Ideas how to celebrate 20th birthday that you will never forget

Started by StarFish, July 11, 2015, 17:23


Drink, drink, drink drink.... Aaaaand drink umm drink, vomiting, drink, drink, uhm... Ahm almost forgot DRINK!!  :D.
Now srs...  Bang someone(girls2x)
And the most important ever:
Joci :


Quote from: Wizzer on July 11, 2015, 20:42
Am I the only one who doesn't believe its gonna be 20th?  :suspicious:
Quote from: Hobo on July 11, 2015, 21:46
You're not the only one.
I neither believe but what can you do if it comes... ;)
And I'd appreciate if you guys post an idea.  O:-)

Quote from: sardarji on July 11, 2015, 21:05
smoke and drink with friends.
Quote from: Joci on July 11, 2015, 23:42
Drink, drink, drink drink
Hmm everyone wants me to get drunk  :o

Quote from: Joci on July 11, 2015, 23:42
Joci :


1. after you wake up, take a shower
2. tell your family and friends that you plan to have a birthday celebration
3. middle of the afternoon tell everyone youre going skinny dipping and want to know who's coming with?


My 20th consisted of a camping trip with a bunch of buddies as we did this many times after always finding new spots. We gathered up as many people and vehicles as we could (alcohol, drugs and poor judgement as well) and headed out of town to find a great place to party. It took a bit of driving around the country side and back roads but we managed to find a place in the dead of no where and took a walk through a wooded area to find a great little camping spot. Started a fire, and no we didn't try to burn the forest down, as we were in the middle of it lol We also parked the vehicles out of sight so that people randomly going down the road didn't stop and try to break into them. If they do, don't leave valuables in them.

List of things we brought:

  • Small axe/hatchet to cut some wood.
  • A music player of some sort with enough battery power to last as long as you are there
  • Flashlights to find your way around and cause you know eventually you'll want to wander the forest drunk, I know we did lol
  • Toilet paper cause you don't want to wipe with a pine cone
  • Poison ivy cream
  • Mosquito repellent. Now a days though you can probably build something that works better
  • Blankets, towels
  • A couple tents in case it downpours
  • GPS wasn't really needed in our case as we knew where we were going most of the time
  • First aid kit and drinking water
  • Designated driver(s) if there's lots of booze
  • Common sense

Of course there's other things you will have already like your phones for emergencies and recording your party as well.


People like to say, "you don't need alcohol to have a good time." Well, some of us do ^.^

ravage every club, pub and bar


Ok my birthday is here, big thanks to all for the advices, I really appreciate them.
I think I know how will I celebrate it. :)
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