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Messages - JHarden

Quote from: j7n on April 07, 2018, 00:04
Player may still set a goal to have 1000 or 1500 missions done after the achievement. I agree that the increased control should come as a "prize" after 500. The missions aren't profitable because destinations are often on opposite sides of the map, which they may still be with 3dst.

Players goal to 1000 or 1500 or 9999 is not servers problem, there isn't any prize coming with those scores.

If we do choosable mission, 5 dst chooser going to opposite side of the map with knowing will get more money atleast. If someone want to do 3 dst, he can with short missions. So It'll attract more people I think.
Quote from: j7n on April 06, 2018, 18:47
An ability to choose number of destinations will not improve the fuel mission, reducing its unpredictability and inefficiency with better planning of routes, as it happens with other jobs where we can pick closer loading point and straight path. Most players will always choose 3 to boost their score quicker, and only choose 5 occasionally to compete for record payout in one mission. And nobody will choose 4 at all. The mission might always have 3 unloads then.

Another idea is that we are given a number of candidate fuel stations which have high demand, between 8 and 10, and we must deliver to any 5 of them, choosing ones that on the same path. If some unloads are not delivered to consistently because they are in a remote location, their rate would go up, slighly increasing the payment.

Firstly we're not saying we should choose all of our destinations. It'll give randomly 3/4/5 dst still. And actually our goal is not improve fuel missions? It will called "prize" for players who already finished 500 petrol missions. And, as your "3 dst will use in boost score way" think, It's meaningless, there's Towtruck-Van-Thiefs for easy scores, so why would he wanna do 3 dst for easy score? Talking about who is finished petrol achievement:

1- can choose 3 dst If he wants quick unloads (maybe his time in server is limited)
2- can choose 4 dst for money and save minutes at the same time
3- can choose 5 dst for money

In current system, no one can see petrol missions profitable then artic missions, so after done 500, I bet just %20 or 30 percent players still doing petrol missions instead of /overload'ed artic missions. I'm not accepting your against reasons.
After we do 500 petrol missions, I think we should choose our missions, 3 or 4 or 5 destinations.
Suggestions / Re: Club Reconfigurations
March 27, 2018, 08:34
hellll helll and helll nah to withdrawn money from funds thing
Thanks mates :)


         On this Sunday, time is below there :)
          We are starting at Lil' Probe Inn, Bone County. If you can't find, /pm to me or use /gps :)
-what you happens?
          Convoying till we die :P We'll do shorts-longs mixed as convoy members wish while convoying.
-what needed to it
           Just have RoadTrain and Artic Trailer; or for sleep, some Flatbeds =))
-who will join (everybody, invited only,[something else, what?])
           This convoy is for EVERYBODY forsure :)


Hello guys, in those days seems like our server started to see 25-30 players online, which is great thing. So why not make a big great convoys? As you know J.Harden represents a "Drive like a Rocket" convoy for everyone, but as Emily told on other thread, for avoid problems in the future I decided create one thread for that. So, I'll post new messages there when we create convoy events.

We did 1st there: and reached like 10-14 players.
We did 2nd there: and reached like 17-18 players.
We did 3rd there: and reached like 15-17 players.
We did 4th there, which was incredibly great, check NiceOne's videos in it: and reached like 18 players.
We did 5th there: and reached like 14 players.
Thank you mates :)

Suggestions / Re: Club Parking Suggestion
March 13, 2018, 16:10
Quote from: CarlJohnson on March 13, 2018, 14:58
It was suggested before but as it turns out admins won't look into club abuse matters.

Actually I don't think there'll be any abuse, cause I'm saying make it only inside of base, so why would they complaint about 20-30m^2 area? If they think It was bad move, easily remove their vehicles from bases.
Suggestions / Club Parking Suggestion
March 13, 2018, 14:55
I checked If there's any thread about it actually but couldn't find. If there's, sorry firstly.

I'm suggesting club owners and/or leaders should re-park club vehicles which are only INSIDE of base. When you wanna change parking rules you have to wait all vehicle owners online, or they're parking wrongly, sometimes despawning other vehicles. I don't know If It's makeable but would be great.

I see some of you guys saying "It may be abusing by owners" but for this situation report thread is open.
Quote from: Emily on March 09, 2018, 10:22
lmao I think at this point you just need to make a big singular topic for these instead of new topics

Is it bothering you, or is there any violation? I really can't understand someones who is really have down on these events, I really can't.
Events / 5TH - "Drive like a Rocket" Convoy
March 08, 2018, 23:54
Hello guys, in those days seems like our server started to see 25-30 players online, which is great thing. So why not make a fifth big great convoy? J.Harden represents a "Drive like a Rocket 5" convoy for everyone!

We did 1st there: and reached like 10-14 players.
We did 2nd there: and reached like 17-18 players.
We did 3rd there: and reached like 15-17 players.
We did 4th there, which was incredibly great, check NiceOne's videos in it: and reached like 18 players.

So make sure join to fifth one! :)

         On this Sunday, time is below there :)
          We are starting at Lil' Probe Inn, Bone County. If you can't find, /pm to me or use /gps :)
-what you happens?
          Convoying till we die :P We'll do shorts-longs mixed as convoy members wish while convoying.
-what needed to it
           Just have RoadTrain and Artic Trailer; or for sleep, some Flatbeds =))
-who will join (everybody, invited only,[something else, what?])
           This convoy is for EVERYBODY forsure :)

Rockets Transport / Thank You Everyone!
March 05, 2018, 16:15
I'm here for thanks to who is/were helping to Rockets since August! We created this family on August 2017, now we're in March 2018 and had a lot of great guys in it. In this short time, while we're still on NEWEST CLUBS LIST, reached to TOP 25 CLUB, with your help. When we started with Menoun, just got our vehicles at base, now is filled with you guys, thank you!

Again sorry for flood, but got new proof and this will be my last message about that.

[22:14:15] (CB:13) J.Harden: This is game, everything is ok but why you're lying on the thread?

[22:14:19] Syam delivered car parts from Linden Side to Pay'n'Spray.

[22:14:26] Syam left the server (exit)

[22:14:30] Hades has robbed MobileHome's house

[22:14:37] Yogurt_Acrobat delivered supplies from Indus Warehouse to Sandus Museum.

[22:14:41] BRO finished towing Premier to garage

[22:14:59] DAF_XF finished towing Walton to garage

[22:15:01] (CB:13) SkittleS: i will fixed

[22:15:03] <Martin80nik> 10-7  (off air)

[22:15:05] ** Dux(17): he fixed the lie as he said imnt sure

He said sorry for insulting/provoking/divebomb thing, accepted with his "I'll fixed" sentence, was going great and wanna make sure this thread will closed with accepting of his mistake, but then again he tried to ran away with this, I don't get what this guy is trying.

[22:23:06] (CB:13) J.Harden: I just want one and only thing Vlad

[22:23:06] Yogurt_Acrobat delivered machine parts from Sandus Engineering to Indus Fuel Refinery.

[22:23:08] Head to a used vehicle dealer to find often-cheaper vehicles to purchase, use /gps to find the dealers!

[22:23:15] (CB:13) SkittleS: ?

[22:23:15] BRO finished towing Yosemite to garage

[22:23:19] (CB:13) J.Harden: please post new message on report post, and tell the truth

[22:23:24] DAF_XF finished towing Sadler to garage

[22:23:27] Audio stream:

[22:23:29] >> Dux(17): wait

[22:23:32] You are carrying package from the Area 69 to the Spiritual Island Rest House

[22:23:32] ** Dux(17): k

[22:23:53] DAF_XF finished towing Regina to garage

[22:23:56] (CB:13) J.Harden: ?

[22:23:57] Hades has robbed Nika's house

[22:23:57] BRO finished towing Huntley to garage

[22:23:57] Transport package to Spiritual Island Rest House.

[22:23:59] (CB:13) SkittleS: i say sry for yesterday

[22:24:01] Yogurt_Acrobat delivered food from Indus Dock to Sandus Shop Corner.

[22:24:06] Nikola[CRO] left the server (exit)

[22:24:18] * Dux joined CB channel 13

[22:24:21] (CB:13) Dux: ?

[22:24:31] (CB:13) J.Harden: I'm not talking about this sorry thing, just saying post a message to report thread and tell the truth

[22:24:39] (CB:13) J.Harden: please

[22:24:40] (CB:13) Dux: he did i think

[22:24:40] (CB:13) SkittleS: admin decide

[22:24:44] (CB:13) J.Harden: lol :D

[22:24:47] Yogurt_Acrobat delivered machine parts from Sandus Engineering to Indus Fuel Refinery.

[22:24:55] Hades left the server (exit)

[22:24:56] (CB:13) J.Harden: sorry but has to post those conversitions too If he won't

Sorry for back to back messages but I was talking with one of the his friends, who is really close to him, confirmed he's gonna apologize to me If I didn't report. Hmmmm let me think, apologize for what? why he didn't want that report If he didn't do that?

P.S. I'll tell his friend's name who I talked with If needed in pm, I got his permission to use this but he didn't want to show his name. But like I said, I can give whole chatlog between me and him on private message If needed.