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Messages - Quotary

Just adding this.. (again..)

Alice [31 Jul 07:59]:   Mr.Me you idiota
Alice [31 Jul 09:07]:   all u are nebs ahahaha L O Le
AMG [31 Jul 09:59]:   why isnt this guy shoutbox banned yet?
Alice [31 Jul 10:44]:   amg whyy aren't you banned in game?
Alice [31 Jul 10:44]:   oh wait you are ahahahhaa
Player reported:

Rule broken: insulting / disrespect / threats
Date and time: 30/07/2015 - 07:37

Alice is insulting in the forum's chatbox.
This isn't the first time he/she did this, so that's why I'm reporting him/her right now.
[hide=chatlog]david_soft01 [30 Jul 02:31]:   Hi All :( Guys Att DavidDRB
Hobo [30 Jul 05:34]:   Hi
Alice [30 Jul 07:37]:   Hi (sorry for bad english)
AMG [30 Jul 07:42]:   Can someone tell me how many days og ban i served? I forgot the day .was it 25th?
Alice [30 Jul 07:43]:   no one cares
Alice [30 Jul 07:43]:   enjoy your ban lel scrub
AMG [30 Jul 07:44]:   Pls Shockie . Tell me so i can lick u <3
[30 Jul 07:45]:   AMG feels proud
chosen_potato [30 Jul 07:57]:   amg i think you got banned at my b-day.. 25th gg
Alice [30 Jul 07:59]:   u got banned for what amg
Alice [30 Jul 07:59]:   ^?
chosen_potato [30 Jul 08:00]:
Alice [30 Jul 08:03]:   thats what they get for letting kids be mods
AMG [30 Jul 08:10]:   "kids" and he is younger than me . okno
Alice [30 Jul 08:10]:   no, you're probably a 12 yo
AMG [30 Jul 08:33]:   wow ,Syd?????, Alice = Mr.Gregi? xddd
Alice [30 Jul 09:55]:   ur mom is Mr.Gregi not me
Alice [30 Jul 09:56]:   never even heard of that guy
chosen_potato [30 Jul 10:31]:   "ur mom is Mr.Gregi not me" and you call other kids.. gg wp
Alice [30 Jul 11:12]:   no one talked to you go back to the shit hole you came fro
Alice [30 Jul 11:12]:   mm
Trux [30 Jul 11:21]:   gz
Mr.majmun [30 Jul 11:23]:   Alice isn't Mr.Gregi :D Trust me[/hide]
Off Topic / Re: Windows 10
July 29, 2015, 15:00
If you want to crack Windows and/or Office you're better off using KMSpico, it's a crack program that keeps Windows cracked even after updates, and no.. It does not contain a virus, because I've had it on my computer ever since I upgraded it and haven't had trouble at all.
I can confirm I can update to Windows 10 so the crack isn't a worthless thingymabob.
My grandma is probably more capable than this kid...
Off Topic / Re: Best signature
July 23, 2015, 18:11
Quote from: Dobby on July 23, 2015, 18:09
Quote from: Quotary on July 23, 2015, 17:56
Quote from: Dobby on July 23, 2015, 17:50
Thats nice, dear. You've used Tylers website to hook the CT API.
finally someone who gets it :'D
Achievements needs more padding-left
haven't started on that yet, was figuring out a nice background first
Off Topic / Re: Best signature
July 23, 2015, 17:56
Quote from: Dobby on July 23, 2015, 17:50
Thats nice, dear. You've used Tylers website to hook the CT API.
finally someone who gets it :'D
Off Topic / Best signature
July 23, 2015, 16:10
I have the best signature, beat it.
Events / Re: AMA part 2!
July 19, 2015, 15:33
Quotary can be contacted too.
Forum games / Re: last post wins
July 17, 2015, 14:57
Are you out of your mind?
Help / Re: How do you ram?
May 28, 2015, 13:52
You (lag)ram by just cutting the person off, it isn't that hard. You just need to have the lag in your favor.
Off Topic / Re: Annoyed
May 27, 2015, 22:58
Oh, by the way, to people who got insulted, hurt, hit by a car/roadtrain, punched in the stomach, a yelling mother/father, or eyecancer. I'm not sorry.
Off Topic / Annoyed
May 27, 2015, 22:55
Yeah.. Not sure how to start this topic, so let's just dive into it..

I've been inactive on the server lately but I've been checking the forums at least every other day out of habit.

I've become annoyed with the fact that there are people who are desperately trying to become an administrator/moderator and even act like one even though they (and we..) know they aren't one.
This annoyance has driven me to write this topic but has also driven me to lose interest in CT, both of which I will probably regret on a later point.

It's hard not to give an example of this, so I will in this first version of this post. (if it will even exist to be eligible for revisions instead of getting deleted)
This does mean I need to directly blame a person, which isn't something I'm proud of doing and will probably hurt my "reputation".

CarlJohnson has made a topic about staff team inactivity in which he expresses his feelings about the staff team's inactivity.
To a certain extend he is right, the staff team is somewhat inactive, but the way the post is written it sounds like he's in charge. #1
He also replied to a moderator abuse report in a way that he sounds like an administrator. #2
Even though he keeps apologizing for posting, this doesn't make it right.

Quote from: CarlJohnson on May 05, 2015, 16:39
Not many responses and that pretty much explains what is going around, I'd like admins to kindly take measures to solve this problem.
i can feel the hate already, i didn't even post it yet
Quote from: CarlJohnson on May 25, 2015, 06:34
I really don't expect someone with 5 hours spent in game in last seven days to perfectly know what's going around at server!
People are coming back, server is gaining players day by day, not only in Euro Timezone but also in US Timezone.

I got distracted and didn't want to gather more "evidence",[/hide]

I'm sure there are other people who are exactly like this, but I just had to point it out and share it before I suppress the thoughts and express it in another way which would probably end worse.

TL;DR: I'm a dick and hereby share my thoughts (which are probably "wrong" as in not shared by most people).

Real TL;DR: I think people need to know their rank.
In this case: development team =/= moderator/administrator
Quote from: GeneralLee on May 07, 2015, 12:22
Actually all memories related to CT are great! Whenever I have a "flashback" about
DeHavilland,Mick,Sandieman,Debie,Joszhy,Tailor,Carl,Fish,Hobo,Marcc,Ribbit,Steve,Toppertje ,Sjompie,TheGame,Tenacious,Beelzenoob,Emily,Kate,Kakeshi,Trux,Vinny,Brane,Twido,Zwartpiet,Sardarjie,Ethan, Konali,Lindsey,Supreme,Benny,$nake,Zacco,Terrorista,RaceRX,Viper,SpazzB,Haxie,Wizzer,Constantino,Droctognapus,Shake,Matheus,Vado,Davincin Sorin,Rahail,Clutch,Calvingreen,Doom, Xero,Gedi,Shane,Polaco,NikoX,Rafe,Deejay,Luismi,Maxie,Starfish,and definetly Quotary and every single player who ever played here for longer than a week , I have a great feeling inside.

I miss all of you guys and the nights spent laughing,chatting and arguing about some shits.I really wish that CT will live long enough to have the same feelings again. I just wish you all good luck and a bright future , as we all learned something from each other.

generally, i love you.

my best memory is cb17 before it got ruined, RIP CB 17.
Forum games / Re: last post wins
April 01, 2015, 14:47
Quote from: AMG on April 01, 2015, 13:56
want some?
I definetly want some of your Delicious apple pie