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Started by Rockey, March 30, 2013, 23:39


I want to get timecyc but i have found many variations and dont know what one is best, or i should use.

Can someone show me one they recommend?
I want to increase draw distance and already use enhancer so dont need to increase details, i know some timecyc mods change the details in the sky and weather which could be good.

Also if you wouldnt mind explaining how to install it? i am a super mod noob on gta and have no idea what goes where


timecyc.dat just goes into %SA Install%\data\
25/8/11 - 4/10/15: 1502 days of continuous staff duty C:-)


[hide=sky mod]skymod[/hide]

try this one.. should be self explanatory . you might need the GTA downgrade patch thing on the one that comes with... remember TO MAKE BACKUPS FIRST!!!
like copy your whole game folder and make it a backup if you have to