Im gonna jump on the bandwagon :) everyone else is doing is so why cant i?
no holds barred as long as you don't insult my mum :D
I believe you speak Welsh...
Yn pa dinas ydych chi'n fyw, ac beth yw dy hoff bwyd? Rwy'n flin am yr treigladau drwg.
edit: ac hefyd beth ydy oedran ti, ac beth cymerodd yn ysgol (TGAU / lefel-A) ac pa cymhwysterau sydd gen ti?
Quote from: Joshy on December 14, 2012, 16:10
I believe you speak Welsh...
Yn pa dinas ydych chi'n fyw, ac beth yw dy hoff bwyd? Rwy'n flin am yr treigladau drwg.
edit: ac hefyd beth ydy oedran ti, ac beth cymerodd yn ysgol (TGAU / lefel-A) ac pa cymhwysterau sydd gen ti?
I'd love to reply in welsh. but ive been up too long :P
I live in a town called Congleton, in Cheshire (UK)
Fave food: chicken curry/Ham & Pineapple pizza
im 19, took no A levels. i did Spanish, English, and Construction, they are the only ones i actually enjoyed. the rest can just stay buried in my head xD
For qualifications- qualified painter & decorator, went college to do it, was fun. Don't have any other ones because i hated school, went through a few tough times during school so i wasnt in the best of moods :)
what mods (for GTA-vehicles/skins/etc) do you have and can you take pics of them please? of what you use on the server....
Quote from: Ethan on December 14, 2012, 21:40
what mods (for GTA-vehicles/skins/etc) do you have and can you take pics of them please? of what you use on the server....
The mods i use are all on my Youtube account
the only mod i haven't recorded is the Evo x mod, i cant remember the link for it though :) if you do some searching it replaces the merit.txd and dff :) if i find it again, ill update the post. I dont really use any other Cleo mods but the in car vew one (
Purely because i dont wanna get banned by smokey, just dont trust him haha