Convoy Trucking

Hyde Park => Compliments => Topic started by: Same99_BEL on November 10, 2012, 22:58

Title: Sveki
Post by: Same99_BEL on November 10, 2012, 22:58
Gz for mod position Sveki.
Goodluck :P :D.
Title: Re: Sveki
Post by: Supra on November 10, 2012, 23:10
I know Sveki will be an epic mod :)

I've known him since 2011, and he was probably my first CVT friend, and he is still my best friend here :)

We started our friendship in a convoy, when I got some problems, and he failed his own mission just to help me, and I was just a rookie back then.
He has a big heart, and is a nice guy :)
Title: Re: Sveki
Post by: Bruno_2MLG4CT on November 11, 2012, 19:22
Peder  :fuckthat:

Ma, volim te, najbolji si !  :3 <3 :3
Title: Re: Sveki
Post by: Benny on November 11, 2012, 22:11
Quote from: brane on November 11, 2012, 19:22
Peder  :fuckthat:
:biggrin: :biggrin: :3 :3 :3
Title: Re: Sveki
Post by: Kenworth on November 11, 2012, 22:49
i don't have a bloody clue what you two just said but i take its good xD
I am not that close to Sveki but i consider him a brother and when we do something on the server its always stunting or something silly :P but overall Sveki is a great player and i believe he will do a great job as moderator :D
Title: Re: Sveki
Post by: Konali on November 11, 2012, 23:05
Sveki, we met a long time ago when i just was a full moderator, and the both of us got reported for abusing bugs haha.
It was my first and only forum report ever, but im glad i could share it with you my friend.

I always knew you would be a heck of a mod, simply because you are epic. But the circumstances where never right. You where never really active for the last few months due to motivation problems perhaps, pc issues for sure, and private things i assume.
But i knew, and this was a huge huge risk i and other admins took , that your activity would spike up when you got moderator.
What before was ~6 hrs a week is now ~15 hours a week. I am glad that your maturity, your wisdom and your sharpness are added to the CT staff team.

Good luck and take care you farmer :)

Title: Re: Sveki
Post by: Spekter on November 12, 2012, 01:40
Wow, thanks for all the kind words guys, they really mean a lot to me.  :3


First of all, i  want to thank you for having faith in me enough to take the risk in form of my inactivity. Not just you, Ethan and Sandman as well, but i still think you wanted me as a moderator the most.

It is true, i have been very inactive in the past few months. I used to log in for 1-2 hours once per 4-5, even 6 days. I've been affected by all three things you stated, with lack of motivation being the biggest. Because of all that, i completely understand people who didn't like my promotion.
But that period of time is over with. I know that a very responsible task has been given to me, and i won't dissapoint you guys. Right now, there is some school stuff preventing me from being online more, but i'll do my best.

We met in June 2011, back then you were just a regular player, and i was a Trucker. Believe it or not, i still remember every single detail of that. :)
Title: Re: Sveki
Post by: Supreme on November 17, 2012, 10:54

Budalo jedno, ne ba šalim se  :P

You are a good man, you deserved that mod position.  :D