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Hyde Park => Off Topic => Topic started by: Joshly98 on August 15, 2012, 03:37

Title: Romanians.... Please help :)
Post by: Joshly98 on August 15, 2012, 03:37
Hey, this is a post directed to all of the Romanians here... I need to do a school geography assignment on a country (I chose Romania) and I need a variety of information sources, and the teacher said talking to people is one of the best sources... so would you please take, maybe 5 minutes to answer some of these questions?

1.   Describe the climate of Romania.

2.   Include a little bit of information on:
   Population
   Capital city
   Products made and grown in this country
   Currency
   Religion
   Government

3.   Illustrate the types of food prepared in Romania – Is there a national dish?

4.   What is the school system like?

If you help me out, I'll put you into my bibliography :)

Thanks in advance! :D
Title: Re: Romanians.... Please help :)
Post by: Matias on August 15, 2012, 04:30
How your teacher makes you do a homework that required you talk with romanian people? If you dont have romanian friends then you get low mark?
Title: Re: Romanians.... Please help :)
Post by: Google on August 15, 2012, 05:34
2.   Include a little bit of information on:
   Population - 20.254.866 people.
   Capital city - Bucharest.

Someone else should awnser the next ones , but.. using google is faster.
Title: Re: Romanians.... Please help :)
Post by: mrtrlt on August 15, 2012, 09:58
Quote from: Google on August 15, 2012, 05:34

Someone else should awnser the next ones , but.. using google is faster.

Title: Re: Romanians.... Please help :)
Post by: Vinny on August 15, 2012, 11:07
Quote from: Google on August 15, 2012, 05:34
2.   Include a little bit of information on:
   Population - 20.254.866 people.
   Capital city - Bucharest.

Someone else should awnser the next ones , but.. using google is faster.
He is using Google xD
Title: Re: Romanians.... Please help :)
Post by: Costel on August 15, 2012, 11:30
Title: Re: Romanians.... Please help :)
Post by: Toux on August 15, 2012, 18:34
Ueeehm you i think Google has a point. Use him and you will get done quicker
Title: Re: Romanians.... Please help :)
Post by: Ethan on August 15, 2012, 19:08
Quote from: Google on August 15, 2012, 05:34
Someone else should awnser the next ones , but.. using google is faster.

google came back with 30 million hits but asking you came with less

Title: Re: Romanians.... Please help :)
Post by: SeraMondialu on August 15, 2012, 22:25
   Population - ~20.254.866
   Capital city - Bucharest, where i live .
   Products made and grown in this country ???
   Currency - I think you mean what kind of money is used, it is LEU (RON)
   Religion - Orthodox in general .
   Government - Democracy .

Title: Re: Romanians.... Please help :)
Post by: Terrorista310 on August 16, 2012, 15:32
The lesson i learned on this topic, this community stinks.
Title: Re: Romanians.... Please help :)
Post by: bazingashane0 on August 17, 2012, 01:23
Quote from: Terrorista310 on August 16, 2012, 15:32
The lesson i learned on this topic, this community stinks.
Why cause no-one will ever help you out  :gtroll: :lol: :trolldad:
Title: Re: Romanians.... Please help :)
Post by: Terrorista310 on August 17, 2012, 09:43
Quote from: Shane0 on August 17, 2012, 01:23
Quote from: Terrorista310 on August 16, 2012, 15:32
The lesson i learned on this topic, this community stinks.
Why cause no-one will ever help you out  :gtroll: :lol: :trolldad:

:ukiddn: i dont need help, i'm talking about this topic and the player who want help with school work

Title: Re: Romanians.... Please help :)
Post by: GeneralLee on August 17, 2012, 17:44
|1.   Describe the climate of Romania.
|Romania has 4 distinct seasons much like that of North America. The winters can are cold reaching temperatures between 0°C and -5°C. There is lots of snow fall in the mountains creating a perfect destination for skiers and snowboarders with its affordable ski resorts. Spring is pleasant with cool mornings and nights and warm days. In the summer hot sunny days can be experienced along the Black Sea coast and Transylvania where temperatures reach about 30°C. Autumn is dry and cool with colourful foliage from the trees and mountains.
|2.   Include a little bit of information on:
|   Population - ~20.254.866
|   Capital city - Bucharest
|   Products made and grown in this country :
|   Currency - RON
|   Religion - Orthodox
|   Government - The government type is: Republic
|Romania is a republic since 30 December 1947.
|3.   Illustrate the types of food prepared in Romania – Is there a national dish?
|[hide= sarmale]
|Sarmale:The most popular food in romania.
|4.   What is the school system like?
|I can describe it.
|First of all you have to make 1-2 years of kindergarten afther that you can go to school in first grade where you have 1 teacher for all classes and from 5th grade you have theacher named "Diriginte" and 1 teacher for every class(1 teacher for English,1 For Biology,1 for Sport etc.) from 9th class you are officialy in High School.Four years of high school and you can go to college if you pass the final examen named "Bacalaureat"(Lol,this sound like Turkish food).And thats it..

Here i think you have enought informations for your essay.