Convoy Trucking

Reports and requests => Ban Appeals => Topic started by: lvor on August 15, 2015, 09:46

Title: lvor ban appeal
Post by: lvor on August 15, 2015, 09:46
Player name:
Ban ID:
Time and date of ban: 5 days ago
Reason of ban: Begging for money
Ban was unfair? No
I was banned by: Staff member (Admin or Moderator)

What actually was happening:
Hello administrator please unban me!
There is finnaly a good 3 slot house for-sale.
If you will unban me in the next 2 houres.
Than I will never ask for money anymore!
I promise it this time, but please unban me.
I want that house really much, and if you wont unban.
Than unban me let me buy the house and continu my ban.
I promise I never ask for money anymore man!
But please unban, already thanks if you unban me.

Greetings: Ivor Keizer


I confirm that all above information is true and I am aware that posting false information in ban appeal will result in my ban being extended.
Title: Re: lvor ban appeal
Post by: Dobby on August 15, 2015, 10:20
You have been rejected twice:

I'm going to forum ban you if you appeal again for it to be rejected. Now stop asking to be unbanned.