Iasas (intentional ramming / blocking)

Started by Munchies, May 08, 2014, 18:02


Player reported:
Rule broken: intentional ramming / blocking
Date and time: 5:30pm GMT 8th May 2014


I had just spawned at my house and went to the shop down the end of my road to buy a bmx, I overtook these two who then smashed into me at the shop, I pressed record on fraps as soon as they did that and this is what happened after.

Iasas and Raducu
Quote from: Matheus on December 13, 2012, 11:39
[whoareyou] Welcome back [/whoareyou]


Both players warned for blocking / cutting off.
You also should not have followed them to annoy them further, since you drove in front of them repeatedly, then stopped in their un/load point.
25/8/11 - 4/10/15: 1502 days of continuous staff duty C:-)