Lucas_Cofre (cheats)

Started by Guest, October 22, 2014, 22:39


Player reported:

Rule broken: cheats
Date and time: 20 Oct 2014 - 19:51:41

I'm away for study, but I am always watching my account for the site today and saw that I accessed was only $ 1,320,000 in the bank. And I found it odd Transfers in and saw this picture:

This player lived near my home and my mother said that he had come here at home on Monday, but as I was studying for did not come, and my Dekstop there is a folder with the name Password Convoy he should have entered this folder and caught the password and played.

I hope to help! Thank you!


On 22/10 I reported the player Lucas_Cofre by cheats, but there was a mistake, he had talked with me to buy my $ but my brother who entered the account and sent the money, when my brother got home I informed him about it, he said he paid for me to go and was on the bench that was there, and when I was in the bank the money was there.

Sorry for mistake that I made, Denounces Canceled!


so your brother got on yours or lucas' account and transferred the money to you?


The account is my brother, as he did not have a bank account he went to my deposit, but I played on the account. As he had not told me anything when I entered the site and saw that little money, and thought it strange report came. When my brother came home from school, he explained.

You can close the topic, it was my mistake.