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Topics - FaZe1337Sajmon420PL

Player reported:

Rule broken: intentional ramming / blocking
Date and time: 23:26 12/11 Paris time

First time he ramms me so I try to pass him fast but second time he ramms me again and somehow crashes. I think this guy has bad connection. Very aggressive driver though.
Ban Appeals / cash ban appeal
November 13, 2020, 22:54
Player name:  
Ban ID:  
Time and date of ban: today
Reason of ban: ramming
Ban was unfair? Yes
I was banned by: Staff member (Admin or Moderator)

What actually was happening:
Yesterday I played a bit and now I'm banned.
Checked the reports and sure enough there's some random screenshots of me doing nothing while this guy claims I rammed him and what not.
Server was empty I was just cruisng around, this is ridiculous I didn't ramm him.


I confirm that all above information is true and I am aware that posting false information in ban appeal will result in my ban being extended.
Player reported:

Rule broken: intentional ramming / blocking
Date and time: 04/06/2018 18:05

Player reported:

Rule broken: insulting / disrespect / threats
Date and time: 10 Sep 05:18

Spekter [10 Sep 05:18]:   go to fucking hell sajtard

since adding "tard" to someones name (exameple: ethard) is punishable, reported
General Talk / latest patch
January 22, 2017, 16:48
>Fixed unfair convoy bonus calculation (Sjomp)

Help / Refund
May 29, 2014, 17:29
I was banned for 60 days which means I lost my house and cars. Do I have a right for a refund or no?
Player reported:
Rule broken: disrespect / threats
Date and time: now

Called me faggot multiple times. Im tired of him. Told him to stop but he continued.

Spekter [08 May 00:32]:   i actually told that to this pl fgt
Spekter [08 May 00:36]:   fgt also works for him
wZ. is my clan and he disrespects it
Spekter [08 May 00:38]:   wz is cheater noob fagot clan
Help / a question
February 22, 2014, 10:35
why isnt this (and the other points as well) available for everyone?

Quote from: Konali on November 07, 2013, 23:59
19. Police affairs

  • Idling = Sitting still and doing nothing = only kickable.
  • Camping = waiting at an area or a toll , or an unload for tickets or arrests. Camping at an unload does require the police officer to move his ass and TRY to arrest the thief before he unloads.  Blocking an unload with his car is allowed.
  • Racing on duty = revokebadge , but always first /a them. Only revoke if its consistent, intentional.
  • Buying property as cop = Allowed! , but needs to reclass as soon as he or she wants to buy vehicles etc.
  • Ramming on duty=  See point 16. (Intentional ramming/etc)
  • Going to a carshow as cop = allowed, however he or she cannot show become idle and check out the cars, the only reason its allowed is when they arrest suspects, collect fines etc. , if they do not such things = revokebadge
Help / A question...
December 10, 2013, 12:34
Not that it's a big issue but I'm still asking myself: what the fuck happened during my previous name change?
How many of those do you get? I'm sure it's many.
And if you're interested in whats going on with your club you will check those messages.

But in order to see the actual memo you need to go to clubs and then search for the club and finally open the noticeboard.
So im suggesting to make some kind of hyperlink or maybe add a column with club name, a column with this particular clubs noticeboard or anything that would stimulate this process.

Let me know what you think  :like: :dislike:
Off Topic / Unboxing my headphones
November 23, 2013, 21:53
I made few photos while unboxing my new headphones  :like:

The box:

It also came with a manual:
Off Topic / list of my favorite songs
October 14, 2013, 20:41

Screenshots and Videos / Admen caboose
August 17, 2013, 16:44
Brane entered my monster with admen power and rammed everything around :( After he realised I was recording he decided to abandon it.

#AdmenCaboose #Bruno2k13

@EDIT: make sure ur volume is turned ON
Off Topic / Meanwhile in banland
July 04, 2013, 00:28
our fellow divebomber has some secret talents
enjoy  :))

Off Topic / how does it work?
April 19, 2013, 09:59
When you go to your stats and you look at your posting activity you get those weird numbers. So I was always wondering where those numbers come from. I'm not spending nights on forum but I have shitload posts from 0 to 6. Are those even hours? :D Maybe it's some timezone issue, I dont know. Do you guys have any ideas?

Locked & Closed Suggestions / fuel missions
February 11, 2013, 14:30
My suggestion is to make fuel missions with more destinations: 6, 7 or 8 (just an example) It would make fuel missions longer and more attractive to drive all over the map. In my opinion the map is just too big for only 5 destinations (not even talking about 4 or 3) For example u load in bone county, then u get like 2 dst in sf, 2 in rc and then 1 in milestone. U need to drive far but u get paid shitty.
But to dont make the achievement for 500 fuel hauls much harder i suggest that option to haul fuel to more than 5 destinations should be available after u finish the achievement (just like u can choose 5 artic missions after unlocking the achievement)

Let me know what u think about it.
My suggestion is to put manual parking as default instead of auto parking.

U can see many newbs leaving their vehicles on the road/grass/sidewalk etc. which cause many unnecessary clamps just because they had auto park on. It would never happen if manual parking was set as default.

preventing such argument as: "If they dont have auto park on, they forget to park it first time and they have to pay... blah blah blah"
The first time u buy a vehicle it has kind of auto parking anyways. (also if u have manual park selected)
Mods / [REQUEST] problem with rt mod
December 17, 2012, 15:18
so i got a problem with my mod, after i flip and /fix it, its stuck in the ground

i tried to improve the collision thing in zmod myself but i only made my gta crash  ::)

heres the vid with explanation:

here are both dff and txd files:

i hope someone can help me with this :)
Its kinda annoying when u need to damage the fence every time u want to drive out of the base.
So my suggestion is to remove this fence.

Locked & Closed Suggestions / Eyre Truck Park
September 16, 2012, 10:14
I wanted to suggest a parking for trucks in eyre, since there are so many houses added there. The nearest parking is in low land island... when in other places are shitload of parkings.
I saw this area and thought it would be cool to have a parking there.
Just change the park lines, so trucks could be parked there.
Screenshots and Videos / weird lag
July 08, 2012, 20:35
I didnt knew where to post this, so i did it here.

I stopped recording but later i was still chasing him with some other cop. No result untill he crashed by himself...
But still i got one question: dafuq is this shit?!
just some fun coz we were bored :)


Screenshots and Videos / some of my clips
June 20, 2012, 17:58
about the infernus part: i know im noob but admit that the way i tricked him was nice  :))
about limo part: some day ill make it  :P

Enjoy  :)
Off Topic / wannabe hacker
June 10, 2012, 15:14
This guy got banned after few mins but i wanted to share this vid.