AMAA is a acronym for "ask me almost anything". I won't answer questions regarding private stuff, like personal information or behind-the-scenes of being admin. And nothing disrespectful either.
Code for my signature, pet info, favorite food, favorite vacation place - The_Hobo and Benny_Benassy (,27764.msg148216.html#msg148216)
When I became admin, do I like being admin, am I bored of it, server first thoughts (not quite) and the old CT - Matheus (,27764.msg148219.html#msg148219)
My opinion on Dr_Doom, best time in CT, programming and how long it took me to learn to program - Dr_Doom, TheGame, Joshly98 and Matt[AUS] (,27764.msg148505.html#msg148505)
I like pie, my opinion on platypuses :o, poor advice on how to start programming, what other games that I play - ItzWorldAssassin and Neon$lash (,27764.msg148533.html#msg148533)
How did u put that in game profile,google+ stuff in yur signature? and if u can give me the code or whatever, that i can put a picture and stuff in my signature like you please.
U can make me mod? I gud, I no ram or hak. I gud player. :concentrated:
Do you have a pet? If so, what animal, name, and do you feed them?
Y U No throw change at hobos?
Favorite food?
Favorite place to go? (Vacation)
Quote from: Benny_Benassy on August 05, 2012, 06:08
How did u put that in game profile,google+ stuff in yur signature? and if u can give me the code or whatever, that i can put a picture and stuff in my signature like you please.
[div style="box-shadow: 0px 0px 3px black; height: 200px; padding: 0px; background-image: url(''); background-repeat: repeat; background-position: center center; background-size: 1280px 960px; text-align: center;font-size: 16px; line-height:24px; letter-spacing: -0.8px; font-family: 'Arial'; color: rgba(255,255,255,0.75); text-shadow: 1px 1px 3px black;"][url=][img style="margin-top: 52.5px;box-shadow: 0px 0px 3px black;"][/img][/url][div style="padding: 5px; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px; float:right; text-align:right; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.5); height:190px; box-shadow: -1px 0px 3px black;"][url=]in-game profile[/url]
[url=;n=2]name change form[/url]
[url=;n=1]post ban appeal[/url]
[url=;n=4]report a player[/url]
[url=;n=10]request account security[/url]
[url=;n=5]mod application[/url]
[url=]other forms[/url][/div][/div]
You'll need to learn about CSS to adjust it to your own specifications though.
Quote from: The_Hobo on August 05, 2012, 06:08
U can make me mod? I gud, I no ram or hak. I gud player.
Do you have a pet? If so, what animal, name, and do you feed them?
Y U No throw change at hobos?
Favorite food?
Favorite place to go? (Vacation)
Silly Hobo, you're already a mod.
I have a dog, a Japanese Akita (or American, I forget these things) called Kano. I don't feed him, but I do give him some leftovers.
Because I don't have any change.
Favorite food... chicken and pizza.
I don't go overseas, but I normally go somewhere around my sisters' area for vacations, it's nice seeing them. I don't want to give any town names out, but it's in Wiltshire, England.
Also, TS wanted to ask me a question but he thought it was personal.
[06:03] TheSandman: do you fap to katy perry xdYes. Yes I do.
When were you promoted to admin?
Do you like your admin job? Do you feel bored sometimes?
The first time you joined the server. What came on your mind, like, "wow that server is awesome"?
Do you miss the old CVT?
Quote from: Matheus on August 05, 2012, 06:23
When were you promoted to admin?
Do you like your admin job? Do you feel bored sometimes?
The first time you joined the server. What came on your mind, like, "wow that server is awesome"?
Do you miss the old CVT?
May 2012, second time around. Before that, July 2011.
I suppose I like it, it has been a lot of experience for me (especially being a 15 year old) and I like being an admin because I basically proved that my age doesn't represent my maturity (I bet you feel the same being a mod). Unfortunately people on Facebook make our generation look really bad, you know the duckfaces and such. I do get a bit bored at times reading through the reports etc on forum, at times I think to myself why do people report for such small things when we can all get on with each other just by ignoring that small problem, also the quantity of reports is increasing (I'm sure) because more and more players play here everyday, and you know, a human doesn't like repetitive tasks. At least I don't.
Honestly, can't remember. But it must have had some sort of pulling factor for me to be here now. Probably because of Ethan (first friend here).
I can't say I missed the old CVT as I joined the server right at the end of the trading features and high interest, so I didn't really have a lot of time to experience it. But I know it was good, that's for sure.
What was your honest opinion about me? I really want to know what you think of: Bran_King - Dr_Doom
( Im sure you understand why I say 'WAS' )
What were your best times in CVT? ;)
How did you learn to code in all the different formats (or whatever you scripters call them :P) you know, and how long did it take you?
((I want to learn JavaScript and C++))
How long did it take you to learn all the codes and stuff
I'm sorta interested in learning more. Its just the time that it takes.
Quote from: Dr_Doom on August 05, 2012, 06:45
What was your honest opinion about me? I really want to know what you think of: Bran_King - Dr_Doom
I found you to be respected, sociable and mature, you had the potential to become a mod. Good guy in general.
Quote from: TheGame on August 05, 2012, 07:29
What were your best times in CVT? ;)
Getting wanted with Dan_Nobleman in Dumpers for hours... it was fun.
Quote from: Joshly98 on August 05, 2012, 12:43
How did you learn to code in all the different formats (or whatever you scripters call them :P) you know, and how long did it take you?
They are called programming languages. I learned them by using mostly code libraries ( is good for PHP) on the internet, with some tutorials to start me off, and then built on top of that with practice. You need to use your programming skills often, or you will start to forget things.
How long... I started web development (MS Frontpage :o) about 12-13, then I started learning PHP along with CSS and SQL to make dynamic sites, and I've recently started to learn JavaScript for even more flexibility. I have tried numerous times to start coding in Java, failed miserably. However I might start learning Java using the Bukkit API so it's more fun for me.
I also know some ActionScript (the Flash programming language) however I have completely stopped using Flash in my projects, and I've pretty much forgotten how to program in that language.
Quote from: Matt[AUS] on August 05, 2012, 12:59
How long did it take you to learn all the codes and stuff
A few years, about 3-4 years. Don't force yourself, if you do you will find learning to program will be very, very boring.
Do you like pie?
What about platypuses, Do you like them
nice joshy you have an akita :P i had one died some years ago ): but she was like 14 years old the doctor said she lived more than expected :)
Well sum questhiuns fo ya:
Idk if you have awnsered this to Joshly's question but
to someone that wants to learn coding (plan to) whats the best way to start?
Do you play something else besides Minecraft and gta sa multiplayer stuff? (Samp MTa etc) ?
Nice topic btw. i bet that in someweeks some other people will do this kind of topics and soon a suggestion about a topic only for those kind will be created :P
Quote from: ItzWorldAssassin on August 05, 2012, 22:59
Do you like pie?
What about platypuses, Do you like them
2) I don't really know what a platypus is...
Quote from: Neon$lash on August 05, 2012, 23:04
Idk if you have awnsered this to Joshly's question but to someone that wants to learn coding (plan to) whats the best way to start?
Do you play something else besides Minecraft and gta sa multiplayer stuff? (Samp MTa etc) ?
Nice topic btw. i bet that in someweeks some other people will do this kind of topics and soon a suggestion about a topic only for those kind will be created :P
1) the 'Hello World' example is often the best way to start :D but seriously, think about ideas for programs / scripts that could be handy when you need them, and task yourself to make that program. That's all I can say :|
2) Other than MC and SA-MP, I play MW3, GTA IV and Saints Row 2. I do play other games but very rarely. BTW I'm doing a shotgun-only prestige on MW3, getting every shotgun to weapon level 30. Worst. Decision. Ever. MODEL1887 SUCKS.
3) I would like it if other people made this type of topic, but I don't think a board will be dedicated to it :p
what do you see your self doing in 3 years?
what college/university would you go to?
how much money can you actually make since you know so much stuff about stuff?
do you have siblings? how many?
are you ever going to pay me back the loan I gave you a year and half ago? (kidding)
do you like penis?
Why do you like penis?
Whats your favorite kind of penis. What color.
Quote from: Ethan on August 07, 2012, 23:40
what do you see your self doing in 3 years?
what college/university would you go to?
how much money can you actually make since you know so much stuff about stuff?
do you have siblings? how many?
Web development, programming or at least something to do with computers.
No idea yet.
Personal info...
Quote from: RaceRX96 on August 08, 2012, 02:00
do you like penis?
Why do you like penis?
Whats your favorite kind of penis. What color.
I like my own penis. No one else.
why did I approve your message IDK...
Are you fat?
Do you live in a small 2 story brick house? Like a cottage...(How i always thought all UK houses were like)
Quote from: TheSandman on August 09, 2012, 03:13
Do you live in a small 2 story brick house? Like a cottage...(How i always thought all UK houses were like)
If you call a 3 bedroom semi-terrace house that.S
What do you think about me ?
Do you wear glasses ?
Do you have big head ? (if not how the fuck you can put so big brain in small head ? ) :D
Do you have GF ?