Convoy Trucking, the future, you.

Started by Lindsey, October 26, 2013, 03:45


Quote from: Dobby. on December 19, 2013, 00:21
Quote from: Sjomp on December 19, 2013, 00:15
Will there be anything done with this topic? or doesn't it matter what is said here? :winkcmas:

Personally i think its dead. The topic creator has gone inactive. I unlocked it, its gone dead again. Just wait a while it'll be bumped no doubt
It's sort of dead. Nothing more will be said after what we all said already. We'd just be repeating ourselves.
We just need some kind of "answers" now.


Quote from: Sjomp on December 19, 2013, 00:15
Will there be anything done with this topic? or doesn't it matter what is said here?

Everything that was said based on proof or constructive arguments, we will do something with, so yes.
But we cannot do anything with stuff that is not up to us or within our powers to do so. For an example, the server host/lag, we cannot fix this.

Or the staff team, we cannot get a fully working staff team within 1 day of promoting new members. It takes time to promote and train them, and explain what is wrong or good which hopefully they will take on as advice and get better and better.

We can and we should update the rules, but who am i, or who is sandman to say what is an ok rule or not. It takes time to get to a very good set of rules. Perhaps, the future could be, that the community steps up and works out the old rules and new ones and pitch them to other community members and staff from there we can push trough the rules that seem needed and delete or edit rules that are old fashioned.

We could make our guidelines and punishments thing publicly, but that would also mean automatically that there will be more loopholes and confused situations than we really need. In the end, staff can and should keep each other sharp, and where mistakes are made, we have experienced admins that know what is the right thing to do. And we can always go back to the guidelines which every old and current admin agreed on, and has every right to discuss new things for more improvement.

I myself, like to upgrade the server with some maps. But i cannot add anything i like, the community has to like it too, as does the entire mapping team.

The scripter's team is working weekly on small and bigger updates. And something that applies to almost everything seen above, Just because something isn't visible in plain sight, doesn't mean its not there.

We have 5 mayor private discussion areas, and 1 big public suggestion area. So as long there is a discussion going on, and suggestions will be made, there is definitely something that does matter, and that there will something be done with your ( i repeat) constructive feedback.
This does not apply to just one topic if you have read my story :) All small parts, make a bigger thing:)



Quote from: TheSandman on November 26, 2012, 13:53
There you go, cop didnt have a car and one was spawned for him.
Admins are helpers, not monsters.
Quote from: Calvingreen17. on January 15, 2013, 20:53
And i just want to take this moment that i have to thank you SO much for giving me the chance to be a moderator. I really enjoyed it, and although I made bad decisions (like playing MW3 too much haha xD), I really really did enjoy helping players like never before. You were my role model, you were the best admin I had seen in years, and there will never be another one like you.

It will take another to replace me, but I dont think CT can recover if they lose you bro, I wish you the best.

(Pretty sure you hear stuff like this every day XD You're like Chuck norris)
Quote from: mick88 on February 12, 2013, 23:28
It's unfair that admins can teleport to buy house, and reset their own camping score, but we have to trust that they won't abuse it. We have to trust them anyway, because the server is in their hands. Without admins server is nothing.


Quote from: Konali on December 19, 2013, 00:46
Quote from: Sjomp on December 19, 2013, 00:15
Will there be anything done with this topic? or doesn't it matter what is said here?
We have 5 mayor private discussion areas, and 1 big public suggestion area. So as long there is a discussion going on, and suggestions will be made, there is definitely something that does matter, and that there will something be done with your ( i repeat) constructive feedback.
This does not apply to just one topic if you have read my story :) All small parts, make a bigger thing:)


Does this include car trading?  :D
And.. I explained many times how you can solve this ''scam/abuse'' problem so.  :)


Quote from: TheGame on December 04, 2013, 14:41
Step 1. Get a non-laggy host
Step 2. Demote inactive staff members, promote active players

Step 1: It's the most important thing in CVT but it looks like it's impossible since Mick does not change this crappy host

Step 2: Sure good idea,but Mick should demote the abusive staff members too who dont understand the jokes and cant have fun with other players.If some staff members have personal problems then they should not come to CVT at all because they punish people wrongly a lot of times just because they have bad mood or this means hapiness for them

If at least the 1st step happened then CVT would have 100/100 players again.But currently CVT is messed up and dying.I think it has something to do with the host changing


Quote from: FatalFrame on December 20, 2013, 17:14
Quote from: TheGame on December 04, 2013, 14:41
Step 1. Get a non-laggy host
Step 2. Demote inactive staff members, promote active players

Step 1: It's the most important thing in CVT but it looks like it's impossible since Mick does not change this crappy host

Step 2: Sure good idea,but Mick should demote the abusive staff members too who dont understand the jokes and cant have fun with other players.If some staff members have personal problems then they should not come to CVT at all because they punish people wrongly a lot of times just because they have bad mood or this means hapiness for them

If at least the 1st step happened then CVT would have 100/100 players again.But currently CVT is messed up and dying.I think it has something to do with the host changing
I don't think you have the right idea here. Yes the host is an issue, but we can't do anything about it, that has been said many many times. And you say staff make bad decisions, there is a place to report that if you didn't know, of you think there is abusing then report it, even if it's locked other admins/mods do still see it and can change the outcome if they see fit. So as many others have said, don't accuse without proof, accusations will do nothing for you.

And you aren't in any position to talk because you haven't been online for 128 days, so please get some proof first.
"The more you fail, the more you know.
When you lose you then try to gain.
The best lessons are learnt through pain"
Quote from: HoboHobo [30 Jan 20:40]:   "Since I don't do that whole guy thing" .... Ok guys, pack up the lemonade stand, she's not interested.
[hide=Alyssa White-Glutz hottest woman in metal]http://[/hide]
[hide=Lzzy Hale][/hide]
[hide=Renee Phoenix][/hide]
[hide=Good one Stteve]
Quote from: SpazzbucketI suddenly feel very smart
Quote from: StteveYou're extremely smart all the time, it just explodes sometimes
Quote from: StteveSo we're volcanoes
[/hide][hide=Other true/clever quotes]
Quote from: Sjomp on May 04, 2014, 18:54
It doesn't matter how much people are online it's about how much fun you have.
Quote from: braneNext time don't use any porn site to upload pictures. Imgur or Imageshack would be fine. Its not nice to see cocks around while checking the image you came for.
Quote from: TheSandmanBan looks fair. its pathetic when people attack females just because they play an online game, wow.
Quote from: TheSandmanRap is like scissors, it always loses to rock
Quote from: HoboProvoking doesn't brake rules, but it does break them.

Remember to brake for moose so you don't break your car.
[hide=Konali's motto]
Quote from: Konali on January 12, 2014, 16:41I only had one rule in my head that i used in every situation: its a game, lets keep it that way.


Quote from: SpazzBucket. on December 20, 2013, 18:05
I don't think you have the right idea here. Yes the host is an issue, but we can't do anything about it, that has been said many many times. And you say staff make bad decisions, there is a place to report that if you didn't know, of you think there is abusing then report it, even if it's locked other admins/mods do still see it and can change the outcome if they see fit. So as many others have said, don't accuse without proof, accusations will do nothing for you.

And you aren't in any position to talk because you haven't been online for 128 days, so please get some proof first.

Nobody said that you must do anything about it hence why i said Mick should change the host.Big problems must be repeated over and over again because if nothing changes then CVT will die soon

Stop acting like im a retard.I know we can report staff members but in this case nothing happens because admins always find out bullshit excuses.Shortly staff members can do anything against regular players,they only get demoted if they cheat.Most of the staff members have their own dictator rules which they find/found out just to punish players even though they dont break the server rules

Well yes i have not been online for 128 days so what?I used to play a lot of times here with my different account,so i know what happened in the server,but we also can see unfair and pathetic things in the forum too

Im happy that not im the only one who see this but other players and some ex staff members too

But the fact is nobody likes to hear the truth


There you go again, accusing of bullshit excuses without the proof, see what I mean? Now lets not get into a big flamewar over this as this is not what this or any thread is used for or created for
"The more you fail, the more you know.
When you lose you then try to gain.
The best lessons are learnt through pain"
Quote from: HoboHobo [30 Jan 20:40]:   "Since I don't do that whole guy thing" .... Ok guys, pack up the lemonade stand, she's not interested.
[hide=Alyssa White-Glutz hottest woman in metal]http://[/hide]
[hide=Lzzy Hale][/hide]
[hide=Renee Phoenix][/hide]
[hide=Good one Stteve]
Quote from: SpazzbucketI suddenly feel very smart
Quote from: StteveYou're extremely smart all the time, it just explodes sometimes
Quote from: StteveSo we're volcanoes
[/hide][hide=Other true/clever quotes]
Quote from: Sjomp on May 04, 2014, 18:54
It doesn't matter how much people are online it's about how much fun you have.
Quote from: braneNext time don't use any porn site to upload pictures. Imgur or Imageshack would be fine. Its not nice to see cocks around while checking the image you came for.
Quote from: TheSandmanBan looks fair. its pathetic when people attack females just because they play an online game, wow.
Quote from: TheSandmanRap is like scissors, it always loses to rock
Quote from: HoboProvoking doesn't brake rules, but it does break them.

Remember to brake for moose so you don't break your car.
[hide=Konali's motto]
Quote from: Konali on January 12, 2014, 16:41I only had one rule in my head that i used in every situation: its a game, lets keep it that way.


Quote from: FatalFrame on December 20, 2013, 18:40
But the fact is nobody likes to hear the truth
Wise words, my friend.


Quote from: SpazzBucket. on December 20, 2013, 19:36
There you go again, accusing of bullshit excuses without the proof, see what I mean? Now lets not get into a big flamewar over this as this is not what this or any thread is used for or created for

Every player with a clean mind see bunch of proofs not only ingame but in forum too.If someone does not notice those proofs then he is blind or just simply an asskisser who does not want to admit the truth because then he will be hated by most of the players and screwed by the staff team

I dont want any flamewars.You know who cause flamewars?The trolls who should be banned from this server forever however they are allowed to play by the admins for some reasons...


Quote from: FatalFrame on December 20, 2013, 18:40
Nobody said that you must do anything about it hence why i said Mick should change the host.Big problems must be repeated over and over again because if nothing changes then CVT will die soon
CVT? Its "CT"
Stop acting like im a retard.I know we can report staff members but in this case nothing happens because admins always find out bullshit excuses.Shortly staff members can do anything against regular players,they only get demoted if they cheat.Most of the staff members have their own dictator rules which they find/found out just to punish players even though they dont break the server rules

So get good decent proof and it'll be looked at. No we follow guidelines

Well yes i have not been online for 128 days so what?I used to play a lot of times here with my different account,so i know what happened in the server,but we also can see unfair and pathetic things in the forum too
So report the rule breakers
Im happy that not im the only one who see this but other players and some ex staff members too
Everyone else is fine but the trolls
But the fact is nobody likes to hear the truth
I fail to see whats truthful about it. Its just you calling us all dictators. We enforce the rules by getting rid of rule breakers. REGARDLESS of staff position.

My responses are in bold.
Quote from: mick88 on May 24, 2015, 21:39


Quote from: Dobby. on December 20, 2013, 21:22
Quote from: FatalFrame on December 20, 2013, 18:40
Nobody said that you must do anything about it hence why i said Mick should change the host.Big problems must be repeated over and over again because if nothing changes then CVT will die soon
CVT? Its "CT"

But the fact is nobody likes to hear the truth
I fail to see whats truthful about it. Its just you calling us all dictators. We enforce the rules by getting rid of rule breakers. REGARDLESS of staff position.

My responses are in bold.

Dobby, he comes from an era of CT when we used to call it CVT...way back in the day. He's an old player like me. I still call it CVT usually too. It's an old habit i suppose.

About abusive staff: it does seem like during the past year or so, the staff has become more "free" with their commands. I have caught staff members teleporting around, spawning vehicles, etc. just for fun. Of course there is no way to get proof of this just because POOF...they are there. There is simply no time to hit record. I remember back in the day when staff members only used their commands for their DUTY. When I was a moderator, I was told commands were only to be used for helping people or doing moderator duties. Looking back, I am kind of pleased with my performance...I never used commands for fun that I can remember (unless it involved having fun with hackers haha...Joshy and I would have fun with them). I am not trying to accuse any single staff member, I am only trying to point out that a rule like this should be firmly instated: use commands only for moderator duties, otherwise you will be demoted. It kind of pisses me off when a moderator just teleports to me for no reason, jumps out of my car, then spawns an admin vehicle and drives off. When they teleport to you, it sometimes stops your car, causing problems.


Quote from: Rubber on December 20, 2013, 22:20
Quote from: Dobby. on December 20, 2013, 21:22
Quote from: FatalFrame on December 20, 2013, 18:40
Nobody said that you must do anything about it hence why i said Mick should change the host.Big problems must be repeated over and over again because if nothing changes then CVT will die soon
CVT? Its "CT"

But the fact is nobody likes to hear the truth
I fail to see whats truthful about it. Its just you calling us all dictators. We enforce the rules by getting rid of rule breakers. REGARDLESS of staff position.

My responses are in bold.

Dobby, he comes from an era of CT when we used to call it CVT...way back in the day. He's an old player like me. I still call it CVT usually too. It's an old habit i suppose.

About abusive staff: it does seem like during the past year or so, the staff has become more "free" with their commands. I have caught staff members teleporting around, spawning vehicles, etc. just for fun. Of course there is no way to get proof of this just because POOF...they are there. There is simply no time to hit record. I remember back in the day when staff members only used their commands for their DUTY. When I was a moderator, I was told commands were only to be used for helping people or doing moderator duties. Looking back, I am kind of pleased with my performance...I never used commands for fun that I can remember (unless it involved having fun with hackers haha...Joshy and I would have fun with them). I am not trying to accuse any single staff member, I am only trying to point out that a rule like this should be firmly instated: use commands only for moderator duties, otherwise you will be demoted. It kind of pisses me off when a moderator just teleports to me for no reason, jumps out of my car, then spawns an admin vehicle and drives off. When they teleport to you, it sometimes stops your car, causing problems.

Rubber, there is a reason dobi gets all defensive like that when it comes to talking about moderators


It was never CVT , idk where that came from, $nake perhaps :)

@ fatalframe
Yes you can report staff, and if you raport is valid something can/will be done.

Kenworth was temp demoted not for cheats
RaceRX96 was warned not for cheats
Lindsey was warned also not for cheats
more recently,
Brane was temp demoted for bad staff behaviour
Dobby was verbally warned after wrongfully placed comments.

So please dont gimme the bullshit nothing will be done. Its the way you want to see it, it is far from that.

Also, i think staff has had enough attention in this topic, and i dont see any constructive posts anymore. So hereby the staff subject was discussed properly and long enough. Staff is here voluntary and they do not deserve all these accusations based on wrong intel or without proof.
you can still discuss other subjects in this topic, but the staff team had the chance to reply here, and so did the community to.

Now i dont think, people that say the host cannot be changed know what is going on.
Yes mick is very busy with other things, but once the current host runs out of funds, or gets closed down and mick has some free time. Who knows. But it is important to know that it would make no sense to throw alot of funds away right now.

As stated above, if you have good suggestions, suggest them. I still agree with lindsey that to many suggestions still get locked based on a simple statement in thedo nto suggest list. Sometimes the topic gets locked after 20 minutes. Even if the suggested thing is on the list, discussions will lead to new ideas. so please for the love of god. Stop locking everything so fast. For an example, i was really interested in the harry park goldway thinghy, i even tried some mapping options and when i wanted to post my results, it was locked. so yea you cant suggest mappings, but if its found usefulle and needed, dont lock it based on some stupid sentence in the do not post list.

As you might have noticed it annoys me :D hahaha. I could offcourse re open it, but untill i have my project in beta phase ready i dont know what could be added, but none the less it  is a very usefull and good suggestion and wouldnt have been locked in the first place.


Quote from: TheSandman on November 26, 2012, 13:53
There you go, cop didnt have a car and one was spawned for him.
Admins are helpers, not monsters.
Quote from: Calvingreen17. on January 15, 2013, 20:53
And i just want to take this moment that i have to thank you SO much for giving me the chance to be a moderator. I really enjoyed it, and although I made bad decisions (like playing MW3 too much haha xD), I really really did enjoy helping players like never before. You were my role model, you were the best admin I had seen in years, and there will never be another one like you.

It will take another to replace me, but I dont think CT can recover if they lose you bro, I wish you the best.

(Pretty sure you hear stuff like this every day XD You're like Chuck norris)
Quote from: mick88 on February 12, 2013, 23:28
It's unfair that admins can teleport to buy house, and reset their own camping score, but we have to trust that they won't abuse it. We have to trust them anyway, because the server is in their hands. Without admins server is nothing.


Is it only me of the staff team that sees we aren't doing a good job?

All we do is attacking people with the rules we have, but shouldn't we just protect them with the rules?
I mean don't create problems where they aren't. (it's still a game and games are meant to have fun and I don't take it too serious)

And well for the normal players it looks like we are abusing, so there is something wrong.
And about everybody that talks about hidden rules I think they mean things like:
if you advertise a club in mainchat it's warn directly.
if you advertise another server in mainchat it's ban.
(well it's not this part I know but this is just an example of the few things.)

And what I want to say to the players:
Sometimes it looks like we are abusing yeah, but believe me every staff member follows the guidelines that we have.

I am one of the mods that use his commands to have fun sometimes, but I almost never do it near other players.
And when I do it near other player then they are with me and having fun too :P (It's most times something like just racing arround somewhere in an other interior. And I always check if they have fines before I tp them to another place.)
But what you said about tping to you and then jump out of your truck and go away with admin vehicle, that should never happen.

@konali sorry I was already typing this message while you posted and I still want to post it :P (else I typed like 10 minutes for nothing)


Quote from: Sjomp on December 21, 2013, 00:26
Is it only me of the staff team that sees we aren't doing a good job?

All we do is attacking people with the rules we have, but shouldn't we just protect them with the rules?
I mean don't create problems where they aren't. (it's still a game and games are meant to have fun and I don't take it too serious)

And well for the normal players it looks like we are abusing, so there is something wrong.
And about everybody that talks about hidden rules I think they mean things like:
if you advertise a club in mainchat it's warn directly.
if you advertise another server in mainchat it's ban.
(well it's not this part I know but this is just an example of the few things.)

And what I want to say to the players:
Sometimes it looks like we are abusing yeah, but believe me every staff member follows the guidelines that we have.

I am one of the mods that use his commands to have fun sometimes, but I almost never do it near other players.
And when I do it near other player then they are with me and having fun too :P (It's most times something like just racing arround somewhere in an other interior. And I always check if they have fines before I tp them to another place.)
But what you said about tping to you and then jump out of your truck and go away with admin vehicle, that should never happen.

@konali sorry I was already typing this message while you posted and I still want to post it :P (else I typed like 10 minutes for nothing)
This is why, even though I never spoke to you or got to know you, I know you're one of the best (if not, THE best) mod at the moment.