My 2002 Frieghtliner Classic XL

Started by Lil_Shakey2111, January 31, 2013, 01:22


Lots of you been asking me what my truck looks like that i drive for a living and stuff. Enjoy!!
Check this link out.


Quote from: Sjomp on May 04, 2014, 18:54
It doesn't matter how much people are online it's about how much fun you have.



Nice truck man pure american power. Australian and American power is the only way to go :P

Also what is that muscle car you have parked in your garage ? (The white one with the blue stripe down the middle of the body) it's in photo 2.

Quote from: mick88 on January 17, 2012, 08:10
You got your money for arrest, and he's out so you can arrest him again. You mad?


Meh, It's alright, for a Freightliner, to bad your not good enough for a Pete.
Quote from: turtle.the.ripper on January 16, 2013, 16:25
I'd really LOVE to live in 'Merika .

I will for sure do the Romanian-American University after i finish my highschool and probabilly apply for a job there, but we gonna see what time decides .
Quote from: turtle.the.ripper on January 16, 2013, 21:34
i am 'merikan .


Shane that's my drag car. I got rid of it about 2 and a half weeks ago because i dont have the time for drag racing anymore. its a 70' Road Runner


use [img] [ /img] for single images and [imgur] [ /imgur] tags for albums. im not even gonna look at those pictures because its a different link. too much time.
playing since 2010, moderator for over a year demoted for being an ass to an asshole then banned for speed hack then returned for awhile then dipped out




Preciate it Impreza.

No one asked for you to look at it Noah.



Id prefer the Dodge that in the garage from the second


I loved my drag car. It costed me to much money and time i dont have anymore so i got rid of it.



Quote from: The_Hobo on August 08, 2012, 17:04
Oh, and nice Justin Beiber haircut.
God bless America


Google 1970's American rigs. There's a huge difference.


Quote from: Lil_Shakey2111 on February 04, 2013, 01:22
Google 1970's American rigs. There's a huge difference.

but it's still looks like it old as shit

Quote from: The_Hobo on August 08, 2012, 17:04
Oh, and nice Justin Beiber haircut.
God bless America


Quote from: Shane0 on January 31, 2013, 04:23
Nice truck man pure american power. Australian and American power is the only way to go :P

Australian.. Well no offense to you, but i don't think they are comparable. :-\

On topic: Awesome truck dude.


[hide=Photo I Took A Long Time Ago][/hide]