I came up with something called player of the day (POTD).
So, here's how it's working:
After each in game day probably at 00:00 at night there will appear a box where it says best players of the day on each category, something like this
Best Coach driver of the day: blablalbalba
Best fuel hauler of the day: jadsljasdj
and so on for all types of missions, if there has been no missions at a type of mission there will be written No one /nobody or " - "
ex: Best Limo driver of the day: -
Optional: the POTD will win idk like 5k? or 10k everytime he wins POTD....I think this will make people to work more,to be more active to win :)
What do you think?
+1 .
+1 for the box making people players of the day, but -1 for getting money or prizes for it.
+1, Nice
+1 for idea
-1 for prizes
+1 for fun
+1 for player of the week/month/year
+1 for trucker/hauler/cementer/cop/thief of ^
(dont use POTM and POTY shorts, reserved!)
+x for who will choose and how to script :o
yes i like it +1 but not POTD,POTD Mean Pilots Of The Day
Quote from: $nake on May 09, 2012, 15:09
+1 for idea
-1 for prizes
+1 for fun
+1 for player of the week/month/year
+1 for trucker/hauler/cementer/cop/thief of ^
(dont use POTM and POTY shorts, reserved!)
+x for who will choose and how to script :o
Quote from: $nake on May 09, 2012, 15:09
+1 for idea
-1 for prizes
+1 for fun
+1 for player of the week/month/year
+1 for trucker/hauler/cementer/cop/thief of ^
(dont use POTM and POTY shorts, reserved!)
+x for who will choose and how to script :o
+1 :)
Great idea. I know i would be more motivated. :) +1
*Sarcasm* Great! lets make this game a competition! *Sarcasm*
Great idea. +1
+1 :)
+1 :smile2:
Quote from: SuperGoof on May 09, 2012, 16:20
*Sarcasm* Great! lets make this game a competition! *Sarcasm*
I have suggested this long time ago
Shit happened :D
No.. this is a game not a competition like goof said.. it will only cause unneeded fights and forum stuff about 'he doesn't deserve it' and so on.. just.. no.
Quote from: Strato. on May 09, 2012, 19:23
No.. this is a game not a competition like goof said.. it will only cause unneeded fights and forum stuff about 'he doesn't deserve it' and so on.. just.. no.
-1 from me for the suggestion. Not needed
Yeah, its a game for fun. That would lead to people not participating in events/having fun/etc. because they would not like to waste there time, all they would want is to get into Today's Top, as it would be extra motivating. We already get prizes after 500 missions, that much motivation is enough.
Yeah, but dont make it flood the chat...
*Player of the day awards have been given! /potd to see who made the players of the day! Would be better than flooding the chat with *IUGHAIUS won the best fuel hauler of the day!
*Fixed spelling error.
not needed and I personally dont want something thats currently on another server to come here.. (Pilots Life has this) Convoy Trucking is unique and should stay like that
Quote from: SuperGoof on May 09, 2012, 16:20
*Sarcasm* Great! lets make this game a competition! *Sarcasm*
Quote from: Ethan on May 10, 2012, 02:58
not needed and I personally dont want something thats currently on another server to come here.. (Pilots Life has this) Convoy Trucking is unique and should stay like that
now i saw that pilots life have it...i just made an account @ their forum is the same as our forum, and the server 80% like CT...
But Ct Is Better :P <3
Graet idea twix :D. For me +1
Quote from: TwiXXXie on May 10, 2012, 06:04
Quote from: Ethan on May 10, 2012, 02:58
not needed and I personally dont want something thats currently on another server to come here.. (Pilots Life has this) Convoy Trucking is unique and should stay like that
now i saw that pilots life have it...i just made an account @ their forum is the same as our forum, and the server 80% like CT...
Thats probably because Haydz used to play here
+1 If pilot's life can script this, CT can! :))
Quote from: SuperGoof on May 09, 2012, 16:20
*Sarcasm* Great! lets make this game a competition! *Sarcasm*
This ^
It can't be fairly judged, i remember some award there was before, Best Trucker, i came joint 2nd with Vado, and snake won.
but it turned out to be a popularity contest more than a trucker contest so...it'll be the same with this.
Quote from: Lindsey on May 10, 2012, 12:08
It can't be fairly judged, i remember some award there was before, Best Trucker, i came joint 2nd with Vado, and snake won.
but it turned out to be a popularity contest more than a trucker contest so...it'll be the same with this.
1. that's why I did want it again :P
2. I wanna see who's best in each category :)
It looks like Pilot's Life server, and i like it.