minutes from 12 hours.
Do you undestand?
Quote from: Shane0 on October 08, 2012, 02:35
No just have patience and wait -1.

I think you don't understand what you read. What patience and waiting? :D This suggestion is modify that text. When it shows 1 day it should shows 24 hours, 23 hours etc. So it would be more information for players.
How does your comment connect to my suggestion?
When /bank command shows "Payment of interests in 0 days" I think it should be a more detailed countdown. So "Payment of interests in 24 hours(23 hours, 22 hours etc.)" like insurance and players will know exactly when they have to lodge their money to bank balance if they want more interest.
Anyway after payment why it starts from 29 days to 0 days? It looks bad :D Why not from 30 days to 1 day(or 24 hours)?  :)
I think we need for a refinery somewhere here.

But +1 for Sandus Key.
Quote from: $nake on October 01, 2012, 16:47
+1 :P maybe let's change bars to percents,
like FUEL: ||||||||||||..... to FUEL: 85% :)

Locked & Closed Suggestions / Re: new comand
October 01, 2012, 19:31
Why do you want to call backup? Personally I hate when I'm pursuing a suspect and there is another cop because then we are fighting for arrest point.

Sorry dude, but you have to realize it's a bad idea. :/

Quote from: R16RACA on October 01, 2012, 01:36
Please upload your images to a friendly host so that others can actually veiw them -.-

Everyone can see them -.-"
Images have been replaced.

Quote from: R16RACA on October 01, 2012, 01:36
seeing as i have no clue where your talking about, i will say this: Fines are issued for a reason, dont try get rid of them.

Of course I know what you say, I didn't post without reason.
I know I break rules of the road, but who not? Come on, it's just a game.
There are two ways for be correct driver, but nobody will follow these:

Or make here a little road where truckers can do a turn:

I think "Wrong side detector" should be removed between yellow lines because when there is an unload point at the gas station we have to cross the highway, but if we use "red ways" it usually gives fines.
Of course we can follow the green arrow and turn back without fines, but reds are easier, and if the next point is for example in ls, then the first red line is more practical because we don't have to do two turns :)
I'm not a lazy bastard, I can use longer way, it's just a suggestion.
Locked & Closed Suggestions / Re: Camper
September 28, 2012, 09:41
Already suggested by me.
I said I think Journey should be available to buy without house(of course only one if you don't have house) and spawn next to that.
But mick said: no, you can't buy vehicle without house.

So +1
Quote from: sardarji on September 24, 2012, 22:00
Quote from: SzajmoN on September 24, 2012, 15:22
+1 add ALL of them
expect those two bikes
Bikes r not really needed Mt bike is faster and good .  O0

If you have a motorbike in real life what has 100HP, but there is a bike in the shop what is in your opinion nicer than yours, but it has only 80HP and you want to buy that, then the dealer will say to you "not needed, your bike is faster, go home"? NO!
Why always everyone says "not needed"?
The question isn't what is needed... the question is what can makes more fun and what others want...
aminet96 didn't say those vehicles are needed, he just says those could be added.
You don't want to buy these bikes? OK, don't buy, but that isn't your business what another player wants to buy...

Anyway +1
Locked & Closed Suggestions / Re: Ferry
September 12, 2012, 10:26
Quote from: brane on September 12, 2012, 07:32
If ferry don't move when it is empty you may be in the LS and the ferry in LSi, what then, it wont move and you will wait and wait and wait, not always you will be on the correct side :)

I think he thought for that there should be a script what always watches ferry's dock in LS and LSI(inside the fence, where we have to wait).
for example he arrives in LSI, but ferry is in LS(area is empty), then the script sees that and ferry goes to LSI immediately.

But I think it's to complicated, and what will happen if there is an AFK? Chaos.

So -1
I will post in Bug reports, but I'm waiting for admin reply.
Can you understand what you read???
My friend used my RT and trailer WITH PASSWORD, but when he get out of truck(for example for fixcar, or go to shop), then THE FUCKIN TRAILER RESPAWNS!
If I share these vehicles with club, there's no problem, trailer dont respawns, but I don't want to share with all of club members, just with that friend, so I think we need for a command what we can use for share a vehicle with a selected player, but currently share with club is the only solution to the problem.
Do you understand or I have to write for you this again?

Thanks zimon, you got what I say.