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Messages - Spekter

Quote from: Ethan on March 17, 2014, 21:31
Quote from: Spekter on March 17, 2014, 20:13
Barney, with all due respect, you are making yourself  look like an idiot.  :like:
This is the right time for stars for barney??

Please, stop. Whatever you are trying to do.
Barney, with all due respect, you are making yourself  look like an idiot.  :like:
Off Topic / Re: sup guys
March 13, 2014, 18:10
sup Vasco
It looks nice, i wish i had the money to start a project like that lol
Off Topic / Re: Bad Mother**cker
March 12, 2014, 14:44
Quote from: Ethan on March 11, 2014, 16:20
Quote from: Terrorista310 on March 11, 2014, 15:51
nice bump vinny

20 days ban.. all the proof I need

So now you are using your incapability as an administrator to joke around?
Quote from: sardarji on March 12, 2014, 14:33
CT is dying. Happy ? Party ?
Now fucking stop it.

CT is not dying. CT is dead like a dinner.
Quote from: Emmie_US on March 12, 2014, 11:18
(Sorry TS for the retard reference)


Quote from: Vinny on March 12, 2014, 11:24

didn't expect this omg XDDDDDDDDD

Quote from: Hobo on March 11, 2014, 17:05
Quote from: Ethan on March 11, 2014, 17:00
happening in the present? ???  who? where? when?
I am at a loss for words.

Same here. I'm just sitting in disbelief.
Quote from: FatalFrame on March 11, 2014, 11:55
Quote from: Spekter on March 11, 2014, 01:15
That's it, i give up. You defeated me.
I actually can't think of anything to say to you now. The only thing i can say though is that i sincerely hope you are not actually thinking that way.

Dont worry Spekter,she just want to be a moderator.She cant say the truth otherwise she would be on the target list.This is the way how people become moderators these days...Kissing asses.Real life works the same way,you have to kiss your boss's ass

Yep, the only possible explanation.
That's it, i give up. You defeated me.
I actually can't think of anything to say to you now. The only thing i can say though is that i sincerely hope you are not actually thinking that way.
Forum games / Re: lie to me
March 11, 2014, 01:13
You don't own a Ford  :dislike:

I'm a troll  :like: :dislike:

I have never been forum banned

I like airplanes

If to you caring means just ignoring the bullshit certain staff members do and blindly agreeing with every stupid, unjustified and wrong decison they make, then no. I don't care.
Quote from: Emmie_US on March 10, 2014, 22:31
I rest my case on Spekter. But I still defend the topic

You can defend the topic all you like, but noone is going to take you seriously. Because with this, you pretty much proved that you know absolutely nothing about what is going on here.
Keep defending Ethan and his idiotic actions, i just don't know what could you possibly gain from that.

Quote from: Vinny on March 10, 2014, 22:55

Who said we were targetting all the staff ? PLEASE stop talking shit while you know who the problem is. I currently have problems with 2 staff members, otherwise i dont care about the others since they are neutral with me, contrarely to these 2.

And this is something many people around here need to understand. We don't have a problem with the staff team in general. We have problems with certain staff members, who also seem to have some problems with us. They aren't even trying to make it subtle (Ethan).
Quote from: Dobby on March 10, 2014, 19:01
I love you sjomp :P you know it :D

As for me trying to change. Its true. I thought about it the other day after me and hobo had a conversation, i thought fuck it, let them have fun as long as they Dont break rules.
Since the dictator thing started i found it quite hilarious :) i'll be honest, it didnt bother me in the slightest. If i was that much of a dictator i'd be demoted now wouldnt i? Mick can demote people too. If he wanted me gone he'd of done it, so would Sandman, or Ethan, or Joshy.
Id have to check Xfire for my last ban, but i dont remember who it actually was (in game). My last forum ban was Vinny, over 60 days ago. If im that much of a dictator then why aren't you all banned yet? Why didnt i remove FatalFrames, Shakes Vinnys or Hobo's post (the "trolls").
I'm actually interested in the thread, and i do wanna change. Fair enough i've made a few mistakes, i admit to it.

Written in sublime text, Since the forum loves to 508 on me.

Majority of us, "the trolls", have been banned from the shoutbox by you numerous times, usually for no reason at all.
Just putting that out there.

Quote from: Emmie_US on March 10, 2014, 13:23
Ethan is doing his job

Hell of a job he has been doing so far, and is still doing.  :like: