who has photoshop/image editing experience?

Started by Ethan, September 12, 2014, 17:45


Im wondering who here has photoshop or other image editing experience because I want to update my signature and I like Sardarji's one and it was made by Falco but he hasnt been on the forum for a couple weeks..

Sardarji's signature:

it just reminds me of the DVD cover Vinny and I made.  I just want to know who can make me one from pictures I'll provide you similar to the layout of his?

DVD cover art


just tell me what you exactly want and how big it has to be


I can ask Falco like, right now, on this exact moment to make one.

Only thing you have to do is supply screenshots to be included.

Edit: Actually just spoke with him, if I forward him the pics he will make one for you.  :)


well I would like Falco or whomever else wants to help me.. I figure I would ask anyone else because he hasnt been on forum since end of July

plus I would need to take pictures


Quote from: Ethan on September 12, 2014, 19:49
well I would like Falco or whomever else wants to help me.. I figure I would ask anyone else because he hasnt been on forum since end of July

plus I would need to take pictures
Well, I speak to him everyday, he isn't into SA:MP anymore (neither am I, not sure if anyone noticed..) and is playing different games, but if you send the pics in a PM on the forum I'll forward them to Falco and send you the end result. (doesn't take any longer than a day I'm sure)
