So i decided to finish all achievements drunk :D with last one the trash achievements (Mr Cleaner).I had a very nice escort with some nice peoples (: and i apreciated very much.Here you can see a picture of my little escort :D (
It was hard because an old enemy reclassed in cop an camped for me in landfill(Pharell with shitfernus :D) and you know if you are near a cop while driving drunk you will become a suspect :D.
I failed first time but decided to try again drunk,where he arrested me :D
I failed again but i wasn't mad.This make my job to be harder and more intersting.I trolled him : I said i won't unload drunk so i went to unloading (where arrested me in previous video) get drunk and unloaded after :trollface: :trollface: :trollface:
It was an epic night and i enjoyed it ,enjoy the videos ^_^.
Bitch please ! I couldn't stop laughing when i discovered you were trying to finish the achiev because the first time i caught you it was unexpected (in monster fyi). Then i saw you there again and thats when i noticed you were at 499. Still, dont say you were not mad cuz you wrote several insults such as gay etc, dont lie, you were furious and all your noob friends insulting me just made me laugh even more haha.
Quote from: Vinny on June 11, 2013, 16:26
Bitch please ! I couldn't stop laughing when i discovered you were trying to finish the achiev because the first time i caught you it was unexpected (in monster fyi). Then i saw you there again and thats when i noticed you were at 499. Still, dont say you were not mad cuz you wrote several insults such as gay etc, dont lie, you were furious and all your noob friends insulting me just made me laugh even more haha.
Yes i wrote some little insults for fun but i wasn't mad anyway i still finished 17/17 with you around so :lol: :D
Quote from: Weasel on June 11, 2013, 16:31
Quote from: Vinny on June 11, 2013, 16:26
Bitch please ! I couldn't stop laughing when i discovered you were trying to finish the achiev because the first time i caught you it was unexpected (in monster fyi). Then i saw you there again and thats when i noticed you were at 499. Still, dont say you were not mad cuz you wrote several insults such as gay etc, dont lie, you were furious and all your noob friends insulting me just made me laugh even more haha.
Yes i wrote some little insults for fun but i wasn't mad anyway i still finished 17/17 with you around so :lol: :D
I love the way you're hiding the truth. see the last video you were 1 meter from the unload, you drank your wine or idk what and got in and instantly finished, you were not even wanted and i was far, FAR away from whitewood so please dont lie bahaha i wasnt even camping.
PS: you were furious and never ever you trolled me.
PPS: i love your 2 FPS videos, post some more please.
GZ :D bitch :)
u said u'll use sweeper to finish it :cereal:
Anyway Gzz :)
Quote from: sardarji on June 11, 2013, 17:20
u said u'll use sweeper to finish it :cereal:
Anyway Gzz :)
i said i will use sweeper for finish travelling man,and i did it.But because of fucking bug i passed 50.010 km's and nothing.I was forced to do a mission to finish that achievement,if you want i can upload the video.
Quote from: DeeJay. on June 11, 2013, 17:31
Thanks (:
oh ok :) upload if u want :P
Gz Broo 8)
Congratulations Nevastuica O0
Quote from: sardarji on June 11, 2013, 17:48
oh ok :) upload if u want :P
Enjoy the fail :trainsguy: :trainsguy: :trainsguy:
Gz Weasel :).
But why so much drunk xD?
That one in the black trashmaster is so hot OMG, anyway gz my dear bitch, that cop was annoying but, ure done :D.
GZ, u got a special prize IG xD
Quote from: Same99 on June 12, 2013, 20:46
Gz Weasel :).
But why so much drunk xD?
Well i like to do missions drunk also now i'm working on all missions drunk : thief,cop etc.I will post videos as soon i will finish all xD.
Quote from: Peter_Burke on June 13, 2013, 01:38
That one in the black trashmaster is so hot OMG, anyway gz my dear bitch, that cop was annoying but, ure done :D.
GZ, u got a special prize IG xD
Gimme another BJ Burkula <3
Quote from: Weasel on June 13, 2013, 04:41
Quote from: Same99 on June 12, 2013, 20:46
Gz Weasel :) .
But why so much drunk xD?
Well i like to do missions drunk also now i'm working on all missions drunk : thief,cop etc.I will post videos as soon i will finish all xD.
Quote from: Peter_Burke on June 13, 2013, 01:38
That one in the black trashmaster is so hot OMG, anyway gz my dear bitch, that cop was annoying but, ure done :D .
GZ, u got a special prize IG xD
Gimme another BJ Burkula <3
Im the active, remember that? xD
Gzz LoL
Congratz Weasel, always drunk! :o
Congratz on your drunk finish. :)