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Messages - [IT]Vercingetorige

+1 to main idea
Quote from: ngula on June 08, 2013, 01:27
IMHO you could do it this way: the truck driver that uses half the club would still receive the bonus for vehicle ownership, in addition, the same amount will go to the club.
Here's an example:
Let us assume (only for this example) that the bonus is 20% for truck owned
The driver completes the mission earning 10k with 2k bonus for truck owned and 2k bonus for the club (that has provided the vehicle).
I think that by doing so we will invite the truckers and the clubs to buy the instruments of labor in order to meet expenses and avoid unpleasant requests for money by the club become an advantage (and not a waste of money)

and also give the possibility to the clubs to give money as prize for events if all member agree
Quote from: Hobo on May 30, 2013, 23:19
Quote from: [IT]Vercingetorige on May 30, 2013, 21:53
it would be nice if it will at least display the last amount of interest you get.
anyway you get the 1% or the 1.2% with the achievement, not the 10%!!!!!!! maths is not an opinion
You're both right, and wrong.
Quote from: Joshy on July 12, 2012, 03:37
Interest rate: 10% yearly, or 0.83% (recurring) monthly (those with securicar achievement: 12% yearly)
0.83% without the achievement per month and 1% with the achievement per month.
ok if they are yearly at 10% is right! 0.83*12 is 9.96% but since we get interest monthly it sems 10% monthly, by the way +1 for ngula
Quote from: ngula on May 30, 2013, 13:40
Quote from: Vado19 on May 29, 2013, 16:45
NO because you're doing it wrong...

to stop somebody for weight control pull up behind them

to FINE somebody pull up BESIDE them....why in your extensive career as a cop have you not noticed this yet ??


With this lag if I'm Beside them (after submission keys was pushed) it check the truck... I know what I've said! Extensive career??? Who said that???... Take it easy, this is only a suggestion...

really with this lag to arrest a thief in sf i had to cut his way in LV while he is still in SF!!! so aeverything is possible, the idea is nice!
it would be nice if it will at least display the last amount of interest you get.
anyway you get the 1% or the 1.2% with the achievement, not the 10%!!!!!!! maths is not an opinion
Quote from: Matias. on May 24, 2013, 17:10
Yes, your mod is too high, giving you a chance to drive at places the normal people cant drive aka giving you advantage which is not allowed.
Normal people can't drive a trashmaster up the piramid, and if i see you doing that i will ban you for hacks which is the first thing i will think since normal people can't do it.

so i have to remove the mod or i could keep it avoiding to climb buildings with backward gear in the map?  :D (sarcastic). Seriously speaking i have to remove the mod or i could keep it for normal vehicle use? i want to underlie that as soon as i finish the garbage achievement i will remove the mod anyway
Quote from: Matias. on May 24, 2013, 00:03

Quote from: mick88 on November 25, 2010, 22:35
General rules:
7) Generally game mods are allowed as long as they are not detectable/visible by other players and do not give you advantage (vehicle handling, speed, hovering etc.)

"vehicle handling, speed, hovering etc." not highness from the ground or beauty, if i have a Ferrari on Infernus , a Scania on the Flatbed and a DFT30 with 6 wheels instead of 5 i take advantage to other player 'cause my mod are more beautyful than original game's car?
my mod doesn't affect handling, speed or hovering, is simply higher from the ground in the rear part so if i go backward my chassis doesn't crash with objects if they are not too high.
This mod advantage me respect to other player? yes in a certain way, if u think i don't deserve the prize for that there are no problem! but say that i'm acting again cvt rules it's too much to tolerate.
Quote from: Lindsey on May 23, 2013, 20:25
Ok guys confirmation : Vercingetorige was disqualified, he's finally shown me his trick, which is actually his car mod allowing him to drive up places that otherwise can't be driven up. Thus it's an unfair advantage that breaks CVT rules.

He can not win, and thus, other people will get extra money as places are bumped up. I.E hobo now wins $50,000 instead of $15,000 (which i've already paid, so $35,000 more to go) Etc etc, well done guys, but cheating / breaking CVT rules in events isn't fair.

Great idea though
for me car mod=3d model mod=something  can change with gta garage mod manager so where is written that i could not have a car mod? i have a trashmaster that is higher behind (in the back), this advantage me because it permits to me to make tyres touch the piramid before the chassis (things that don't happen if u use original trashmaster) the truck is clearly visible in the screen so i don't think that i hided that particular. If have a 3d-model different from the original is not allowed in this competition no problem, no money, no prize, i will survive and good money for the Hobo.
lol.....  :biggrin:

don't worry ethan i will not give him neither 1 cent of my money ;D....
by the way it's true that this is a panzer's private mod but we are friend and we share a lot of stuff for GTA, he was just joking and seen from an external view and without specification i figure that u could misundertand his words

only one question: where is Lindsay? i'm waiting for her 'cause i had to show her the power of the trashmaster (sarcastic) and get my money
Quote from: Lindsey on April 24, 2013, 22:49
1st place : [IT]Vercingetorige and his...trashmaster? on top of the pyramid! - Must show me in game how he did this

sure! when the server is up and u are online i will show you how i climbed the piramid.... really it is not only my merit, it is also the mod that is very high and give me the ability to go up!

thx for win!
even if i have about finished this achieve (499/500) i think that this is a good idea!
Quote from: Dynamo on April 14, 2013, 15:39
Quote from: Rahail on April 14, 2013, 09:40
Quote from: Rahail on April 14, 2013, 05:21
Thief's can camp/idle at unload it's not problem, but blocking unload that sucks should be changed. So I would give +1
oh sorry i meant Cops lol not Thief's

I agree with this. I never camped drop points, and I have no problem with cops that do but it is unfair to block them completely.

Also cause I am allowed to ram cops while wanted. If i see any cop blocking the fir island drop, I will get my big dumper become wanted and run you over, especially if you are using a supercar.

ever if i don't use my big dumper to block you!
Quote from: Rahail on April 14, 2013, 09:40
Quote from: Rahail on April 14, 2013, 05:21
Thief's can camp/idle at unload it's not problem, but blocking unload that sucks should be changed. So I would give +1
oh sorry i meant Cops lol not Thief's

Lol i understood thief's unload so i understood correctly your opinion, byt he way i agree with you, for me cop have not to block unloading point!

Nowadays i've already finished the cop achiev but i do cop work and i block the unload to make all thief complain about that. I want things to change and only pushing also other to as for rule's change we will obtain something!
Polaco i finished my cop achieve without be unfair, i chased about all suspects driving my bullet up and down all the map, now i'm doing thief missions, i saw other cop do the same thing i did today (what u are suggesting to abolish). I tought that this action was unfair, i reported cop who had that behaviour, admins told me it's allowed.

the best way to make rules change is to abuse of them, in this way i will be reported by all thief, there will be a lot of complain about my behaviour and indirectly to the rule that give me the ability to do that, nowaday no one could say "Vercingetorige[IT] you could not do that" 'cause it's allowed by rules, if all thief complain about that maybe rule will change!

Think that u are lucky! i blocked your unload only 1 time today, what have to say The_Hobo that saw himself got arrested about every mission he has done without have the possibility to unload? maybe he spent his online-time in jail or doing his admin's duties!
biggest +1 than ever by the cop who didn't make u unload blocking the unloadpoint, i think too this rule is unfair, but since it is allowed i do it!