Freezing on Wet County and Milestone Island

Started by JohnDeere75126, February 28, 2013, 23:58


Everytime I go over into either Wet County or Milestone Island I freeze. Must the time I'm driving my Roadtrain (with no mods). The only mods I have is police car and fire truck skins.
Liberty City Trucking (Trucking at it's BEST)


Try removing the mods and going to the place again.
25/8/11 - 4/10/15: 1502 days of continuous staff duty C:-)


Thanks TheSandMan, I removed all my mods and I'm now able to go on Wet County and Milestone Island. It sucks that I cant have nice skins for my emergency vehicles, but I'm making the BIG BUCKS again.
Liberty City Trucking (Trucking at it's BEST)