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Topics - nXoiD

Events / Much events in one day.
October 04, 2013, 21:04
Hey guys maybe u remember or not, i m here to give some cash, reason for those events are my birthday.

when, it will be on 20 Oct its on sunday but my birthday is on 21 so it will be on 20 to can every player be available to come on those events.
where , uhm frist event will be on mt chiliad. for others i will see.
-what you happens - carshows,races,race with bikes etc.
-what needed to it , for carshows - 2 cars per player, races not allowed infernus, all other cars are allowed.
-who will join everybody expect cops on duty.

I will deal much cash xd, time will be on 19:00 pm EU time, one hour down coz i have to go at party sry :)