New toll gates

Started by Cristinelu, August 22, 2012, 22:05


Hello guys!
I've joined the server like 20 minutes ago and I was amazed that the tollgates were changed.
At first, I thought that it is a good change, because from now on there will be the right toll opened everytime.
But then, I saw the empty place at LV Julius Thruway Intersection, and really, it looks like crap...
The SF tollgate change is pretty bad too, because if there is blocked a Rookie, we have to wait a big amount of time so he "unblocks"
I think we should make a poll, so we see who wants the old tolls back.
Who agrees, +1



Nu-i nevoie sa te fac varza ca esti varza... Treci la loc 2 !!!



I agree the new tolls work better but the one inbetween LV and LS needs a wall/fence to stop you cutting up the hill slightly and jumping it.. not that i did that  :gtroll:

Also like you said if a rookie blocks the tolls admins need to be fast to act upon it or it will just get so frustrating to get through tolls


And if someone comes with speed from ls and passes trough the intersection it may cause a big crash


Quote from: UnlimiteD on August 22, 2012, 22:25
And if someone comes with speed from ls and passes trough the intersection it may cause a big crash

We can have a speedtrap there, like 90kph... the LV cross free of tollbooth will result in several accidents.

The Wolf

Quote from: The_Hobo on September 13, 2012, 03:52
Why do some of you listen to explosive diarrhea?


toll gates can be avoided, WC one is easy, new LS ones (which repalced LV ones) can be avoided as well.. go through blueberry/montgomery...

I dont care for new updates but meh... I can still avoid them


Where are this new tolls, or did i misunderstood? maybe someone can point them out on the game map?


may not be an exact location so everything is approximate:



+1  Thing that someone can block tool easily and we can't go where we need we have to make turn or go straigt. U might say ask admin to restore, but admins newer online
<WhiteBear> whats wrong lindsey dont have balls to be arrested xD?
<Lindsey_[UK]> ahha
<Lindsey_[UK]> enjoy wasting more time trying to get me
Lindsey_[UK] jailed. You get $6000
<WhiteBear> whats wrong pumpkin got jailed? :D
Lindsey_[UK] left the server (exit)


Quote from: Ethan on August 23, 2012, 14:52
may not be an exact location so everything is approximate:

You forgot the toll on the road SF-Bayside.

Credits to our slave Sorin

Quote from: Konali
turtle, you as much an asslicker than everyone else, everytime you get reported, you message me on xfire or facebook

Quote from: Taylor Swift#DemotSurpm


+1 for criss's suggestion!