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Messages - Spekter

Quote from: FaZe1337Sajmon420PL on May 16, 2014, 10:24
Quote from: Ethan on May 15, 2014, 21:47
Quote from: Vinny on May 15, 2014, 15:28
Quote from: ihatetn931 on May 15, 2014, 15:25
bag of good weed would've been better
Someone else is providing the weed
Sspekter stole all the weed I had
do you say that just because he is black?

stop harassing or report
Nice  :ccmas:
where's my invitation fgt?

Quote from: Ethan on May 15, 2014, 21:47
Quote from: Vinny on May 15, 2014, 15:28
Quote from: ihatetn931 on May 15, 2014, 15:25
bag of good weed would've been better
Someone else is providing the weed
Sspekter stole all the weed I had

Are you calling me a thief? That's an example of harsh insulting right there, and you will be reported.
I like the idea itself, but not the reward you came up with. I don't think that could be implemented well.
But anyway,  :like:  for the idea.  :ccmas:
nice johnny  :ccmas:
I like the idea
Report Players / Re: Lonka (scamming)
May 13, 2014, 13:32

First image:

-When are you paying it back?
-As soon as i collect it my friend, a 5 slot house came up and i'm struggling a bit now, but i didn't feel like taking more from you
-I'm not giving any more money to you
-I understand, that's why i am saying

Second image:

-I'll wait for this 4 one in Eyre
-But i still need 9 mil more

Third image:

-Thank you my friend
-When you get it, pay it back

Fourth image:

-I'm not giving any more money to you
-I understand, that's why i am saying
About paying back, it's 2 days maximum
9 mil, just like we agreed the first time
General Talk / Re: CT rebirth today!
May 12, 2014, 19:12
Quote from: Tsunami[NL] on May 12, 2014, 15:16
Nice  :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like:

Bud i`am banned xD

nice  :ccmas:
The idea is fairly nice, why not.  :like:
Quote from: FaZe1337Sajmon420PL on May 11, 2014, 19:18
Quote from: Vinny on May 11, 2014, 18:35
Quote from: Spekter on May 11, 2014, 18:27
Lol nice eurovision, i'm actually happy Serbia didn't even participate
kosovo did
give this man some cold water to his burning wound XDDDDD

give this siemka a knife so he can stab others in the back
Lol nice eurovision, i'm actually happy Serbia didn't even participate
nice  :ccmas:
General Talk / Re: CT relived today!
May 08, 2014, 14:29
Quote from: Emmie_US on May 08, 2014, 13:34
Time to play my "asslicking" cards. CT gains new members each day, and as some of you may disagree with staff, they still are only doing their job. CT has a set of rules and staff has their own thoughts to what is justifiable and non-justifiable. If any member of staff think it is unjustifiable, they can dispute it, then a final verdict can be made there. So if there is any real staff member "abusing" power and committing "unfair" bans then they would be demoted almost instantly.

I see you are back on track, I guess old habits die hard. Nice  :ccmas:
I was talking about my friend from Poland, not you. I don't see me mentioning your name  :ccmas:
And disrespecting a clan isn't an offense here  :like: :dislike:
Off Topic / Re: Funny Shit
May 07, 2014, 22:39
nice  :ccmas:
This should be restored, not raced...
Biedronka pls