Cinkovsky (insulting)

Started by NikoX, December 26, 2013, 22:19


Player reported:
Rule broken: insulting
Date and time: Today, 23:07 GMT+1


noob admin doesn't know shit about freedom of speach
NikoX: u doesn't know shit about freadom of speach
Cinkovsky: i know one thing
Cinkovsky: ur mom is good at sucking my dig bick
NikoX: u can say what u think, but u can't insult anyone or disrespect him

Daniel.: iooo =())
PrW_JK: hahahah

He has been muted on chat, but for me that is not enough. I'm not going to let some noob insulting my parents.


Warning issued to Cinkovsky: disrespect / harassment
It doesnt say 'big dick' but im not stupid, i know what it says, (before anyone whinges).
25/8/11 - 4/10/15: 1502 days of continuous staff duty C:-)