Convoy Trucking

Server related => Help => Topic started by: Hobo on March 21, 2012, 01:18

Title: Demolition Derby?
Post by: Hobo on March 21, 2012, 01:18
Quote1) No fighting, no killing, no driving into other players.
2) Do not ram or attempt to steal other players' vehicles, do not block road (doesn't apply to cops pursuing a suspect)

Yes I know what the rules are but for an event would a demolition derby be allowed? As long as participants only hit other participants.
Thank you
Title: Re: Demolition Derby?
Post by: Ephraim_Renais on March 21, 2012, 01:57
This sort of thing has been done before.  Universal Trucking has held a vehicle tag event before where participants tried to ram (tag) other participants.  We created a convoy to identify all participants and ramming was only allowed in a specific area.  The convoy leader was the player that was it.

The areas that have been used were Verdant Meadows, Hunter Quarry, and the LV Airport.

Not sure if it would still be allowed, but it doesn't hurt to make sure from the admin staff.

Title: Re: Demolition Derby?
Post by: TheSandman on March 21, 2012, 02:06
If this kind of event was held again, i think it would be appropriate for an admin to be watching over the event while its running.
People would have to pay their fines before starting, to minimize the possibility of being rammed by/ramming cops.
Or people that leave the event to make an excuse for ramming people.

Just an under control sort of thing.
Title: Re: Demolition Derby?
Post by: Ethan on March 21, 2012, 02:19
this could be easily controlled if it was done again in a specified area and only those who sign up can join... or remove the mapping in the racetrack in LV and use the bloodbowl