Most single fine ever achieved

Started by Rubber, April 03, 2012, 10:20


See screenshot for proof. I still haven't been fined by police so that means I'm still going. But...I have run out of money so if anyone wants to donate, go ahead lol.

EDIT: I was finally caught. Total fine was $874,900 and was gained in a total of 24 hours (I had to sleep somewhere in there too). I think it's safe to say this is a server record. The next closest was 500k and was a hacker speedhacking anyway.


kcjabsfbaiufaf- *couldn't see the car you were driving cuz of the pic*

lol rubber. 635k now everyone will get you. :P
gz for that anyways :D

[hide=The Best Progressive Rock you can Hear]Feel The Crimson King

In the Court of the Crimson King - In the Wake of Poseidon - Lizard - Islands
Larks' Tongues in Aspic - Starless and Bible Black - Red - Discipline
Beat - Three of a Perfect Pair - THRAK - The ConstruKction of Light -The Power to Believe


I thought I am "the best" with 60k xD xD

Credits to our slave Sorin

Quote from: Konali
turtle, you as much an asslicker than everyone else, everytime you get reported, you message me on xfire or facebook

Quote from: Taylor Swift#DemotSurpm



LOL Rubber, ran out of money to boot, I was just going to ask if you had enough to pay that hefty fine XD.

* Xero waits for rubber to come online... lol



A.K.A NaftaTorque
Old ID=9149


hahahaha 600k !!! with that money i can buy a house !

btw i bet the one who manages 2 fine rubber will get a free ticket to banland xD


gee and i thought it was high when i caught him with just over $100,000 in fines a few months ago. Made for a good police chase.


ADI got it, of course by reclassing all the time and he was greedy and didn't share with the other cops that were trying too, ah well lol


Quote from: Xero on April 04, 2012, 03:40
ADI got it, of course by reclassing all the time and he was greedy and didn't share with the other cops that were trying too, ah well lol

Congratz. Probably one of the most epic events I witnessed on CVT for a very long time!
Cookies for funny quotes... (Below)


Picture has been updated with the final amount of the largest fine.


Was there no cops online for most of that chase


I evaded the cops for a while and finally got fined by a respawning cop. Oh well...I was trying to get to a mil


Quote from: Rubber on April 04, 2012, 06:09
I evaded the cops for a while and finally got fined by a respawning cop. Oh well...I was trying to get to a mil

SRSLY? u gave all those 800k !!! TO A FUCKIN ROOKYE !

tbh ... i would gave u a part back <3 and i would became ur best friend xD


I woulda gave it all back, and some more. So he could do it again.
playing since 2010, moderator for over a year demoted for being an ass to an asshole then banned for speed hack then returned for awhile then dipped out



give me 875k and ill do it again lol. I'm kinda broke again so it will be a while.


gotta love the cowboy hat in that pic in the back of the car lolol

:itroll: :so_much_win:


ADI always respawned as cop (several time WC-LS). Also he ram for fines ... Really bad cop.
Quote from: Spekter on December 13, 2016, 22:47
Quote from: Ethan on December 13, 2016, 22:31
why the fuck do you even bother breathing??
I bother breathing just so that i can tell you what a fucking moron you are, nothing more and nothing less.
