when I am either watching youtube, twitch or generally on the internet my CPU temps are around 50 degrees C, but when I was online in gta v, it had gotten up to 67... now thats not "normal operating temperature" according to several people and websites... I recently bought some fans to try and see if that will work but yet to see any better results... is a liquid cooler a good option? do I need to check my thermal paste on current cooler? reposition my fans (again)... I know I should probably generally clean the area and all but Im not "up on liquid cooler." To add, I dont know which ones would fit me case..
mobo is socket AM3+, case is cooler master elite 430, and I have 4 pin molex connectors from power supply, I dont know how many 3/4 pin normal connectors there are
if it helps anyone...
Honestly anything below 70 shouldn't affect performance at all, but 65 - 75 is pretty much on the verge - my old pc would shut down at 70. If you aren't bothered with having fans permanently run at maximum RPM then you should be fine - more than fine.
I know nothing about liquid cooling, but that's my 2 cents
You're looking at upwards of $200 for a decent liquid cooling setup. Might as well get a 212 Evo (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835103099) if it'll fit in your case.
Also make sure your airflow is decent. Front fan(s) pull (air in), rear/top in push (air out, since heat rises). Are you using the stock thermal paste that came with your CPU? how old is it? how did you apply it?
What CPU cooler are you using right now?
Quote from: Hobo on April 04, 2016, 02:14
What CPU cooler are you using right now?
Thermaltake CL-PO503 80mm Rifle Bearing CPU Cooler
Quote from: Dobby on April 04, 2016, 02:14
You're looking at upwards of $200 for a decent liquid cooling setup. Might as well get a 212 Evo (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835103099) if it'll fit in your case.
Also make sure your airflow is decent. Front fan(s) pull (air in), rear/top in push (air out, since heat rises). Are you using the stock thermal paste that came with your CPU? how old is it? how did you apply it?
I have one fan, that came with the case, up front, im guessing its drawing air in, (since I dont feel air coming out) and I have two other fans I bought recently to try and see if it helps at all (and it somewhat does to certain extent) and yes I am using stock thermal paste, I dont know as my friend whom helped me assemble it had it, and he applied it to the top of the CPU or cooler, (cant remember) if not mistaken...
but why not something like this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA1K63UZ3154 or http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835181089 or those wouldnt do anything or not good enough??
Welp. The H60 dropped in price i see. Ignore my last "$200" quote then. Grab some Isopropyl alcohol
(most chemists/pharmacies stock it) along with some Q tips, or a tissue will do, and clean the CPU and cooler (most AMD stock heatsinks suck absolute horse sack, noisy fucks).
Then re-apply some thermal paste (new preferably artic silver. Should be no less than $5 (£5 in the UK!) directly to the CPU, pea size amount should do. Or choose your method:
Any decent aftermarket all in one cooler if its your first time. Simple as hell setup, don't need to run around for missing fitting or more tubing and bleeding system and whatnot. I'm only speaking of first time experience though, next time I may take the challenge further but, its a simple yet really good value cooling if you find the right one.
I have two of them on my rig, rarely goes over 40c on both my CPU and GPU whioe playing GTAV, it might scratch up to 50 on a hot day considering I'm in Australia.
Ill have to look more into something because just sitting here on the internet, my motherboard is at 71 C, so there is obviously something going on, thats without my additional fans going high speed like normal...
edit: in the program I use, CPUID hardware monitor, I have three temps for motherboard. tmpin0, tmpin1, tmpin2... the tmpin0 is always the hottest so it must be close by..go figure its so high...
Im not sure but can you open task manager and see what processes are running while youre using Chrome or any browser and how much resources are being used?
and the reason I have 7 chrome programs going is because of the extensions I run
Theres nothing abnormal in the process (like cpu at 90% + or Ram at 90%+) so it must be your cooling system. Try re-arranging your cooling setup and see which suits you the most, or do what others have suggested as I don't have much knowledge in this stuff but I wanted to help :)
Quote from: CarlJohnson on April 04, 2016, 17:44
Theres nothing abnormal in the process (like cpu at 90% + or Ram at 90%+) so it must be your cooling system. Try re-arranging your cooling setup and see which suits you the most, or do what others have suggested as I don't have much knowledge in this stuff but I wanted to help :)
my (added) cooling system consists of 2 fans I can control by a switch with low, medium or high settings.. thats it
well, I appreciate your help Carl, I dont know a who;e ;pt about how to fix it either.. :/ all I can say is that TMPIN0 has dropped 10 degrees with fans on at full speed since the post about what program I use. :like:
I fixed my problem without getting anything new... just cut some cardboard and placed it to direct the air at the CPU.... hasnt gotten over 60 C all day since I did that.. thanks for everyone's opinion on stuff..
Piece out.
scratch that... I think I will find something, as I NEED to find something... hyper 12 evo looks promising but something like Corsair Hydro Series™ H100i V2 Extreme does to... no hyper evo vs H100i in getting temps down, both would work for what I need..
dead startup and temps are at like 45 c... maybe im just panicking to much
You should be fine as long as you don't exceed the temperature specifications of the devices. Now, having a cooler system does usually mean greater performance, but it usually shouldn't be that drastic in performance loss.
OT: Maybe upgrade your chrome to a 64 bit edition :P
Quote from: Xero on April 13, 2016, 00:03
OT: Maybe upgrade your chrome to a 64 bit edition :P
@xero lol, wont help at all
the temps only get high when on the internet, or and higher when playing gta v.... I am looking at several Corsair coolers because of the price.
Well, chrome does use a lot of resources, and so does GTA. Heat is direct from resource use. So more resource use = the need for more cooling power. AMD is also a good space heater. My AMD laptop overheats easily without external cooling fans