Stefan11. (abusing police powers)

Started by Claw, February 22, 2015, 11:47


Player reported:

Rule broken: abusing police powers
Date and time: few minutes ago


Yesterday AMG kicked that guy for the same reason.

picture 1:Baieti,ajutati-ma si pe mine cu asta-guys,help with with that
picture 2:mersi mihai,si mai e aia,daca ma injura un user,il raportez adminului sau il bag la inchisoare?-Thanks mihai,and this one,if someone insult me i will report or jail him?


Ohh..I fogot to write the real reason of report-Asking for police test answers,i didn't find that reason so i chose the nearest one.


Very little i can do here since its already happened, he has his police badge now.
Hes only hurting himself if he doesnt know the police rules lol :)
25/8/11 - 4/10/15: 1502 days of continuous staff duty C:-)