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Topics - Leoviz

My suggestion is this: cops can turn on/off their duties, as a strategy for catching thieves. When the cop is in off duty status he can't do cop jobs and he's not marked in blue on the map - so he can approach the thieves without the look of thief. Then, he turn on duty and can fine/arrest again.

We can have a limit of time to change the status, like 5~10 minutes...
...not just for the owner or truck owner's

I know it's not possible to add more gang zones in the map on samp, but it can be added to the website (i believe so). The new islands at Whetstone could be seen by the website:

(some prevision for any solution for the problem of gang zones limit?)
Screenshots and Videos / How you did it?
March 05, 2012, 19:59
I am starting this topic to all of us post photos of our extraordinary cases in the server. Enjoy it!

So, how I did it?
1. I'm noob
2. I'm noob
3. I'm very noob

I've found in the forum too many requests to create a new truck/car parking in Los Santos, or by the long distance of the players houses, or by the little number of parkings in LS.
Considering the distances between the houses and the existing parks, I think under the Mulholland Intersection is a good place to have a parking, be it cars or trucks, or for both types (my preference is for a truck parking).
This is a large place, and is in the center of LS and most of the residents.

I hope it's a good idea.  :))