Problem with snowmod/mods and so on

Started by Salam, December 21, 2013, 10:45


Hi,few days ago i want to install the snowmod,i've tried 3 different snowmods with 3 different programs,but it doesn't work.That happens when i want to install cars/trailers mods too.
2 days ago Benny helped me with snowmod,it worked when i entered in game,but,when i restarted the computer and entered again in game,all of my mods/snowmods had dissapeard.
I have same GTA:SA with some friends,but they could install snowmods and mods.
I'm really confused because mods and snowmod are installed on my gta3.img but they aren't appeard when i enter in game.
If can someone could help me with an advice,maybe you had same problem.
Thanks :)


I will make a video tutorial in 10 mins for those who have problems with this :)



Here it is, i also modified Matias tutorial and added my video one too :)


25/8/11 - 4/10/15: 1502 days of continuous staff duty C:-)


I did the same like in your video but it doesn't work...
@TS,can we speak on xfire,please ?


Quote from: Salam on December 21, 2013, 13:00
I did the same like in your video but it doesn't work...
@TS,can we speak on xfire,please ?
Reinstall the game and do the same thing that i did.