I just got accused on another forum of being either a microsoft employee or being under contract with microsoft doing RM (reputation Management) for making this post:
"Definately looking forward to all the games Microsoft has for exclusives. They are exclusive to most since most will only have a xb1 and not a gaming computer capable of playing them or actually like to play games on pc.
I added my fourth pre order of the day one edition today that Is going to be a Christmas present for my friend that lives on the other side of the country, lol.
I have been a fan of xbox since the original hit back in 2001 (still have two original xboxs from launch that work perfectly fine as well as a working xb360 launch console, 360 elite which I use the most, and a xb360 slim. planning on buying the new xb360 bundle for the xb1 replica.) I will forever support microsoft until the day they decide that console gaming is not for them, which I don't see happening any time soon, I predict we will see at least one or two more generations of consoles at the minimum. Most of you will look and say i'm an idiot for buying all these things, but hey, it's my money and my life. I chose to support microsoft as they truly are innovative and bring to me all the games that I have came to love and enjoy over all these years. PC gaming was a something that for the longest time I could never get into, I just recently started to play a few games I bought off steam. The gaming console I grew up with was a nintendo 64 and than a ps1 followed by a ps2 than I hopped on board with team xbox and have never left.
Sure, maybe microsoft is going to have a bumpy launch with this gens console, but all those games are still comming to the xb1 regardless and I'm going to enjoy playing them both single player and multiplayer with all my friends."
Thus the internet I suppose.
Ok I can understand where you are coming from.
You decided to take one path or company to go for your gaming needs, nothing is wrong with that and people will accuse you of being a fanboy or in your case a fangirl and they will go to major extents to call you other things pleasant or not to bait you.
I have been a Sega and Xbox and Nintendo fan myself, but have returned to buying retro consoles and also have got all Sega systems since the Master System (excluding the 32x), all nintendo systems, 3 ps2's and a ps3 and a ps3 and a 360.
Do I see myself buying any of the next two consoles, no not in the first couple of months of their release.
I will be getting a PS4!
im a nintendo fan me self i got a nintendo 64 now and i got a xl 3ds i also got a 360 a ps1 ps2 sega now
a gameboy advance gameboy colour i got a sony vaio laptop a gaming pc too :P
Ahhh kids, they discover a spacebar, and they think hurling "fanboy" makes their e-peens get bigger. No sexism intended, but if you were a guy they probably wouldn't do/say anything. Kids seem to have an issue with girls and computer games.
Quote from: DobbysGamertag. on June 18, 2013, 12:56
Ahhh kids, they discover a spacebar, and they think hurling "fanboy" makes their e-peens get bigger. No sexism intended, but if you were a guy they probably wouldn't do/say anything. Kids seem to have an issue with girls and computer games.
I like it when girls play video games, otherwise it's just a sausage fest around here...
Quote from: Hobo on June 18, 2013, 13:04
Quote from: DobbysGamertag. on June 18, 2013, 12:56
Ahhh kids, they discover a spacebar, and they think hurling "fanboy" makes their e-peens get bigger. No sexism intended, but if you were a guy they probably wouldn't do/say anything. Kids seem to have an issue with girls and computer games.
I like it when girls play video games, otherwise it's just a sausage fest around here...
My ex GF used to play CoD, Minecraft WoW, SW:TOR and people used to give her crap, send her constant PM's and beg her to accept them o_o The first time i saw a girl on here i thought "oh cool a female" and just carried on xD i chose not to say anything for the sausage fest part xD id get a warn added to my record #ThugLife
Xbox one sucks, i have a TV, i have a digital entertainment system and i have a computer with netflix. When i look at a gaming console, i want just that, not a "home entertainment system" Sure, the xbox one can play games, but imo it isn't a games console anymore, have microsoft never heard of "putting in too much?"
Out of curiousity, have you ever tried playing a PS3?
Welcome to the internet by the way... people have preferences, just some people are more persistent with their preferences. Personally I'm a PlayStation console fan, I've owned a PS1, PSone (small version of PS1), 2-3 PS2s, 2 PS3s. I've also owned a Xbox (the first one...) and a 360, never really absorbed into the Xbox atmosphere. Considered PC a few times though.
So Rainbow, why do you support Microsoft, and how are Microsoft are innovative in your opinion? if you don't want to answer since you feel you shouldn't have to explain your preferences, that's fine...
Quote from: Joshy on June 19, 2013, 00:50
Welcome to the internet by the way... people have preferences, just some people are more persistent with their preferences.
Fuck you! I am not persistent with my preferences!
#PCMasterRace #PS3 #PS4 #PS5 #YOLO #GZSlots
Quote from: Hobo on June 19, 2013, 02:01
Quote from: Joshy on June 19, 2013, 00:50
Welcome to the internet by the way... people have preferences, just some people are more persistent with their preferences.
Fuck you! I am not persistent with my preferences!
#PCMasterRace #PS3 #PS4 #PS5 #YOLO #GZSlots
What the....
As Joshy said,
Quote from: Joshy on June 19, 2013, 00:50Welcome to the internet by the way... people have preferences, just some people are more persistent with their preferences.
The people on internet rarely have open-minds about girls playing games, and that's awful. When you say like "Oh, I'm a girl, not a boy and I play games", their reaction will almost be like "Sure, pics or it didn't happen" or some shit like that.
It's just the regular internet.
It's like girls aren't made to play games, and just need to stay in the kitchen or play with their dolls in their room. Unfortunately, that's how our society works, and it's getting worse and worse every day that passes by.
You just need to ignore those assholes and carry on. Keep playing and being on the internet, it's a normal thing. Like, my sister and my GF also play games (and no, they don't play noob games like Facebook games and shit), and people rarely believe when they say they're a girl playing, because most of the times people think it's a boy because they don't "suck" at playing at all.
It's sad to see that the internet and our society are like that, but we can't do much, can we? Just carry on, and ignore them.