Favourite moment of 2012.

Started by TheSandman, January 02, 2013, 06:49


i know it may be off topic, but best moment of 2013 so far:


Weirdly, saying goodbye to everyone was lovely, hauling my last loads, driving around with friends.
Brilliant time. How is everyone? :)


Quote from: Rubber on January 10, 2013, 22:24
Favorite moment would probably be my record fine:

O.O Who fined your fines Rubber??
Me owned Vikingo. xD.


When I became The Best Fuel Hauler <3

In-Game Name: Marius.[/b]

  • Actually the best Fuel Hauler with 1560 hauls


My favourite moment was when i bought my 6 slot house and when i was banned on 30 days because that it was my first ban :D :fuckyeah:

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