Moskri (killing / deathmatching)

Started by HugoBoss, February 28, 2024, 20:13


Player reported:

Rule broken: killing / deathmatching
Date and time: 28.2.2024 21:00

dear admins

tell me how many lives and reminders Moskri can have?
Why is this player allowed to harm players?
Why is this player allowed to insult other players?
Why is this player allowed to talk in Main Chat on Serbian?
How long will his dominance over other players last?
Hasn't he already received enough reports from players to get a permanent ban?
Why don't you ban him from playing permanently on the server, because warnings for a month don't help him?

this is what happened today in Tierra Robada, 28.02.2024, in 21:00 clock. I was doing Towing, and during gameplay he often came to my car that I needed to tow, and hit it and pushed it from the loading area. One time I managed to take a picture of it because I was playing on my mobile phone what it looks like when a car that needs to be towed pushes me. After that, I tried to complete the mission to the end, but he didn't give me a chance to push the car to the loading point, instead he ran into me at high speed, where I lost the mission and where I lost the Tow Truck because of him.

First of all, let me mention, I gave Moskra a chance after everything when he came back after my last application, and I wanted to befriend him, but unfortunately he is a savage and doesn't want to be normal.

Please take this very seriously this time, and give him a permanent ban, because his insults long ago crossed the line of us normal players.

with respect
do something urgent

Here u can see, how i am want finish mission and put car in load point because Moskri before is hit this my mission car.
Here is he come back to me and ramm me, and thats him was funny
I lost my tow truck
Before 20min he call me gay
Eee pederu = eee gay
He here call me "ustasa" thats means croatian killer in war
He call Nerko "balia" thats rude name for muslim people
And no english in main chat

I have more pics but i dont have time to sherach

He say me thats if he will get bann he will make new acc and senth his money 50m to other acc, so be careful with him.

he asks me if I really reported him for what he did to me
here he tells me that he doesn't believe that I turned out to be a bastard in the end, because I reported him and even from earlier I imitated his insults


First of all, this is so funny to me and after so much talking together, i can see what kind of face you are showing, namely the first post is only there to keep some drama and negativity towards me, as if i am Satan and i don't give peace to anyone, everyone can confirm that that i like to joke with other players.

As for the evidence below, which is no evidence, we did the same job together because we agreed to play together,i passed by you you were on fire i stopped to look and when you died i laughed because you looked funny then. Now we have finished the first discussion about hitting, which i did not do, and here the evidence is invalid and thrown into the water.

As for this about the gay, i can throw that in the water again because a few months ago you asked me if i would agree to a relationship with another man for one million, which can be checked in the logs in this server, and it is ours internal room between us Balkans who play on the server, and you also use it, only we didn't take pictures and try to report friends who play.

Ustasa, balija, cetnik that's nothing bad, it's just a name for a nation among us people who live in that area, as you can see, Nerko is from Bosnia, and he didn't mind what i told him, foreign players don't know that, but we from here all we know, it falls flat again.

It's not true about money, you told me when i got banned, to transfer money to you, because i will get banned, when Lussia reported me...

Moskri is clean, and he doesn't hurt anyone, every player can confirm right now, it seems that we are no longer friends and we won't be.. goodbye former friend

I wrote this with pleasure and no guilt

Moskri Pro Tower


Quote from: HugoBoss on February 28, 2024, 20:54
he asks me if I really reported him for what he did to me
here he tells me that he doesn't believe that I turned out to be a bastard in the end, because I reported him and even from earlier I imitated his insults

Here you buried yourself with evidence, if we weren't friends and played together, you wouldn't have such an attitude, that's why i asked you if you really reported me because i didn't do anything to you.
Again, try to invent some reasons for me to be sanctioned for nothing..

While we're at it, remember when you were warned for the cheat that you had to drive across the water to get from Wolford to Vice City as soon as possible and that across the water with a truck and a fuel trailer, and when you were warned you told me how you wanted to again to find that cheat but forgot where

Moskri Pro Tower

Moskri Pro Tower


Allow me to make a third post about this, because it is only now that the post has been accepted, and to end this nonsense and false report hopefully.

How is it so strange that a player behaves so nicely and honestly when he needs to report his current ex-friend, and when he is in the game and out of it, it is worth every administrator, below i will translate everything for you

[HugoBoss] : He first posted the picture when he reported as an alleged bug that he wasn't getting the tow mission bonus from his truck.

[Moskri] : - I tell him it's not a bug

[HugoBoss] : Take 4m

[Moskri] : - It is put that way, because they are quick missions and there is no point as a bonus

[HugoBoss] : Never mind, i will fuck them a little

[Moskri] : I don't know the password, i have to create a new account(For Forum)

[HugoBoss] : Aha/ok

Below is the picture, i really don't have time to write anymore and to explain how i am innocent and how i have nothing to do with this application, read carefully the text he writes in the report for me and this one from the picture, he is a very fair and honest player who respects others..

Moskri Pro Tower


Moskri every criminal will never say that he is a criminal if it can be heard? Say I'm wrong?

Dear ex friend, I like to joke and I accepted your jokes until you crossed the border, I lost a tow truck because of you, but of course you will say that you were just passing through. Too bad I didn't have my camera on to show here how you came back the other way and slammed into me at full speed.

and the second thing is your insult by calling me a Croatian killer (ustasa, alija), fag and long names. I was silent and suffered, but yesterday you crossed the line whether you wanted to admit it or not.

ex-friend, why are you talking nonsense about me using some kind of cheat programs? Don't you remember that you just told me that you would get it and send me the link if I wanted it too?
Don't you remember that you offered me cheat mod locator gps for presents during Christmas? And i am reject.
Don't you remember that you accused Toppertje of using that same mod, and that it gets on your nerves because Toppertje take all the gifts before you? :happycmas:


Quote from: HugoBoss on February 29, 2024, 20:48
Moskri every criminal will never say that he is a criminal if it can be heard? Say I'm wrong?

Dear ex friend, I like to joke and I accepted your jokes until you crossed the border, I lost a tow truck because of you, but of course you will say that you were just passing through. Too bad I didn't have my camera on to show here how you came back the other way and slammed into me at full speed.

and the second thing is your insult by calling me a Croatian killer (ustasa, alija), fag and long names. I was silent and suffered, but yesterday you crossed the line whether you wanted to admit it or not.

ex-friend, why are you talking nonsense about me using some kind of cheat programs? Don't you remember that you just told me that you would get it and send me the link if I wanted it too?
Don't you remember that you offered me cheat mod locator gps for presents during Christmas? And i am reject.
Don't you remember that you accused Toppertje of using that same mod, and that it gets on your nerves because Toppertje take all the gifts before you? :happycmas:

Omg i need to reply again,

The name Alija means this

Ustasa is the name of the movement in Croatia where you live, anyone can look it up
That's the end, everyone can check that, if it is a derogatory name or something similar, why am i asking the question again? The player Nerko was never in a conversation with me if i insulted him, but he thanked me for the welcome i gave him.

That should be confirmed by the admin who warned you to delete it, and there is no need to lie that i wanted to use it, as well as this regarding the gift, you yourself asked to find it...

You still don't have proof for all that, while the admin who gave you a warning can present proof, that's enough..

This is a picture from a while ago, where he expects to get my attention and for me to get angry and give him some proof that he can present here, but there's no need, because i'm not the guy he thinks i am.

Moskri Pro Tower

here are the proofs that Moskri used cheats hack programs, he tells me about gps locator for find presents
And here too he use mod for airbreak or semthing


Quote from: HugoBoss on March 01, 2024, 10:08
here are the proofs that Moskri used cheats hack programs, he tells me about gps locator for find presents
And here too he use mod for airbreak or semthing

This is a fake report again, admins can translate my chat where i was talking about a player using it and how it is used ie how it works, because again there is no evidence for me

I said: he has object finder, trust me
He said what is that
And explained what it is

The first thing is solved, let's move on to the second

It's not called airbreak, it's a mode used to record movie scenes, which you can see on my YouTube clips and for the pictures i took before the new year..

Like that:
and this:
This was used for that



It is not clear to me why you are trying to lie and deceive someone by doing so, because the moderator will certainly translate that text and establish that you actually made a false report and are defaming my name just to get a bigger ego and to be punished for nothing..

All clearer now?

Moskri Pro Tower



Quote from: HugoBoss on March 02, 2024, 09:48

Why is allowed Moskri to AFK all day evry day ?
Make a new post related to that violation, why is this funny  :D  :D  :D

Where does it say that i am afk? And it is not necessary to report because the administrator in the game can automatically kick me out of the server because of that  ;D

When you have nothing to report me for and you are trying to get me kicked out of the server without any reason, here is my proof that is not against you, just to show.

Why are you standing on the road for 2, 3 minutes, that is not allowed  ;D

But enjoy, i understand everything, anger and nervousness because you have no evidence and facts, any kind of application from this post is invalid for me  O0

Moskri Pro Tower


today 02.03.2024 Moskri is ramming me again. I tried to avoid it by turning left because he was driving on my side, but he grabbed me anyway and pushed me to the other side. Please help, so that I can play smoothly on the server.


Quote from: HugoBoss on March 02, 2024, 11:15

today 02.03.2024 Moskri is ramming me again. I tried to avoid it by turning left because he was driving on my side, but he grabbed me anyway and pushed me to the other side. Please help, so that I can play smoothly on the server.

Oh my god, why are you lying like that, why did you shorten the video, look when you recorded it and when you are just uploading it, does it take so long to shorten the video??

Are you saying you turned left? It's not true, i was going in my lane and you turned left and hit me, as you can see

Explain why you pulled the car towards me and not towards the location where you need to complete the mission??

To record two seconds of you crossing into my lane and hitting me, then how did you end up in the corner if you were going in your lane? Stop lying and slandering my name!
-Instead of reporting me for valid things, you dig yourself in with your evidence against yourself!
one big lie and attempt to deceive as for the previous reports against me, send the whole video, it is invalid

Moskri Pro Tower


Dear Moskri, thanks for the pictures!
In your pictures, it is clear that you are on the side facing the opposite direction, i.e. on my side of the line, and that you intended to hit me. I don't know why you don't stop these things?
Why don't you want to respect the rules of this server?
Why do you hate other people?
We were friends, but you changed and crossed the line of friendship, thinking that I would tolerate the purpose of your jokes and rudeness?

I start record in last second, because idk u want ramm me...
Here he agin camping and AfK on road 2 hours and block road


Quote from: HugoBoss on March 02, 2024, 12:30Dear Moskri, thanks for the pictures!
In your pictures, it is clear that you are on the side facing the opposite direction, i.e. on my side of the line, and that you intended to hit me. I don't know why you don't stop these things?
Why don't you want to respect the rules of this server?
Why do you hate other people?
We were friends, but you changed and crossed the line of friendship, thinking that I would tolerate the purpose of your jokes and rudeness?

I start record in last second, because idk u want ramm me...
Here he agin camping and AfK on road 2 hours and block road

- How did you manage to turn on the recording in just 2 seconds, where is the full clip? Didn't you mean to hit me in my direction? Isn't the location for the mission in the other direction, not in that one, you didn't answer that?

lol 2 hours, i was stopped on the sand by the side of the road, it's just a bug, you see that the truck moves by itself..

It is not possible to start the video in one second, be a man and admit it, your application will certainly not be recognized, because it is not valid, and secondly, you did not fill out the form, but you are following up on your fake application.. You are aware of that  ;D

Can you also explain this, when i was reported by Lussia, you thought i would get a ban and you immediately asked me to send you money so it wouldn't go to waste  :o  :D

- Translation from the text (Savo, my name)

And last,

Why are you parking this so i can't do my job, it's a pure provocation like last time, but it's not reporting you, it's just the bad things you do and lie so that i can be punished without any evidence!

Moskri Pro Tower


And an addition to the last post, you reported yourself for hitting and driving in the opposite direction  :D

Watch your video carefully from the first second and everything will be clear to you, the picture shows everything
If you came across my tape on purpose just to record and cut half a video clip, but you got it wrong!

You should be punished for this, because you falsify every application!

Who is where in this strip?  ;D

Moskri Pro Tower


1 Stop lying and telling false things

2 With lying and without evidence you will not get out of the ban this time

3 The admins gave you a lot of trouble, and you didn't respect those same admins who gave you a chance, because you did the same things again later

4 Understand that all these evidences and pictures of yours fall into the water, because it is easy to break in that you are lying

5 Realize that this is the end for you in Convoy Trucking

6 Please all the evidence is published, let the admins decide and make the right decision, stop constantly commenting with false statements


I saw him 5 min ago he is wotking tow in tierra robada, and he is block my tow with other cars...


How funny you are  :D  :D  :D

I just came from a business lunch, i was afk in the game and i see this report of yours, you say i blocked you and you put a truck in front of you ahhaahha

This is the funniest thing i've ever seen xD

Moskri Pro Tower


Quote from: HugoBoss on March 03, 2024, 10:4103.03.2024
I saw him 5 min ago he is wotking tow in tierra robada, and he is block my tow with other cars...

I would like this discussion to end as soon as possible, because it is fake and there is no evidence. If i was guilty, i would confess.

''Proof provided in the pictures may not be older than 14 days. If it is, it will be ignored/deleted due to the following reasons'' - First of all, the picture in which the person in question says i offended him, which turned out not to be offensive, is an old picture

- And there is no evidence for the ramming, because he did not take a picture or video of me hitting him, and he allegedly exploded, why didn't he take a picture earlier, because he himself caused the incident and used it to report me!

And this is where the discussion should end, because every subsequent application is his without proof, because it does not show the date and time of the picture on the server. (/timestamp)

I no longer have the time or energy to defend myself and my name because of a false report without any proof, this just irritated me. I wish everyone nice and pleasant playing with me.

Moskri Pro Tower


I see u want give him more chanse, because u not want lock this topic. Ok i will agree with that, give him chanse, he will be maybe now normal player.
Thank you


This guy has been reported, banned numerous times and never changes his behaviour. Continues to say things like 'Russians are doing good huhu' and is afk all day anyways (interest farm imo). Because let's be honest just going online to go afk, and do 5 tows of 2 minutes is not actively playing.

Also saying things like this:

This guy will never change, annoys almost everyone with his constant spam 'me pro' 'me pro' 'me pro'. Rammed people like you see in this topic, constant disrespect especially to women (Lussia). When is enough admins?


Please stop posting and mixing everything up, it should be good enough already as a prof for reporting someone. We surely need alot of time to investigate what and how this all happened, a reply will be given accordingly to the situation later.

19 Dec 2022
16 Dec 2019


''Let's make peace, and post that one, you admit that you rammed me that time, and I'll write that I forgive you for everything and that they close and ignore that report... I'm sorry that I reported you, but you annoyed me when you rammed me that time when I was doing tow..''

He's trying to confess, but i didn't do it, nor will i ever confess to a false report!

Moskri pro tower  O0

Moskri Pro Tower


Will this guy get his punishment soon or can ge terrorise the server more?


This whole report is just a big mess with not enough sufficient proof.
We cant see what really happened base on these pictures provided. Rest of the post are just nonsense with trying too hard to get some evidence.