lately i have been getting really upset with my laptop because it cant meet the demands of current gen gaming ( BF3, mw3, gta4 etc.. ).
we have a desktop but its pretty old and out of date
does any1 have any ideas for me to make it gaming worthy?
post some video tutorials and comment below.
thank you.
Option 1
Buy the following of your specific choosing and assemble them:
1x Case
1x Motherboard
2x 4gb RAM
1x 1tb HDD
1x GPU Something Nvidia
1x Intel i5 Processor (i7 is more expensive and not much better)
1x PSU (Power Supply Unit)
1x DVD optical drive of your choice
Option 2
Just go here and buy a new computer:
You need to assemble it yourself but that is really easy
Quote from: Kyle on September 20, 2012, 01:10
lately i have been getting really upset with my laptop because it cant meet the demands of current gen gaming ( BF3, mw3, gta4 etc.. ).
we have a desktop but its pretty old and out of date
does any1 have any ideas for me to make it gaming worthy?
post some video tutorials and comment below.
thank you.
No USB ports :biggrin:
sorry to stick my nose into these things, but yeah the pc you stated here is way too out dated, there is no point in buying new items such as a graphics card cause that wont fit, the pc still has the old GPU (or something like that) slots and everything now is PCI-express (if i remember all that correctly ) best thing to do is exactly what your first replyer wrote, that is buy EVERYthing new or just a whole new pc :)
dont bother trying to upgrade this one... you wont be getting very far sadly enough
i may be entirely wrong about the slots i cant remember at this present time , tiny bit too tired haha
what's your budget?
Quote from: Kyle on September 20, 2012, 01:10
Get a new pc please, you cant make it get better. :herpderp: :trolol:
Quote from: droctogonapus on September 20, 2012, 03:20
what's your budget?
that was my first question but here is this: (
you have a hard drive, a media drive, keyboard/mouse, and a monitor.. depending on what your will to spend.. you may not even need the tower and thats $53 more to put towards upgrading something else
Computer technology goes really fast now adays, faster then you'll get laid. Look into buying a whole new computer system (you'll barely be able to give this system away, again faster then you'll spank it). Look around, save your coins and quite spending it on hoho's and actual ho's. But seriously, it'll cost you less to buy a newer computer then to upgrade this one.
There's a subreddit that will help you out. You can tell them what you are looking for, and your price range and they will put together a list of pc parts for you.
That PC is just too old you can't upgrade anything in that umm pc..
ok guys thanks anyways have some links on cheap gaming pc's? average performance.
kyle post some links to computer shops in your country and your budget in your own currency and I can help you out :)
Quote from: Kyle on September 20, 2012, 11:32
ok guys thanks anyways have some links on cheap gaming pc's? average performance.
Which games you want to play? I.e. if you wanna run BF3 then check its requirements and then try to get the same or better :D
How to make it gaming worthy: Reflash your BIOS to sp0rkeh v2 revision 1124, and you may have to wait a bit. It will determine if it can make your computer better. If it doesn't work, throw your shit out.
Quote from: Kyle on September 20, 2012, 11:32
ok guys thanks anyways have some links on cheap gaming pc's? average performance.
if you wanna try to save as much money as possible and you're too lazy to build it yourself then i would suggest to look for some refurbished pc/laptops they often do the trick, but like Kyle wrote. it really depends on which games you're wanting to play cause that way its better to build your own and then just base it on a game that you would like to do. (and try to buy a lil bit better )