Stupidest thing you have done on CT

Started by Spekter, May 23, 2011, 01:01


I never did anythink wrong is this server, and i constantly get warnings for no reason    unfair       :'<
Quote from: Sjomp on May 04, 2014, 18:54
It doesn't matter how much people are online it's about how much fun you have.


1-bougth a barracks coz i though it have more top speed than the flatbed (only reaches luckly the top speed of a linnerunner) so i sold it minutes later.
2- got distracted when reaching the WC docks in the ferry so the time to get off passed and i went back to LS (made 3 travels on ferry at once).
Argento is an argentinian word for argentinian, ask any argentinian


1- Buy a cheetah for a race and sell it after a few minutes  >:(


Bought a Sandking had it 15 mins and when insurance was running out In a rush I used phone to get more and sold by accident lost 400k in 15 mins I would have felt better giving it to a new guy than that lol


So many things to remember XD


For one - I keep buying vehicles and selling them the next day. This is an on going practice by me, i just cant help my self :(

The most stupidest thing. Hmmmm

I think it must have been when I bought a shamal. When I arrived at LV airport to park it I was trying to sell a different vehicle (facepalm) and I sold the shamal by accident. A loss of eighty grand. It may not be that much for people who own Dunes, Hotringd and sandkings etc.. but it was still depressing for me. Thats almost a whole days work for me :(

:why: :gwhy:


Mine was when i accidentaly sold my hotring i lost one mill and i bought another in two minutes xD


Here are mine xD:1. Sold my 4 slots.
2. Sold a house and 1 day later took mick 2m from me so i had -2m red....
3. 1 time i left the server and gave my rt to a rookie xD (really fail xD)

I think that's it xD


I have lot of stupid moments , but #1 is :
1.When i  argued with lindsey :| !


Spent more than 10m to a club + wasted a LOT of money for other things


Leaving CVT and uninstalling GTA:SA.


Quote from: Pimmeh on October 10, 2011, 02:30
Leaving CVT and uninstalling GTA:SA.

Re-Install Pimmeh.. Come baaaacccckkk :)


Today.... I was chasing a suspect, he was on a bmx bike i came around a cornor to fast hit a pole and rolled it... He pedaled away... BUT! i than got him :3


so far this

I completely lost track of my fuel gauge and tried to race to the gas station. So close yet so far...


got a petrol, sold the petrol , got one again, got a trailer, sold the trailer, sold my sabre, got the sabre, got a fraggio, sold the fraggio, got a freeway. im getting a really stupid pattern going on here and lost a lot of money! lol
and i think my most stupidest thing is fighting with the big chicken! and losing horribly 4 Times!


1. changed almost 10 houses :(
2. bought a monster and sold it half an hour later, bought a monster again next day and sold it one week later
3. getting banned for 30 days....advertising ( i went on TM and i said that cvt rullz and tm sux xD)
4. almost leaving cvt, inactivity...
5.bought 5 cars and sold them next day

if i remember anything else i'll update xD