Road/radar/map texture

Started by Trucker_martin, August 05, 2012, 15:06


Road texture:


Map/radar texture


Hope you liked it.
many have asked for the radar texture, here you go


Can I just put the fronten2.txd in and have the HD radar show up in my minimap or do I have to replace all 130 something odd radar files?


Roads are nice, definiatley not over the you mind sharing the road mod?


1. Put fronten2.txd file in GTA San Andreas\models (copy and replace)
2. copy folder "radar" DO then > open Alci's IMG Editor 1.5 > open gta3 in it > open(replace if exist) > find the folder > rebuilt > DONE ^^


Look after the first Show under the road pictures > click on it and you got the link > download > copy folder "FILES" to you desktop > open Alci's IMG Editor 1.5 > open gta3 in it > open(replace if exist) > find the folder > rebuilt > DONE

It's not that hard xD


I wanna try that roadmod, downloaded a fresh GTA and the black and yellow one is not realistic.
thanks  :)


Quote from: Nerminzz on August 05, 2012, 19:13
I wanna try that roadmod, downloaded a fresh GTA and the black and yellow one is not realistic.
thanks  :)
np xD


I just wanted to know if I put the fronten in, will my minimap be the HD one.. Im not going to install the radar, not the road


I don't really know ^^
I just installed bought.
don't know what is what sorry :(


I have the road mod, but sometimes it loads slow while driving.

What can I do to make it load faster? Is it because my draw distance or do I need streamfix?


Quote from: Nerminzz on August 06, 2012, 20:15
I have the road mod, but sometimes it loads slow while driving.

What can I do to make it load faster? Is it because my draw distance or do I need streamfix?
No idea ^^

Maby ask a modder


Quote from: Ethan on August 05, 2012, 23:54
I just wanted to know if I put the fronten in, will my minimap be the HD one.. Im not going to install the radar, not the road

Your ingame map (when you press ESC) will be in HD not the radar.


Deff do you know the answer to my question?

Quote from: Nerminzz on August 06, 2012, 20:15
I have the road mod, but sometimes it loads slow while driving.

What can I do to make it load faster? Is it because my draw distance or do I need streamfix?


Nice mods.
I'll try that road mod.