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Mello (scamming)

Started by Cobra, January 10, 2015, 11:27


Player reported:

Rule broken: scamming
Date and time: 10.01.2015

RO : l-am ajutat cu bani si acum nu ii mai pot lua inapoi de la el  l-am lasat 1 an de zile sa poata face bani sa mii inapoieze si nici acum nu imi inapoiaza aceea suma de  13.400 kk ... multumesc

EN:  I helped with money and now she can not get it back from him I left for 1 year can make money to thousands backward and not now why I returned the sum of 13,400 kk ... thanks



Translate: "I helped him with money and now I can't get them back from him.I have been letting him to give my money back for a year and even now he didn't gave me the 13,400,000$ he owe me. Thank you! "

@Alexpoiana88:Nu ai facut bine ca ai asteptat un an sa faci acest report.Daca iti vei primi banii inapoi considerate norocos.
@Alexpoiana88:You didn't made the right choice to wait one year to do this report.If you will receive your money back consider yourself lucky.

Not being sarcastic to someone is hard.
Like holding in a fart that would be nasty and funny at the same time.


Why would you take this long? Server logs dont go back that far so i can not confirm this.
Unless you can provide proof of a loan, then there is nothing i can do. You can ask Mello for your money back.

De ce ti-a luat atat de mult? Log-urile serverului nu merg asa departe ,deci nu pot sa confirm acesta afacere.Numai daca nu poti dovedi imprumutul,altfel nu e nimic ce as putea face.Poti doar sa il rogi pe Mello sa-ti returneze banii
25/8/11 - 4/10/15: 1502 days of continuous staff duty C:-)